Vienna – Vienna Courts Will Make The Call About a Neturei Karta Member’s Kids.


    Moishe Ayre Friedman, center, protests recently with his wife, children and supporters outside the Jewish school in Vienna that expelled his children Vienna – Moishe Ayre Friedman’s children may be paying for the infamy of their father, an anti-Zionist Jew who attended a Holocaust denial conference in Tehran.

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    Five of his children were expelled from their private Orthodox Jewish school in Vienna about a month after Friedman, dressed in Chasidic attire, was shown in media outlets worldwide warmly shaking hands with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

    Despite a court order, hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines and the threat of closure, Machzikei Hadas won’t let them return — a position that apparently is receiving unqualified support from the school’s parents, the umbrella group of Vienna Jewry and a number of Orthodox rabbis who serve the parents.

    The Friedman children are in educational limbo while a trial to determine whether Machzikei Hadas had the legal right to expel them starts Tuesday in a Vienna district court. Some legal experts predict the case may go on for months or even years.

    Meanwhile, the children are not attending school. The Ministry of Education offered them placement in public schools, but Friedman said those schools were were not suitable for religious children. [jta]

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    16 years ago

    To all those claiming that his children should not be punished – would you feel the same if we were talking about children whose parents are mechalel shabbos?

    adolf abdulah freidman
    adolf abdulah freidman
    16 years ago

    Yes if he’s Me’kabel Tshuvah (if he Could) – kol hakovod ; which i don’t think is the case as-of-now of this KKK who still has the chutzpah to demand ….

    With his actions he’s displaced himself from klal yisrael he’s done the unthinkable so this action of the yesivah is n ‘automatic response’ to his ‘own’ actions

    PS I don’t understand how you liberals could think differently it just shows that it doesn’t bother you enough

    16 years ago

    Korach’s children did teshuva-this Korach’s children should get a Jewish education too.

    16 years ago

    The school has an absolute right to kick his kids out, as letting them attend runs the risk of allowing them to spiritually contaminate the holy, pure souls of the other children there by spewing out the treif ideas of their father, Friedman The Rasha, yimach shmo, with which he has surely indoctrinated their poor, innocent little neshomos in a monumentally evil act of child abuse. The school has a right — nay, a DUTY — to act, just as they would have the right to kick out the children of an atheist, a meshumad or other heretic.

    If Friedman The Rasha is SOOOOOOOOOOOO worried about his kids not getting a Torah education, then let him hire a melamed (tutor) to teach them privately. This was done frequently in the old days — particularly when a father felt the local cheder or yeshiva was not frum enough or had some other machlokes with it.

    And if he cannot afford it? Hey, NO PROBLEM. Let him get the needed money from his new buddy, the Holocaust-denying, Jew-hating Nazi-loving President of Iran, Amadinejad The Rasha, yimach shmo — since Iran is absolutely awash in filthy oil money it greedily extorts out of the rest of the world through high oil prices, which it is using to
    stir up trouble by funding Hamas, Hizbollah and the Shiites jihadists in Iraq.

    16 years ago

    he is a mechallel shabbos bepharhesia if you saw the video that is all over he internet of him talking on a mic shabbos in france praising allah would you let such a guys kid next to yours ????

    16 years ago

    As much as I hate to say it, the children should not be punished for the deeds of their fathers. However, the family should be put into total cheirim. Let this so called “educated” father teach them at home. Ever hear of home schooling?

    16 years ago

    I also disagree with the Schools action, and I posting my full protest against the so called school, beside the Chilul Hashem, the Torah says “Ibonim Lo Yimsy Oves Ish Bchethoy Yomeesy”
    Shame on them!!! We will fight for these kids! We will boycott this school until these poor children are back!

    achmad abdulah freidman
    achmad abdulah freidman
    16 years ago

    anon 5.59
    “well-respected human rights attorney named Hubner”

    for the record : history n facts show that ALL these so-called ‘human rights’ activists are always the most anti- anything descent u-name-it ….

    so far for being “well-respected ” ….

    #2 For all u human-rights… if the FATHER DOES NOT care about his children meaning (forget about being admitted ) all the embarrassment’s and insults these kids will sure get from their class mates why should the school have to care more,

    would you want your kids in one class with them ?!


    so go get a life !!
    and stop being concerned with : “who have shown themselves to be even more Zionistic than Mizrachi in their persecutions of Neturei Karta”

    looks like u r part of that N-KKK group!?

    16 years ago

    To all those who understand that you could abuse children by keeping them under house arrest, and even comparing them to like if someone has TV home, I must say you did not answer my question!
    Which Beth Din said that according to “Shilchon Urech” the school has the right to throw out the kids, because his father traveled somewhere? Give me the name of the Beth Din, Period! If the school board acted without a “Daas Torah”, they should know, that they will eventually have to pay the price (you can’t hide from Hashem)
    1) How weren’t you afraid of being Malbin Pnei Chaveroy Borobim of these little children? Not even Yom Kipur is Mechaper ! Gevalt “Tinokos Shel Beis Rabon”!
    2) Even with a “Daas Torah” permitting these action or even “requiring you” to do so! I would’ve never undertaken it myself! I would rather resign from school, than to pull out kids from their class and send them home, because of the danger that’s involved with it.
    3) You can’t imagine how difficult this is for such young children they don’t even no why they are being send home?
    Now to those who match this to like having a TV home, everyone who has a TV home, after seeing that its totally forbidden by the Rabbonim, and he knows that his violating the Daas torah, will send his kids home than the school is acting on a Psak Din, who said you can throw out children from school whose parents have TV home, but again only as long as he keeps it! Once he throws it out they are all welcome back.

    16 years ago

    Masie avos simon libonim.

    16 years ago

    The school I send my kids to won’t let them in if I were to have a TV at home. So if I had a TV at home and my kids are expelled, does that mean the school is punishing my kids instead of me? Of course not! It means that my kids are paying the price for my recklessness.
    Same goes for this idiot. He decided it was a good idea to attend this conference; and now his kids are paying the price for his actions, and it’s not the school that’s punishing them.
    Btw, can’t they attend school in Iran? I’m sure Acchhhmmaaa….whatever, would be glad to have them. I believe they have Jews living in Iran as well.

    16 years ago

    Right, like they sure learn how to spell there! You would have gotten an F!

    16 years ago

    Why don’t the NK make their own school. They can teach all their self hating jewish rederic! LEAVE OUR CHILDREN ALONE! We have managed to educate our children according to the way we belive for so many years. We have schools for Litvaks, Sefardim, Yekees, and even each Chasidic sect has at least one schhol. There is no reason to send these kids to our schhols. They can teach their children Gemara Rashi Tosfos, and have a big picture of the arab leaders hanging on the yeshiva walls. These kids need not suffer, but if the parents don’t give a hoot, why should we!!

    16 years ago

    this is rediculous. why does a private school have to take him in? does’nt that defeat the purpose of a private school? we might as well send our kids to PS if tommorrow an arab wants to send his kid in satmar, or to let’s say Yeshivah of Flatbush, because they have a renowned curriculum with fantastic success.

    16 years ago

    to anon 5.59pm:

    your “well respected” lawyer Johannes Hübner is only defending human rights when they are those of nazi scum and similiar.

    if you would know who these people really are…

    Friedman is in bed with the worst of the radical nazi extreme, some of whose representatives are not even ashamed of being antisemitic in public.

    16 years ago

    I agree, just like any local kid will not receive an admission card if his parents owe tuition.

    May Hashem help us
    May Hashem help us
    16 years ago

    This man is ruining his children’s life. How can someone be so sick that he feels it is o.k. to go to Iran the country which believes that the Jews didn’t really die in the Holocaust, and at the same time send his kids to a frum school?

    N.K. you are a disgrace to judaism, please STOP this awful behaviour!!!!!

    Your children are suffering because of YOU no else is causing this.

    16 years ago

    Notice that anonymous #2 is neither a Mizrachi nor an Agudist. How can I tell? Look at how he spells “meshimed” when only a good Hungarian would spell it that way instead of meshumad! What did I tell you? Maybe it’s even Hertz Frankel, the guy who writes articles and goes on Zev Brenner to criticize NK in the name of Satmar, which he never did against Agudists or Mizrachi or frei Zionists!!

    16 years ago

    There is too much hysteria in these comments of anonymous #2 to know where to begin. First of all, the so-called Satmar school uses an “Israeli” guard to prevent the children from entering. The school is in violation of the Supreme Court of Austria AND HALACHA. If you read the article from JTA, you would know that persecution of these children is done without valid witnesses before the Beis Din. They are being punished for the views of their father. No Mizrachi or Agudist school has ever done such a thing similar! Only those under the so-called Satmar establishment, who have shown themselves to be even more Zionistic than Mizrachi in their persecutions of Neturei Karta. For the record his lawyer is a well-respected human rights attorney named Hubner.

    16 years ago

    Anon 4:40

    Who said that a Rav was not consulted? I would never be one to advocate that children be barred from appropriate Yiddish schooling but I believe there are other children that have to be considered here. I would never want to be within even spitting distance of this man; he and his ilk make me absolutely sick to my stomach. Would I want my children anywhere near his children then? I don’t think so.

    I feel bad for these kids but, unfortunately, the sins of the fathers often do impact on their children.

    16 years ago

    Why are they punishing his kids for the behavior of his father? Not even going into the fact if there father did anything wrong? But even so, you can’t punish his children for him attending someplace, and specially by not letting them to learn Torah? Which Rav said to throw them out? we will not give any more money to that school unless they prove that what they did was according to the Shilchon Urech!!
    We protest against such action! You cannot do this without a Psak Beth Din!

    16 years ago

    For the record , The school has to pay a fine for each day they are not accepting the children, This Yemach Shemoinik turns up each day accompanied by Arab ladies in their Burkes as witnesses, so that he can report the school to the authorities.
    His lawyer is a right wing fascist who represents the Neo Nazi party and who works for him free of charge .
    He has no financial problems . All the Sonai Yisroael are running to give him money which he gladly accepts
    Lets Daven that HSY’S should have Rachmones on us and send this Meshimed a Mise Meshuneh

    16 years ago

    Maybe they should attend an Arab school in Vienna. At least Tznius won’t be a problem