Miami, FL – Girls Hit By Vehicle, Not As A Hate Crime.


    Miami, FL – In an update to the Miami hate crime accident we reported yesterday, VIN News has learned from the North Miami Police Seargeant Warren Hardison that the case has been downgraded from its hate crime status. Over the phone, Hardison just confirmed with VIN that the investigation is proceeding merely as a hit-and-run accident. [VIN]

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    16 years ago

    “some girls who just were puppets of alan sakawits “

    Then they should get an Academy Award for the great acting job. And they must be geniuses too to tell the same story consistently to the police, the news and everyone else over and over again.

    How about the Kollel fires? One was on the bimah, the other in the bathroom? Accidentally set by an all night learner who fell asleep smoking on the bima and then laid down in the bathroom after he set the sanctuary on fire?

    There is a lot of anti Semitism everywhere and we can only begin to protect ourselves and our children when we are aware that it exists.

    16 years ago

    1:32 AM – Getting out of Miami.

    Definitely trying to, our house has been for sale since before Pesach.

    Us and everyone else we know.

    16 years ago

    If the cops really treat you that way, I say get the he11 out of Miami!

    16 years ago

    it never had any merit ..some girls who just were puppets of alan sakawits were told to say certain things which the police found to be unfounded …total non story

    16 years ago

    In Miami there are many incidents BY the Police that could be considered hate crimes.

    My neighbor called them because a man was climbing into her kitchen window and they said “why don’t you just move to a neighborhood where you belong, living here where you are better off than others you are CAUSING crime!”

    My daughter had a fender bender and the officer looked at her name and asked “why her rich parents did not buy her a better car?”

    We called the police to report an intruder in the yard and they said “that we must have done something to someone because there is no crime in Miami.”

    But when a non Jewish woman called the police to say that my husband beat her dog (my husband picked up the dog AFTER it jumped on our sleeping baby in a stroller at the playground, which had a “no dogs” sign posted) they were in the process of arresting my husband for assault and battery on the WOMAN when I reminded them that should do a good job of photographing the visible evidence of battery on her because I was going to sue them. They changed their minds about the arrest!!

    So far they do not seem to have any leads on the Kollel arson either.

    I don’t know how things are in the rest of the country, but in Miami, it is scary. I blame it on the return of the Old Latin mass (Jews killed JC). Ever since then, things have definitely changed for the worst here in this largely Hispanic city.

    16 years ago

    from the interview seen on tv it seems to be a biased incident why the change?? if no one was opprehended to interogate

    16 years ago

    Is this downgrade due to actual evidence, or is it just the easier way to proceed, like in the Lakewod case?