POLITICAL HOCK: Pelosi admits J6 was HER fault. Trump needs to put Democrats in jail.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, May 13, 2021. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

NEW YORK (VIN Podcast) — A stunning videotape has surfaced, of Nancy Pelosi accepting responsibility for the Jan 6 riots. A very frustrated Pelosi blames herself for not calling in the National Guard.

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This bombshell video debunks fake Democrat allegations that Trump was to blame for the J6 Capitol breach, and supports Trump’s repeated claims that he begged Pelosi to call in 10K National Guard troops.


Should Trump put Democrats in jail and take retribution? (Hint: Yes, if they deserve to be indicted, which many do)

Preview of the upcoming CNN presidential debate.

Hunter Biden has been convicted on felony charges, after lying about being a cocaine addict, and then publishing a book admitting he was an addict.

President Biden’s crazy dog has bitten at least 36 Secret Service agents. Two needed to be brought to the hospital, and on some occasions, Biden was watching the incident.

Six ISIS terrorists from Tajikistan crossed the southern border illegally, thanks to President Biden. They were caught by the FBI plotting terror attacks.

INSANITY: Los Angeles is spending $165 million to build a luxury condo complex for homeless people, including lavish amenities

San Francisco is giving out “free” groceries to poor people (in addition to free beer for alcoholics)


Yaakov M is the Charedi Sean Hannity. He’s a little nuts and often right. 

His columns have been featured in Newsmax. He’s hosted a podcast for 15 years, studied in Kollel 14 years, was a Bais Medrash Rebbi over a decade, and obtained semicha from a top Rosh Yeshiva. (Opinions do not necessarily reflect Daas Torah, though they try their best.)

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Conservative Carl
Conservative Carl
9 days ago

This is just her lying as usual.

9 days ago

When this evil face will step down

8 days ago

We knew this basic fact all along.
Nancy also knew this all along, and probably some altirier motive is compelling her to admit the truth.

8 days ago

I’m very upset that she illegally entered a beauty parlor during the height of Covid and she refused to wear a disposable mask, like Dr. Fauci mandated.

Paul Near Philadelphia
Paul Near Philadelphia
9 days ago

The National Guard is part of the Executive Branch. Congress does not order it around. It can request the Guard from the President, not order it.