Postville, IA – Appeals Court Upholds Decision to Keep Rubashkin In Custody


    Postville, IA – Former Postville meat plant executive Sholom Rubashkin should remain in custody prior to his sentencing on 86 financial fraud charges, a federal appeals court ruled today.

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    The U.S. Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a judge’s decision to hold Rubashkin without bail, before he is sentenced on financial fraud charges.

    Rubashkin, 50, was convicted in November of charges that included mail, bank and wire fraud, making false statements to a bank, and failing to pay cattle providers in the time required by law. Prosecutors have said the former vice president at Agriprocessors, Inc., faces a recommended prison sentence of 21 to 27 years.

    Agriprocessors was the site of a May 2008 immigration raid that led to the arrest of 389 illegal workers, bankruptcy, and charges against Rubashkin and other managers. Rubashkin has maintained innocence.

    A sentencing date for Rubashkin is not yet set.

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    14 years ago

    may this justice take place by you anon #1 to be happy when another jew is suffering asks the question to you how low can you go

    14 years ago

    As sad as it is that a yid who has contributed so much to so many people will be going to jail, it just shows that no matter who you are or what u do, it is necessary to always follow the laws and remember u will be held accountable for all of your decisions. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.

    14 years ago

    Hey everybody, let’s not reply to #1 , he’s obviously just trying to instigate us. Let’s stick to our tehillims and speak well of this good man…

    14 years ago

    Reply to #1 . If your such a big hero that wants justice, why don’t u tell
    us who u really are. Don’t hide behind a screen and blog your anti jewish feelings. I hope and am sure that you’ll get what coming to u. What a piece of trash.

    14 years ago

    One person speaks his mind and 9 ‘yidden’ come to the defense of a convicted theif and say that as long as he has a good ‘neshama’, anyone can steal and give tzedaka with the money.

    No wonder Moshiach is not here. The Rebbe would have called up Rubashikin and told him to come to Brooklyn where he would get an earful on derech eretz. and ethics. Shame on you, numbers 2 through 10. You should ask #1 for mechila.

    I do not want to see Rubashkin in jail any longer than necessary

    14 years ago

    Post #1 is no longer available, but I can guess what it said.

    It is very sad indeed that thieves are praised on this site. Doing good deeds with stolen money is no zechus. All the good he did is tainted forever because he thought, like most “frum” Jews, that Shmuel was kidding when he said that secular law is law.

    That someone else may have gotten off more lightly does in no way excuse your own actions. It’s a shame that it has come to this for any of you to learn this lesson. It’s even worse that most of you are still not getting it.

    14 years ago

    To # 17 and to #19

    You seem to dress-up your hatred for the frum in your fake_religious_reasoning in that “Judaism requires we obey secular Law” – “It’s mitzava” to obey secular law.

    If you fake_reasoning (actualy it is anti-smetic type “Sinas_Chinum_of_the_Frum”) – if it is because this what Hashem wants and that “it’s a sin against G-d”, then YOU too are just as big a sinner because every human being sins and so we all wish YOU to be in Jail and in Burn in Hell and that they throw away the key after they lock you up forever.

    14 years ago

    The sad thing that is portraited as a miscarriage of justice and pure rishis. The fact is that this was adjudicated in a U.S. court and defendant has peyes and a beard a high profile appearance. There is somewhere a saying which I learned with my father A’H eyze chochom haroye eyz haneulad. There are much larger businesses managed by frum Yidden but they realize your must obey the”goyishe laws”. The mere fact that it is potrayed as rishis is a chilul hashem and that a man with such an appearance made a court appearance, sad indeed.Send the shiluchim, Too few seem to realize the effect this has on klal Yisroel, antisemites don’t dinstinguish between black hat and those without a hat

    Shaul in Monsey
    Shaul in Monsey
    14 years ago

    To 25. Stealing is stealing. Throwing some cute yet obscure application at what SMR did won’t change that. He stole, period. And he’ll do his time, and life goes on. Sad? Yes. Criminal? Absolutely.

    14 years ago

    To all those who have not seen what #1 wrote. You would be better off, teaching your children, that crime does not pay. Teaching them midos to live a frum life as a honorable citizen. Obeying the laws of the land as we are prescribed to do. Not stealing, lying, cheating, creating fraud, making yourself a burden to your community..Then screaming anti-semitism, when you get caught. Rather teach your children to get an education, take advantage of learning, become a doctor, teacher, chemist, a CPA, a nurse. The entire world is at your fingertips. To make an honorable living, without becoming a burden to the community. For what ever he has done good can not even be considered, as he stole from one to give to another in the name of charity. How many of you receive your parnassa from this type of crook?