Nashville, TN – The loud pop of a semi-automatic rifle shatters the quiet of a still winter day. The sun is shining through the motionless branches of bare trees in a large wooded area, reflecting off the sunglasses of a slender, dark-haired German. He takes aim once more, then fires.
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Just a few yards away, a slightly round, white-haired man lifts his weapon to his shoulder and eyes the target in his scope. This man, however, could have come from a Central Casting file marked “Hasidic Jew.” He’s wearing a black hat, and his peyos — the long sidelocks of hair that Orthodox Jewish men grow — are wrapped around his ears to keep them out of his way.
He squints, steadies his arms and fires. Moments later, just several yards away, the German sets his sights on his quarry, exhales deeply and squeezes his trigger, as he’s been taught to do.
The Choefz Chaim used to tell people who where gonna be drafted in the army that since Moshicha is almost here we needed yidden who know how to shoot a gun!
When is Bill coming to teach the East Coast how to arm themselves?
I thought we are supposed to be humble, quiet, reflective, non-strident?
Hakol kol yaakov…..
HEY!! His initials are BB!! Maybe he only has a BB gun? LOL
Just what we need. Armed frum Yidden. Things just get worse and worse.
Many frum Jews can barely operate a car. You think I want them operating weaponry?
I’ve been shooting, I love it! My good friend owns a few guns (different state) & she is great shot. When we go to the range, the owners & other shooters look at me & my sons in shock, but we always end up having a great chat about arming ourselves, protecting ourselves, our families, our community & our property.
We frum gun lovers should form a club.
the picture illustrates a violation of basic gun safety rules. you don’t stand in front of a gun, even when you know it’s not loaded, even when the shooter’s finger is not on the trigger. and even to get a mesmerizing picture. the pose and photo are setting a bad example. Unless, of course, this is a toy gun replica, in which case I apologize.
as to the philosophy of guns: there is a very strong direct correlation between gun laws and violence – the more gun restrictions, the more violence. England has recently discovered that.
hasidic jews dont wear rings
That is true. But if the need arises, let’s be sure that our Yadaim can be that of Eisav. Own, practice, teach.
what an sickness
“hasidic jews dont wear rings”
What about your mother?
Yeah, his parents can shep true yiddishe nachas from him
while I certainly enjoyed the article, and wholeheartedly agree, I look forward to a time (in the very near future) when guns in the hands of frum Jews will be widely accepted, and common-place, and therefore NOT newsworthy.
P.S. I really enjoy shooting my Kimber 10mm pistol.
Lots of frum Jews in Israel are licensed to carry weapons on them at all times …If your state here the US allows you to carry a concealed carry go ahead and apply for one and if you pass the background checks why shouldn’t you carry..
I live in the heart of Boro park. I own 2 rifles and 4 handguns a 9mm,357.MAG.,.22, and a 380 PPK. i bought my guns years ago from a heimisha frum gun dealer on Fort hamilton pkwy and 68 st. The gun shop has closed a few years ago but the gun range next door is still open including Sundays when I meet many Chareidi yidden practicing there. No Rabbi objects to carrying legal firearms unless they are reform or modern orthodox types who support women rabbis. If your old enough go get yourselves a gun permit.
I know Bill Bernstein. Years ago when I was a “baby” baal teshuva, he was my study budy from Partners-in-Torah (a GREAT organization, btw). Bill is a terrific guy and was of TREMENDOUS help to me. I probably owe more to him than any other individual or group. It is in large part thanks to him, his patience in answering my questions and his directing me to proper sources that I was able to develop a proper hashkafah. Kol HaKavod Bill. The RSO should bless you in all your endevors.
That picture actually gave me a lot of agmas nefesh exactly because the photographer wanted the gun pointed at him. I checked it numerous times, showed it empty to him and his assistant, and made sure all ammo was waay out of reach.
Gun handling is no more dangerous than driving a car (less!). While we rely on the R’S’O we also need to take reasonable steps for our own safety. I hope people on this site will consider whether firearms are appropriate for them. Feel free to email me off my website, same name as the shop, eastsidegunshop dot com.
the previous lubavitcher rebbi had a gun
(Reading the full article) Is this the kind of language you expect a frum Jew to use in public?
Not to mention that neither the presumably Jewish author (Jack Silverman) nor Bill Bernstein seem to understand what chassidus is.
Classic Baal Teshuvah…me keamcha Yisrael. Even in a gun shop in
Nashville Tenn Hashem’s people keep his Mitvos. If you read the full article, as I did, you will see he would not fit in to a haimishe kehilah or a mainstream hasidishe kehillah, but again, here is a teenok she nishbah, who has made a sincere effort to bedcome a G-d fearing Jew. Yeasher Koach. BTW, here in the Midwest where i live, Ortho. gun owners are nothing new…I myself own two assualt files and a handgun of large caliber.
If you dig down far enough into the article, you’ll see that davens Shabbos by Chabad.