Jerusalem – In Depth: ZAKA Founder Explains Why He Abandoned Anti-Zionist ‘Eda Haredit’ Group; Slams Zealots As Crazies


    FILE - Yehuda Meshi Zahav, the founder of The Jerusalem Zaka organization, during an exercise testing a new facility rescue and escape from a building that is burning, earthquake, terror attack or any other disaster. July 29, 2008. Flash90Jerusalem – ZAKA chairman Yehuda Meshi Zahav describes sparingly and with restraint the things he and thousands of his volunteers at ZAKA do. ZAKA is a haredi (ultra-Orthodox Jewish) organization that rescues, identifies, and traces Jewish disaster victims in Israel and all over the world under sometimes virtually impossible conditions. Such a mission requires love of one’s fellow man, great empathy, faith, and a belief that good will come of it. It requires Zahav, a man with impeccable curly white payess (sidecurls).

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    Two months ago, following a four-year struggle, ZAKA won recognition as an official UN consultant and observer. The eventual decision was taken unanimously by a special UN committee composed of representatives of 19 countries, including Iran, Sudan, Venezuela, Cuba, Turkey, China, Russia, Pakistan, Uruguay, Burundi, Greece, the US, and Israel.

    “Globes”: Did Iran and Pakistan also vote in favor?

    Zahav: “There was no opposition, not even one country. We sent our representative, who met with every one of the committee members. The Iranians asked us if the report that ZAKA treats Jews first and Arabs later at terrorist events was true. We said that they hadn’t read it correctly. We treat the victim first, and then the murderer, regardless of nationality. They realized this, and voted in favor.”

    About-face: From extremist haredi operations officer to national hero

    Once upon a time, Zahav was the operations officer of the Eda Haredit extremist haredi group. He led demonstrations against Sabbath desecration, burnt Israeli flags, fasted and wore mourning clothes on Israel Independence Day, illegally removed dead bodies from the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute to prevent autopsies from being performed and put mice into the pathologists’ rooms, and sneaked onto archeological sites in order to prevent archeological excavations. Since then, however, Zahav has been honored by being asked to light a torch on Mt. Herzl while calling aloud in a clear voice, “For the glory of the state of Israel.” His grandfather, Rabbi Yosef Sheinberger, the mythological leader of the Eda Haredit and a fanatical opponent of the founding of Israel, refused to speak with Zahav for the last four years of his life. For Sheinberger, what Zahav did was a desecration of God’s name.

    The change in Zahav began on July 6, 1989, when a terrorist blew up a bus on the 405 route from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. It happened on a road in front of the Telz-Stone yeshiva (Jewish religious seminary) in Neva Ilan. Zahav and his friends wanted to see what was happening, “and then, when the dismembered bodies were laid out before my eyes, when the sirens were echoing among the smoky fragments of the bus, when the bloodstained clothes were scattered over the area, when entire families were broken and erased in an instant, I realized that the quarrels between us were meaningless. The type of skullcap you wear and the kind of clothes you wear pale in comparison with the real war we’re faced with. The Arab enemy doesn’t distinguish between the blood of a haredi, a secular person, and someone who’s modern Orthodox. We’re all connected. There’s no right or left. Everyone’s pain is the same. That was the moment when I crossed the lines and abandoned the ideology of haredi Judaism,” he later said, just before lighting the torch in honor of the ZAKA volunteers in 2003.

    “Since then,” he says today, “I have been repenting. I put my efforts in the right place.” That also includes severe criticism of the leaders of the community he is identified with. “I didn’t see the haredi leaders with the bereaved families,” he said during one of the IDF campaigns in the Gaza Strip. “There were 20,000 people at the funeral, but I didn’t see black clothes there. There might have been haredim here or there, but when we want to, we can fill any place with black clothes.”
    FILE - Chairman of the Yesh Atid Party, Yair Lapid seen with Yehuda Meshi Zahav (L), head of Israel's Zaka rescue unit during a visit of Lapid's at the Zaka headquarters in Jerusalem on December 23, 2015. Photo by Mendy Hechtman/Flash90
    Zahav, 57, exudes authority and wisdom, youthfulness and sympathy. His family has lived in Jerusalem for 11 generations (before Herzl, he once said). He is the father of seven children and a grandfather. He lives in the Sanhedria neighborhood, and leads over 3,000 ZAKA volunteers. At the most difficult moments, when the volunteers can no longer bear the emotional and physical load, he is called to the scene – unless he is there already. When things are the most difficult, he stops, hugs, and begins to sing – one song after another, and then the work starts, with the tears.

    Sometimes, there is no choice, he has to dance, because that is the way to set in motion the superhuman capabilities of his volunteers. The organization is huge, spanning Israel and the globe, but it has barely 11 especially modestly paid positions. The organization’s annual budget is NIS 18 million, mostly from donations consisting mainly of equipment. Under ZAKA rules, the state pays less than NIS 2 million, and only for proof of participation in work not done by the state institutions. “It’s only from the power of faith. Nothing else can motivate a man to wake up at night, leave his family, see what we are exposed to, do this work, go home and be incapable for days of talking with his wife and laughing with his small children,” Zahav says.

    The sector’s future: Work and study?

    ZAKA is only part of what Zahav is doing. His attention is focused on two other goals. First of all, “We’re getting ready. The demographic picture is known, and in a few years, we’ll have to be the ones managing this business – the state. We have to educate our children accordingly, and send them for additional studies. Yes, yes, core curriculum, mathematics, English, world history, physics. We need children who can also take the lead in security. The Central Bureau of Statistics says that 50 years from now, there will be 30% haredim, so we have to make people professionals.”

    The second goal? “We want everyone to realize and know that the Second Temple was destroyed because they fought about values and laws. It seemed to them a thousand times more important than anything involving life itself. So what happened in the end? Everything fell apart from inside. We lost our independence for thousands of years. We killed each other, and they killed us. Today, we’re independent, everything’s prospering, everything’s growing, there’s so much Torah in Israel today. There hasn’t been as much Torah as there is now since the days of King Hezekiah. We don’t know how to appreciate what we have.”
    FILE - Policemen and volunteers of the search and rescue Zaka organization seen near the Jerusalem Forest where the body of Aharon Sofer was found, on August 28, 2014. Flash90
    Not long ago, it was reported that an 81 year-old woman had to switch seats on an airplane because a haredi man refused to sit next to her.

    “Things are so crazy here that everyone thinks how to be more strictly observant, how to show that he’s stricter… I don’t believe in all this nonsense. I’m rational. I don’t believe cult-like religious leaders and other foolishness. They taught us respect that the worst thing you can do is humiliate someone in public. It’s better to be thrown into the furnace than to humiliate your fellow man. There are stories about Rabbi Auerbach, one of the greatest religious authorities, when he would travel on a bus and a woman sat next to him. He didn’t get up. He said that respecting a person, respecting your fellow human being, took precedence over everything. God will forgo the respect due him if the purpose is to honor your fellow human being. To injure a woman, and for what? That’s not cleanliness, holiness, duty, or a commandment. It’s lack of respect for your fellow human being. Yes, there’s a non-ending argument among haredi Jews. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef was asked once if it was permitted to extend a hand back to a woman who puts her hand out to you. He ruled that it was permissible. That’s the way of Judaism. Respect takes precedence over Torah; that’s no slogan or cliche.”

    The Central Bureau of Statistics recently reported a breakthrough for the first time, a majority of haredi men, 56%, are working.

    “There’s something strange here that happens only in Israel. People work in all Jewish communities. The most extreme Jews in the US, the Satmar Hasidic Jews, work. All of them. The lay leader of the community, the most highly respected man, who sits next to the Satmar rabbinical leader on Sabbath eve, wears blue overalls and works in a printing firm during the week, and then wears all the Hasidic trimmings on the Sabbath. Only here in Israel do haredim not work. Why? They say that after the Holocaust, after the world of Torah was destroyed, the rabbis were unwilling to listen to anything before the world of Torah was rebuilt. Even if that were true then, however, it looks to me like an excuse later. In any case, the state of Israel owes a great debt to my dear friend, (former Minister of Finance and MK) Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid). He broke the direct connection between the yeshiva and the labor market. Before, anyone who left the yeshiva was automatically drafted into the army, but not now. The haredim have realized this, and one day, they will praise him. The result is that more and more haredi men are going to work. I don’t understand how it can be otherwise.”

    The fact is that it was different, and it is still different.

    “Don’t believe it. The haredim have realized this. People don’t want to be miserably poor. All this idea of not working and not serving in the IDF resulted from the enormous argument about the state and Zionism. Young people today were born into the reality of the state. They want to be involved and to participate in everything there is here. People want to learn, to make a good living. All the institutes in the haredi community for studying professions are bursting with people. There is no university, college, or technological institute without a branch for haredim.”

    Does that make them less haredi? Does it disrupt their continuity?

    “It doesn’t harm anything. All the people whose words we study in the Talmud – they all worked, including all the most learned of them. Rabbi Yohanan was a shoemaker. One worked with charcoal, and another was a tinsmith. It’s written – work comes before everything else. Jewish law says someone who steals NIS 100 has to pay back NIS 200. Someone who steals a bull has to pay back five times as much. Why? Because if you steal a bull, you have wasted its owner’s work, so you have to pay several times as much, and I’m not talking about rulings by Maimonides about the importance of art, labor, and the ban on making a living from Torah.

    “No family wants to stand poor in the doorway waiting on line for charity or a soup kitchen. Everybody knows that a family that doesn’t have to worry about making a living has more domestic tranquility. It’s true that everyone’s dream is to win the lottery and have a millions dollars in the bank, so they can sit and study Torah, but until that happens, we’ll work. There’s no connection between work and maintaining your way of life as a haredi. That’s a coward’s excuse.”

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    8 years ago

    Oh my god. Zahav is a tough man.

    8 years ago

    Wow, thank you for these words VIN.

    8 years ago

    Kol Hakavod!!! Maybe Moshiach taka will come, if more people like this would exist, in every denomination of Orthodoxy.
    FYI the bus didnt blow up across from Telz Stone, the terrorists walked up to the driver and pulled the wheel to the right driving it over a cliff and it caught fire.

    8 years ago

    Zahav is my role model. Halevi more yidden would be like him. And yes Lapid actually made it possible for charedim to work with zero army services. So why are we not “adopting jobs”? Why only kollels? Why are there so few charedi computer technicians, accountants, lawyers, therapists nurses?

    Let me make it clear torah is the ikkur and is the most important. One should learn every free minute. However, klal yisroel’s mesora has been torah comes with work. We can’t have societies as a whole just learning while their families are starving. There needs to be work ethics together with continous torah learning. The notion of just adopting kollels as a solution to solve the poverty issue is so ill misconceived.

    And yes perhaps those that can’t learn and are not old enough to get a puter form the army can volunteer for Zaka and use that as a national duty. Or is that also chazor trief??

    8 years ago

    Well spoken

    8 years ago

    Meshi Zahav is surely right about one thing ( maybe many things) . It was an absolute shanda that no chareidim were at the reburial of the people from Gush Katif. It was equally a shanda that no chareidi leader encouraged participation at those levayas. It will be to the eternal disgrace of the chareidi community that besides the Bostoner Rebbe , no one from the Chareidi community lifted a finger to help our poor brethren during their most difficult time of the Expulsion.
    Unfortunately the record of Dati Leumi folks coming to levayas of chareidim killed by terrorists r”l is not so great either. We have a long way to go till we deserve Mashiach. Hopefully he will come despite our self created factions.

    8 years ago

    Who is he we sould listen to him? We have rabbi’s & will follow them,
    Btw the reason why in israel lot of people noy working because the government dont let them cause they didnt serve in the tumna IDF.

    8 years ago

    Your grandfather was a holy man! You can do all the sad chesed while your soul knowing that the state of Isreal is the antethesis of the holy torah. Nobody forced you to put in mice. Your were an overzealot teenager/yungermanchik& did things totally on your own. You may do all the cheses u need to do without being the flag carrier of the so called State of Israel. You wanted national prominence, thats why you broke off withe the EIDA. You couldve done your noble work and not be buddies with all these secular Zionists but no, you need “their” approval. You want to be national recognized figure. If it wldve been only your holy work, you wldve stayed with your holy Torah and not only ur Chareidi garb. Your a pawn of the Medinah. You love fame and let your real love for what the holy torah stand for &what; you stood for go null and void all in the name of mesiras nefesh. Your Bibis baby and if u ask me who id choose for, ur holy ancestors or the Shaygetz Bibi, the answer is the obvious. The truth, I never knew u were an antiZionist. Didnt think u have the brains to think. And that doesnt mean hide mice& b a nuthead. AUTOPSIES ARE FORBIDDEN& much more. It means a fear of G D, being an erlicha yid, not abandoning your holy mesorah.

    8 years ago

    I wont touch on Meshi Zahav’s personal life that is between him and the one above.

    As much good as he does or thinks he does true torah Jews are not impressed. He dresses and looks Haredi but in no way behaves like one. A real Torah Haredi Jew does not idolize atheist Theodor Herzl.

    Oh, and also if you notice in the article how he sticks up for women. As if the Torah teaches c’v to disrespect women.
    Plus, his sticking up for women has nothing to do with Mentchleckit it is all about HIM and HIM and only HIM. Be very wary when you see a MAN sticking up for women.

    8 years ago

    Refreshing. Very, very, refreshing.

    8 years ago

    Shame on you! Theres a middle stance of stealing bodies and lighting the torch on Mount Herzel. Have u lost your mind? You can still perform tremendous chesed and still be a thinking person. Your grandfather was Sheinberger? He was a decent fellow with a straight holy mind. So you feel better in the cozy place you chose with all the praise showered upon you while forsaking your heritage?! Good for you! Why did the bombing change your life? Never heard of a healthy ben torah saving the life of a secular jew? You have to abandon ALL your worth to do your tremendous chesed? You cldve stayed the same “zealot” & use ur antizionism towards saving lives. What has one do with the other? Why is it so happily reported that youre the tremendous Zionist?? Why cant they focus on your holy work &leave; your rich heritage alone? You dont deserve to be mentioned as Reb Yosef Sheinbergers grandchild. You have no merit for it with all your masom tovim. Your a lowly Zionist helping people and leave it to that. I dont even know who cares where your affiliated just dont insult your holy ancestors. The “eida” is the most prominent antizionist beautiful saintly real yidden of todays filthy world. They dont need your kind. Stay where u get your national prominence but dont insult yourself.

    8 years ago

    LIES LIES LIES. All for the sake of your desperate need for attention. Stop it MashiZahav! Save lives and shut up! Your a shofar of Israel? Who asked you? If your work is holy then dont give is your hyper Kosher Zionist propoganda. Go read up a little history how the Zionists and their heresy nearly killed more people than the Nazis. Dont be so comfy in your stupid cocoon. Shut up and do what your needed to do and dont lecture us.

    8 years ago

    Hmmm not sure.
    Sounds little Krum to me!

    8 years ago

    And whos the “crazy zealot”??! A person doing chesed doesnt offer his soul. Ur crazy now, not then.

    8 years ago

    Kol hakavod!

    8 years ago

    Wow this is so refreshing

    8 years ago

    What a courageous and special man. Halevai we would have more true leaders like him speak out publicly against our own internal Taliban, and work sincerely for the common good.

    8 years ago

    All I can do is giggle. The guy Is running towards Zionism as if the ideology is the savior of mankind.
    Miscalculation indeed.
    Denouncing your own sect does not take brilliance or is it a catalyst of an open mind.
    It just comes to show Mr. ZAKA that you never comprehended your own self, or your alleged self.
    This is just they typical, deriding Satmar, Anti Zionsit and the like. It shouldve been more innovative.

    8 years ago

    There is no doubt in my mind that he is riding the wave of the future. Bottom line – today most Jewish children are being born in Israel, probably the majority of all Jews live in Israel, which means that Mitzvos like Hafrashas Challah are D’oraisah not D’rabannan. The train has left the station- Meshi-Zahav understands this – the kanaim and their chevra (who rant about “the Tziyoinim”) are living in the distant past.

    Active Member
    8 years ago

    Finally a voice of sanity coming out of that Israel hating insane asylum called MEAH SHEARIM.

    8 years ago

    This is so beautiful, and so true. What a world we would live in if everyone would take these words to heart.

    8 years ago

    this is his new view after smelling big money, as we know that money and power derails the biggest personal, yes the outcome is wonderful but the character was lost

    8 years ago

    Hmmm I’m not sure, sounds a little Krum to me.

    8 years ago

    I must compliment on VIN for publishing this. As another yid said “The times are a changing”.
    It is mind boggling that such a simple truth is so derided by misguided commentators.
    How can so many Torah observant jews be so off the derech?
    Hashem Yirachaim.

    ps this controversy might eclipse mitziza bepeh articles

    8 years ago

    In the line of Zaka, you’re either there L’Shem Shumayim or you’e there for your own kavod. There is no room for a combination of both. It’s clear that Mesh Zahav is not there L’Shem Shumayim at all. He is bitter at his upbringing and at his Creator. But we should not judge him. It must have been for him a very traumatic experience and surely one that affects the mind – handling live mice as a teenager.

    8 years ago

    Not true – today it’s only “zecher” of the original Mitzvah d’Oraisah – see Rambam