Minneapolis, MN – A Frum בחור’ס Miraculous Survival Story at Bridge Collapse


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    Minneapolis, MN – An incredible story has just surfaced from yesterday’s tremendous catastrophe of the bridge collapse in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Roman Koyrakh, a frum Shomer Shabbos college student, was saved from a life-threatening situation with only a few bruises to show for it.

    VIN News has just conducted a dramatic phone conversation with the 20-year-old bachur, who provided minute details of the hair-raising, miraculous incident in an exclusive interview. At about 6 o’clock Wednesday night, his car was stuck in traffic on the north side of the bridge, at the water edge. “There was a loud bang, and my car buckled suddenly. Dust and smoke shot up all around and the next thing I knew I was falling, plunging headfirst.” His airbag was activated, and his car was hit several times, and then jolted to a stop. “There was water, water, everywhere”, he says. Rushing into his car, the current pulled his car directly into the river below. Certain this was the end, Roman said Shema Yisroel as he was thrown to and fro like a rubber ball. His mind blank, pure instinct took over, and he subconsciously managed to escape from his seat belt and car door. Submerged in water, he maneuvered his way out like an obstacle course, but not before swimming over to other victims to offer assistance. He only scrambled for safe ground once he realized his own danger in the precarious situation. Koyakh was transported by ambulance to North Memorial hospital where he was pronounced lucky to be alive, and only needed stitches on his face and arms.

    Roman Koyakh has been living in Minnesota for many years and is an active participant in the local community kollel. “Hashem saved me,” he told VIN news. “There’s no other explanation for such nissim.” Boruch Hashem, he has suffered no lasting effects from the accident, and knows of no other Yid involved in it either. His main worry, he confesses, was about his parents’ welfare and how to reassure them of his safety, and he deeply regrets that he had to miss last night’s gemara shiur at his evening kollel program.

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    16 years ago

    The entire Minneapolis community is planning a seudah hodaya.

    16 years ago

    In response to “just asking”,I’d agree that it’s possible there was a simple explanation how this bachur escaped,like you said.But even as you said that maybe his window was open,still,how do you explain no broken bones etc.,thank gd.
    “..Are so sure that it was only HASHEM that decided who should live and who should die in this tragedy?..”.You’d probably want to rephrase that.You make it sound as if it’s not ONLY Hashem who decides “mi yichyeh u’mi yamus”.Chalila to think such a thing.Of course Hashem disguises his miracles making it look like nature [i.e. this young man who was barely injured,did not loose conscious and was able to escape],but in the end they’re all miracles and “hakol b’yedai chutz m’yiras shamayim”.

    16 years ago

    he needs to make a seudas hoidah.

    16 years ago

    It’s funny how even after a nice story we still have to write bad about each other.

    And to anon: 3:37

    Read the article again the name is Koyakh

    16 years ago

    With a name like KORACH and the floor opens up below him, quite funny.

    16 years ago

    evry thing that happens is a nes,moving your hands ,talking, thinking, its called a nes murgel, its not nature, the choves halvovos says that because we are so used to it we don’t realize it, hashem has to make a nes meshunah, in order we should realize that he runs the wrold.
    some people hashem takes from this world or because of his averus or he acomplished his task in this world, we don’t ask questions.
    but it surly showes that hashem runs the wrold, even the doctors said he’s luky to be alive.
    its mamesh a nes!

    Just Asking
    Just Asking
    16 years ago

    There’s no other explanation?

    Is it possible that he had his window open, making it more possible for him to get out than it was for those who were using their AC and had their windows closed?

    Are so sure that it was only HASHEM that decided who should live and who should die in this tragedy?

    Would we extend this logic to the holocaust as well? The WTC? A bus bombing in EY? That the ones who died did so because HASHEM chose to not save them, while those who lived did so because HASHEM decided to save them, but not the others?

    Maybe it would be better to just thank HASHEM, but not be so certain that “there’s no other explanation.”

    (Unless, of course, someone’s a Tzaddik Gomur)

    16 years ago

    It should be a chizuk for ganz klal yisroel!

    16 years ago

    some people just write like b”h chasdai hashem, etc.
    but they don’t have the point.
    musser zoger brought out the point.
    well said!!!!

    the musser zoger
    the musser zoger
    16 years ago

    what are we spouse to do after this?
    chazal tell us the reason why hashem brings meracles is so that we should be m’chazik our emunah and bitochin.

    16 years ago

    Chasdei Hashem Ki Lo Somnu…

    16 years ago


    16 years ago

    shlomah good gob A-1

    16 years ago


    16 years ago

    Fascinating!!! Thanks for sharing
    Ha-Shems greatness with us.