New York – Gov. Orderd Police To Track GOP Leader Sen. Bruno Movments.


    New York – Gov. Spitzer targeted state Senate Ma jority Leader Joseph Bruno for an unprecedented State Police surveillance program that led to allegations Bruno improperly used a state helicopter for political purposes, an investigation by The Post has found.

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    No other state official, including Spitzer and Lt. Gov. David Paterson, was singled out for the type of detailed record-keeping the State Police maintained on Bruno, the state’s most powerful Republican, official records show.

    Part of the Spitzer administration’s justification for homing in on Bruno – the governor’s leading political adversary – is a claim that state Conservative Party leader Michael Long raised objections to Bruno’s use of the State Police.

    A senior state official familiar with the surveillance program told The Post that he believed the governor and his aides had sought to “set up” Bruno by having the State Police keep track of his travels.

    “Why else would they do it if not to set up Bruno – by getting on him something they thought was incriminating – when they weren’t doing it to anyone else?” said the official. [post]

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    16 years ago

    The hon. sen. maj. ldr., who, in the past always had trouble with the Yidelech (yes, we know, it’s politics,– now met his match.)Furthermore, it shows that R’ Spitzer, (the Governor,–for the residents of Yorba Linda– as our friend Rush Limbaugh likes to say-)is not as big a Tzaddik (saint, in the vernacular)as he liked to portray himself while was the AG.

    16 years ago

    In paragraph 3, (s’iz a meen fish)
    of this article, it quotes the Honorable Governor, that as part of the justification for putting a
    tail on se. j. bruno, was his excessive use of state stroopers.
    Something doesn’t add up in this picture. If he suspected abuse in the trpprs. he instructs the the same org. to tail themselves.