4th Samarian War Widow Gives Birth: ‘A Great Light Of Victorious Life’


JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Yuval Shani, the widow of Captain (res.) Gavriel Shani, gave birth to his daughter, just four months after he fell in battle in Gaza.

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Shani, of blessed memory, was a squad commander in the 6646 patrol battalion of the Shualei Marom Formation (646). He fell in battle on January 30th in the southern Gaza Strip at the age of 28.

Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan announced the news on Facebook and wrote: “A great light of victorious life: a daughter was born to Yuval and Captain Gavriel Shani HyD. Yuval and Gavriel grew up in the village of Yakir in Samaria. They grew up together in Yakir, got married, and lived in the town of Eli. Four months after Gavriel fell, Yuval gave birth to a sweet daughter, a sister to Tzur and Raveh.”

Dagan added: “During these difficult times of darkness – a new and great light now shines. The light of the victory of life, a light that strengthens the entire Israeli nation. I congratulated Yuval and told her: ‘The entire nation of Israel embraces you – all of the residents of Samaria send you light and love.”

Dagan noted that four babies have been born in Samaria to soldiers from the region after they fell in the war: a daughter to Maj. Motti and Revital Shamir from Havot Yair, a daughter to SFC Elhanan and Hila Klein from Einav, a son to SSG Elisha Yehonatan and Aviya Lober from Yitzhar, and now a daughter to Cpt. Gavriel and Yuval Shani.


Revital Shamir with her newborn daughter at the grave of husband Motty HyD


Aviya Lober, widow of Yehonatan Hyd, with son Amatzya


Child of Elchanan Klein HyD clutches his dogtag


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