YAAKOV M: Thank You Supreme Court for Helping More (Jewish) Babies be Born (OP-ED)


When I heard that abortion rights may soon be overturned, I was elated.

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I’m only speaking in my capacity as a human being, sharing my emotions. I may be misguided, but in my heart, this news is cause for deep celebration.

When I think of a fetus being ripped from the womb, discarded, and left to wither away, I shudder.

The unborn baby has a heartbeat. At just 12 weeks, it has eyelids, arms and legs, and is sprouting fingernails and toenails. It may not technically be a person, and liberals may label it “potential life” – but if you look at an ultrasound, the baby is real.

According to experts, a baby at 20 weeks can feel pain. It will “respond to sound and move, wince, and recoil from sharp objects and incisions”.

Even if the baby does not suffer, the loss of potential life is no less painful.

And now, thousands of Jewish babies may be born, who otherwise would have been terminated, because mothers will not be able to obtain an abortion as easily.

Some liberals are angrier than I have ever seen. They are irrational, borderline psychotic. As though this is a massive tragedy.

Senator Elizabeth Warren had a meltdown because it will be harder to abort babies. Governor Hochul said that New York will always be a “safe haven” for abortion. Well it won’t be a “safe haven” for the innocent fetus getting ripped from its mother’s womb.

Several years ago, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (who is an M.D.), described a late-term abortion, when the baby comes out alive:

“The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

How twisted.

President Obama was once asked when life begins, and he responded (correctly), that it is above his pay grade. He admits that it is possible that life begins at conception–and yet he still supports abortion. Although there is a chance that he is ending a human life, he is still okay with that. How can he live with himself?

Several years ago, New York state expanded abortion rights, and Governor Cuomo and the Democrats celebrated inside the state legislature.

One headline read: “Cuomo Signs Historic Abortion Law, Celebrates By Turning One WTC Pink”

On Tuesday one liberal on Twitter said “the right to an abortion is sacred”

I cannot fathom how anybody could be so passionate about something so cruel.

To reiterate, I’m speaking from my heart, not my brain. I’m proud that I’m on the side of those who are pro “life”, and not the other side, whatever they label themselves.

I believe that a society that protects the rights of unborn children is more compassionate and a better place to live.

I recognize that some people are concerned that the law may be too extreme, and prohibit abortions even warranted, such as when the mother’s life is in danger. This seems like a valid concern.

With that said, it’s hard to believe that many states will go to that extreme, and if they do, the courts may intervene. This ruling (if it takes place) does not outlaw abortion, it merely places it in the hands of the states.

In addition, we must accept the fact that civil law will never fully reflect the Torah or our values as Jews.

Given a choice between a society with Roe vs. Wade or without, my heart tells me, unquestionably, we are much better off with the decision being in the hands of the states.

If as Jews we cannot celebrate the fact that more Jewish (and non-Jewish) babies will be born, when can we celebrate?

Yaakov M is a senior columnist for VIN News and former Op-Ed columnist for Newsmax. He has hosted a conservative podcast for 15 years. He studied in Kollel for 14 years, was a Bais Medrash Rebbi for over a decade, and obtained semicha from a top Rosh Yeshiva.

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Conservative Carl
Conservative Carl
2 years ago

This has to be satire, right? Those of us who are opposed to abortion on demand are concerned with morality, not how “adorable” fetuses are (which is actually very little), and support abstinence and access to birth control for those who do not want to have babies, for the most part.

Since I first posted my comment, the word “adorable” was removed from the article.

Last edited 2 years ago by Conservative Carl
2 years ago

the fact that this is even a discussion is beyond me. how can any jew with a yarmulka support any law making it any easier to get an abortion. and to be clear, any scenario in which halacha would permit an abortion, (very limited, i may add) the states would also and such scenarios would not be affected by the overturning of roe v. wade.

2 years ago

Why doesn’t anybody speak abut the benefits of having the mother giving birth and then have the baby adopted by the thousands of women who would pay lots of money plus all expenses, to receive a healthy baby. Additionally, the birth mother would not walk around with scars for the rest of her life because she KILLED her child.

2 years ago

its not at all clear that the world would benefit from more unwanted children as a product of dysfunctional parents
many are single parents , many are crack babies with severe deficiencies from in utero negligence,our jails are full….. one can marshall many many reasons why abortion is a blessing
the question is considering all the diff angles & ramifications what is the torah hashkafa? i dont remember the majority of gedolim putany effort in to anti abortion shtadlanus ( rav miller zatzl was the exception)

2 years ago

More Jewish babies will be born? They won’t travel to get an abortion of they choose? But more Jewish women may die from dangerous illegal abortions in backyard clinics and in Mexico. Which is why abortions became LEGAL. To protect women

Feigy Taub
Feigy Taub
2 years ago

Men, not women, are responsible for causing pregnancy. There are two cells that fuse together to make an embryo. The woman’s is released automatically on a regular schedule, with no deliberate action involved. It is the man who actively contributes his part.

2 years ago

“I may be misguided” Says it all.

If you are not a rav, a rebbetzin, a kallah teacher, or at the very least studied the relevent halachos in depth, how do you go and pontificate on this?

Abortion is halachically correct and nessecery sometimes. Is there an epidemic of abortions that makes you so concerned about this? Do you know anything about women’s health? Do you know why women may want to have an abortion? Do you think making a desicion to have an abortion is a walk in the park? Even an 8 month old baby is allowed to be aborted in certain halachic scenarios. Halcha is more leniant then the current laws in Texas and Oklahoma.

Not Amused
Not Amused
2 years ago

If we needed proof that conservative men care more about fetuses than they do about women…

Chaim B
Chaim B
2 years ago

The way I see it is, in order to protect the child you first have to violate the rights of the mother. And so, while you can argue that the mother is a “murderer”, what she’s really doing is self-harm, akin to say suicide. And just like we don’t have laws against self-harm (people who attempt suicide don’t get arrested for attempted murder) we can’t have laws against abortion. At the end of the day, it’s between the mother and her God.

That’s my view from a human perspective. We don’t stop ppl from doing avairus every day. We let that be between ppl and their Creator. This is no different.

And Yakkov M is one of the shallowest thinkers I’ve ever read. Why he’s given a platform I have no idea.

2 years ago

The last time I used the argument “States Rights” to someone north of the Mason-Dixon Line I almost got punched. My how times have changed.

Liam K. Nuj
Liam K. Nuj
2 years ago

Yaakov M. I congratulate you for recognizing that your expertise is minimal and you stated as such in your first 17 words or so.
So why did you have to continue?
You noted the concern that women whose life may be in danger without access to an abortion. But then you so flippantly pooh-poohed the concern, stating that the courts will fix that or states won’t go so extreme.
A) Newsflash! There are extreme conservative states just like there are extreme liberal states.
B) Do we really want to rely on secular courts and governments to make halachic decisions of life and death?

Stick to what you know, Yaakov M.

2 years ago

I think the abortion ship has sailed. Sadly abortions are considered by most in the world today to be an essential human right or need, and one removed a living fetus much as one would remove an infected tooth.
I’m not sure why the powers that be decided to fight abortion, as in my opinion it’s a losing battle in todays society. Sadly, as said by rabbi Miller, relations between men and women have become recreational and then they dodge responsibility by murdering the baby.
And yes, it has seeped into the Jewish communities, this attitude of, this pregnancy is inconvenient or impossible and I’ll just get rid of it. I know several Jewish women (not orthodox) who have aborted their Down syndrome fetuses because they would rather try again for a healthy baby. I believe that unless directed by medical concerns, abortions are obviously a highly immoral and sickening thing to do, but this opinion is the minority today. Telling young Americans that they cannot have an abortion when they need one is probably akin to telling them they are being denied basic medical care. Politically it won’t be good for the republicans to back this measure across the country.

2 years ago

stupid article,I don’t see what this has to do with Jewish babies, like if Jewish women are going around looking where they can abort their babies and now it will come to a halt, Jewish women don’t abort their babies for no reason and prior asking a Ruv who knows the complex of this Halacha , and if it is medically necessary to do it it is permitted by both Halacha and law, so please stop making everything a Jewish issue.

2 years ago

This thread is full of apikosus and obvious brainwashing by the mainstream media. Abortion on demand has been terrible for this country.

2 years ago

If life begins at conception according to this States like Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi etc. Than why don’t they pay
1) Child support
2) Welfare
3) Section 8
4)Food Stamp
5) Tax Deduction
and ALL OTHER GOODIES starting at conception?
It would be a strong reason why would REAL Religious Jews move to those States.
Unfortunately we all know this is nothing more than anti-semmitic and other minoritys game. Israel with 80% Jewish population 25% Chareidim have legalized abortion.
If this would be a Jewish issue the Bibi/Chareidy Govt wopuld have baned abortion long time ago instead of Women at the Wall and other nonesense.

2 years ago

It’s a good start. Now the next step is to make sure these kids will be able to grow up normally, by shutting down the Democrat grooming gangs.