Jerusalem – Rabbi Yona Metzger Responds To Rabbi Aviner’s IDF Comment


    Jerusalem – The affair of Druze Brigadier-General Imad Fares’ resignation over a traffic accident caused by his wife as she drove his army-issued vehicle refuses to die down, and has awoken a religious discussion on whether members of the Druze community should be recruited to the IDF.

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    Israel’s Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger told Ynet on Wednesday that the matter of Druze service in the Israel Defense Forces is a “security question” and said that “tangled halachic complexities” should not be involved in the decision.

    His comments came after Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, a prominent rabbi in the Religious Zionist movement, ruled that according to the Halacha, non-Jews – “not just officers, but also soldiers” – have no place serving in the IDF – this also in response to Fares’ affair.

    The Chief Rabbinate, that holds interfaith meetings with Druze leaders on a regular basis, did no appreciate Rabbi Aviner’s statements on the case.

    In response to Aviner’s comments, Metzger said, “The question of the Druze’s participation in the Israel Defense Forces – in all ranks and levels and with equal rights and responsibilities – has already been determined by the defense authorities and the military. We must not involve other considerations of tangled halachic complexities in this security matter.”

    The chief rabbi went on to say, “Since the establishment of the State, an everlasting alliance was made with our brothers of the honorable Druze community – an alliance that has known and passed may tests, with many of the community’s sons giving their lives heroically for the land of Israel.”

    He called for an immediate end to the halachic discussion on the matter, and added, “We must only thank them and honor them for their contribution.”

    Rabbi Aviner addressed the issue in a recorded rabbinical discussion published on the website Maale after visitors to the site brought up the scandal in which Brig.-Gen. Fares is embroiled. The website visitors asked the rabbi what the halachic viewpoint is on non-Jewish serving in high-ranking positions in the IDF.

    “The Rambam (Maimonides) says explicitly – only Jews in the IDF,” responded the rabbi. “It is not the proper order that non-Jews serve in the army.”

    He explained that though Druze serving in the military are loyal to the State and dedicate their lives to it, “questions of this sort cannot be decided upon in an individual, inductive, or limited manner. The question is all-inclusive: Are there or aren’t there non-Jews in the IDF?”

    Rabbi Aviner said that alternative positions should be granted to non-Jews: “National service is most certainly allowed and obligatory.”

    The rabbi emphasized that his halachic ruling is not meant “to disrespect the great appreciation or the recognition of the good of all the non-Jewish soldiers who dedicate their lives to the IDF and are even killed (in service).”

    He added, “Of course, we won’t come and change the structure of the IDF, but a question was asked in principle. Such is the answer, and the answer is clear.”

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    14 years ago

    Kol Hakovod to rav Metzger for dismissing Avienier’s comments as irresponsible and affirming that these are security issues and that halacha plays no part. I wish his common sense approach would be applied to to other areas where rabbonim inappropriate seek to insert themselves with unintended and disruptive effects.

    14 years ago

    Statistically, as a minority group, MORE Druzim DIED in defense of Israel in ALL wars than soldiers from any frum communities or other minority groups in Israel. Druze soldiers and officers have been exceptionally loyal and good soldiers in the IDF.
    Talk about national security concerns, this rabbi should focus more on forcing the Haredim and others to actually serve in the IDF than spit in the faces of people (non Jews, Druze) with vile words who without hesitation have sent their sons to die for Israel for generations.

    14 years ago

    Well spoken, Rabbi Metzger. Yiyasher koach.

    14 years ago

    To David….Y’yasher koach for using this phrase properly, So few people do!

    14 years ago

    Before Aviner goes on with Diyukim in Rambams he should focus on the K’lal Gadol Ba-Torah, Mai D’Sani Lach, Le-Chavrach Lo Sa’avid, what is detestable to you, don’t do to your friend. For centuries the hallmark of discrimination against Jews was their inability to serve in the armed forces. In fact, equality of Jews in the US, was first established by the insistence of Asser Levi to serve in the New York militia in 1653. Now that Israel has a group of people which could clearly qualify as Gerei Toshav, we are trying to treat them as shabbily as we were treated. Another example of the Israel’s unofficial motto: Nihye Ke-Chol Ha-Goyim Bais Yisrael.

    14 years ago

    I’m confused……should we let a Jew die rather than allow a gentile into the army. I’m sure if you ask any Jewish parent they will give you the answer….

    14 years ago

    To say whst he said is Racist and Selfish.

    1) If you accept racism, than don’t complain when some one is an Anti-Semitic.

    2) It says in many “Sforim” that many of the quotes about non-Jews is only at “that” time when many of them were uncivilized, and they used to be “makriv” there kids for there Goddess.

    We have to have respect for all mankind. If not what goes around comes around

    14 years ago

    The title of Rav/Rabbi automatically gives that person a voice which many times is unwarranted and Rabbi Metzger’s comments should be applauded. The Bedouin trackers have saved many Jewish lives specially in the negev. Druze have advanced to officers in the IDF and if they are killed in action it is behalf of Yidden

    14 years ago

    I may be wrong, but I believe that Shlomo Hamelech used non Jewish mercenaries in his Army

    14 years ago

    We are much better off today having given up Gush Gatif and the other gaza settlements rather than having tens of thousands of soldiers protecting a small number of settlers who would ultimately have been forced to abandon gaza anyway…halacha and daas torah requires us to protect klal yisroel not hold on to arid and useless land for its own sake…

    14 years ago

    Very interesting discussion. Did anyone view the DVD sent by Gush Katif expellees called “The Spies” it came right around Tisha bAv. Seems to me that some “rabbis” were actually collaborators on this painful event. The point being if you do not allow Druze to serve in the IDF what Halacha is there to fool the activists and disobey what Harav Shapiro zt’l said should be done. By the way this DVD was sanctioned by Harav Kaminetsky of the former Gush Katif community.

    Asher Buchwalter
    Asher Buchwalter
    14 years ago

    All you halachniks chas v’sholom if there is danger you flip out your blue passport and hightailed for the old U.S.. I wonder how many of you ever had a rifle in the hand or had to risk his/her life for a fellow yid. This rhetorical discussion is not worth much instead take a trip to the rehabilitation division of the Tel-Hashomer hospital or the Rambam in Haifa and give a good look of those who were injured in combat