WATCH: President Herzog Defends Bibi, Debunks Myths of Gaza Occupation on Piers Morgan


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(VINnews) — Piers Morgan interviewed Israeli President Herzog to discuss the war in Gaza. Morgan questioned whether Israel would occupy Gaza after the war, essentially accusing PM Netanyahu of planning an occupation, and asking how an occupation would help maintain the peace when it would likely engender more distrust and hatred of Israel.

Herzog strongly denied that Israel was going to occupy Gaza. “I outright reject the notion that we intend to occupy Gaza. We have to find who will rule Gaza. This takes time. Nobody wants to go in ‘boots-on-the-ground’ and rule Gaza.”

Morgan asked for the president’s reaction to the disgraceful announcement that Ireland, Norway, and Spain would recognize a (nonexistent) state of Palestine.

Herzog called them “futile steps” that would not cause any progress, adding, “In order to reach any possible path for the future, there must be negotiations by the two sides.”

He also said that declarations made in foreign offices designed to appease internal political pressures would not help Palestinians or Israelis. Herzog criticized the International Criminal Court, saying “First and foremost that this announcement by the prosecutor has been carried out in bad faith.

“We agreed to have a dialogue and bring the prosecutor to Israel, and his chief of staff was supposed to land in Israel at 6 p.m., two days ago, and all of a sudden, he rescinded his visit, and the announcement came out. And it shocked all of us because we acted in good faith, and we are waiting to have a dialogue with any international body that is relevant and honest.”

President Herzog also said, “These are futile steps that won’t help any progress in the region and are adverse to the basic challenges, meaning adverse to the ability to release the hostages, they can be deemed as an award actually to Hamas and I’ve expressed these opinions to the leaders of these respective states. Because what one says is, because of a war that was brutally waged by Hamas, by raping, burning, chopping, abducting Israelis, all of a sudden the world rushes, a few nations in the world are rushing to declare a Palestinian state, when there are no boundaries, no nothing that you can make a Palestinian state. In order to reach any possible path for the future, there must be negotiations by the two sides. And I think that this step is actually adverse to the real purpose and trajectory of moving towards peace in our region.”

When asked about the decision of the UN Security Council to hold a minute’s silence for Iran’s president, Herzog said, “When I saw the Security Council standing for a moment of silence for the person who – he and his government are pushing the biggest war machine and terror machine in the world, with terror cells all over the world through their proxies – I was shocked. I said to myself, this is a perfect example of the failure of world order post World War II. We should not forget, that a million people were butchered in Syria and the world stood idly by, by an ally of Iran. And that was the beginning of a whole cascade of wars launched because of Iran. And we now must not forget, of course, Iran’s involvement in Ukraine and so many other places. Iran is the biggest threat to world stability and the world has to stand firm against Iran, and we’ve seen it recently with the missile attacks against Israel.”


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Occupy Gaza! It's only fair after October 7!
Occupy Gaza! It's only fair after October 7!
23 days ago

Why do we care so much to please the international community? When will you realize that they completely betrayed us?

24 days ago

Mr. Herzog is brilliant! He rips Morgan and all the fake news to shreds! But who’s listening?

23 days ago

He’s not doing a good job at all. Israel was attacked, they defended themselves in an unprovoked attacked and they are winning. All countries who won such wars took the land and did not let their enemies rule it. No one gives land to those who attack them, only Israel, and they constantly excuse themselves just for fighting to defend themselves and the Israelis themselves call taking over land they legally won as “occupying” which of course they have to show the Jew haters that they won’t do…

23 days ago

Interviews with people who are very critical of Israel are generally not a helpful platform for good hasbara.