WATCH: Charedi Trump Supporter Interviewed at Trump Rally


At President Trump’s massive Bronx rally, a Charedi MAGA supporter named ‘David’ was interviewed by RSBN, the Right Side Broadcasting Network.

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24 days ago

I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to be on camera. Though I love the way he spoke.

Now more than ever
Now more than ever
24 days ago

I wish I was there

24 days ago

Please Note those few chassidishe chillers in the background. Wachos. LOL!

24 days ago

I hope that those pushing so hard against the illegal immigrants remember that in the 1930’s, many Yidden trying to escape Germany were unable to do so because of The US quotas for immigration. America learned something from that, and while the dangerous criminal elements that are entering the US now are really unwelcome, there are many who are simply looking to give their families opportunity and a better quality of life!