Washington – 100 Days: Obama Enjoys Highest Approval In 20 Years [behind the scenes photos]


    David Axelrod
The President's trusted adviser sits steps away from the Oval Office seen in photo is a Hebrew campaign poster sitting on Axelords deskWashington – US President Barack Obama, who is approaching his first 100 days in office, is enjoying the best presidential job approval rating at this point in 20 years, a new opinion survey showed.

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    The poll, by ABC News and The Washington Post, indicated 69 percent of Americans approve of the job he is doing, which is the highest evaluation in about two decades.

    Time magazine photographer Callie Shell 100 exclusive photos since Obama took office click on below link

    Photos: Behind the Scenes with Obama

    But the president faces a partisan divide. While 93 percent of Democrats approve of his activities, only 36 percent of Republicans do so, the poll showed.

    Fifty-four percent say Obama’s doing a better job than they expected, far above former presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton at their 100-day mark.

    They got a 39-percent and 35-percent better-than-expected rating, respectively.

    Sixty-three percent say Obama has accomplished a great deal or good amount in his first three months, according to the survey. Just 37 percent said that about Clinton.

    And six in 10 Americans say Obama is keeping most of his main campaign promises, far surpassing Clinton, who had 42 percent on that score.

    If before Obama’s inauguration only 19 percent said the country was on the right track, now 50 percent say so, the poll showed.

    The poll was conducted April 21-24 among a random national sample of 1,072 adults. It has a margin of error of plus or minus three points.

    Below, a huge slideshow featuring 300 of the best behind-the-scenes photos of Obama’s young presidency. Mouse over the top of the slideshow to see more options, and click on a photo to view its caption. A big Thank you to Huffingtonpost.com

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    15 years ago

    Gotta love Axelrod in pic #92 , his desktop has the Barack logo in Hebrew 🙂

    15 years ago

    Gam zeh ya’avor! Hopefully soon, I’m getting a severe case of nausea! Hashem should help us survive his out of control spending, and save us from crippling inflation.

    Elections Have Consequences
    Elections Have Consequences
    15 years ago

    Not surprising that those polls would show that but I really don’t believe those polls. I do a lot of traveling & interacting with people and while with certain heavy lefties or people with a vested interest in obama & his policies etc., I have found that most everyone else is NOT happy & they look forward to the 2010 elections so they could right their wrong.

    (sorry for the major run on sentence.)

    Chaim B.
    Chaim B.
    15 years ago

    I’m afraid that some might actually vote for him again

    15 years ago

    Yes, but 62% of Americans DO NOT WANT BIGGER GOVERNMENT. These 62% may like Obama, they may even support him, but they don’t want the porkulus bill to grow Govt. to behemoth proportions, nor do they want the Govt. to run BofA or Citi or GM….everything the Govt. touches they screw up and the majority of Americans know this. They are still in the “honeymoon” period with Obama, but they are slowly starting to regret the shidduch.

    15 years ago

    After 8 years of the “miserable failure” bush so far it is safe to say that despite all the popular themes in our community against him that BH President Obama has made all the right decisions and made the right calls, time and again. He acted swiftly and authoritatively in the Pirate situation and also showed he was not afraid to authorise military force. He has been good to yidden, appointing many talented ones, hosting the first ever white house seder, and attneding a long holocaust remeberance ceremony. Kein Yirbu, mister president. as an american citizen, you have my support as you are our president. (just liek bush did after his first 100 days) Obama has inherited a very messy and complicated country and world, and he is doing his job with grace.

    Let The Truth Be Told
    Let The Truth Be Told
    15 years ago

    He is actually #5 behind (in no particular order), Bush 43, Reagan, Carter, & Clinton.

    The last man they thought was a G-d, wasnt! This is no different and it WILL be seen sooner or later.

    Remember, 1360 days left to this misrable presidency.

    Elections Have Consequences
    Elections Have Consequences
    15 years ago

    “What has Obama apologized for? ” Where have you been?!?! Have you been hiding under your blankets?! He runs around the world “apologizing” for our “errors” and our “indescretions” etc. He’s been doing that since he started running for office. WAKE UP!

    “He has spent more money… that is true… but most of that was approved under Bush.” Incorrect! Number 1, HE VOTED FOR IT WHEN HE WAS A SENATOR! Number 2, TEN TRILLION DOLLARS is not mostly Bush. You cant blame Bush. You sound like Obama. If he doesnt like sometime, its Bush. Well, that excuse is bush!

    “Obama does not want to create socialized medicine. Get over yourself. You clearly don’t know what the word “socialized” means.” Let me teach you something so for gosh sakes listen well now. He wants to have govt healthcare. That is socialized medicine. I have seen first hand how this works in other countries. I DONT WANT TO SEE THAT HERE! It NEVER works anyplace! All it does is bankrupt the country. Govt needs to stay OUT of our lives.

    I have honest points but perhaps by your being in Florida you have been exposed to too much sun which gets in your way.

    15 years ago

    ABC/Wapo found 69%? Gallup found only 56%, making Obama the second LEAST popular president, 100 days into his presidency, in 40 years. Only Clinton was less popular, at 55%. Bush Sr was 58%, Nixon 61%, Bush Jr 62%, Carter 63%, and Reagan 67%. I’d like to know how ABC/Wapo found so many more people who like Obama than Gallup did.