Jerusalem – Supreme Court Critics Under Investigation


    Jerusalem – Members of Knesset, rabbis and journalists who criticized the Supreme Court over the Emanuel affair will face investigation this week, and may even face criminal charges. Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein will look into concerns – voiced by Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch – that critics may have been in violation of laws against expressing contempt of public servants.

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    Beinisch said criticism of the Supreme Court, and particularly Judge Edmond Levy, had reached the point of “grave statements that must be uprooted at the source.” Under Israeli law, it is illegal to denigrate a sitting judge or a court in a manner that could lead to disrespect of the legal system.

    MKs Uri Maklev and Moshe Gafni of United Torah Judaism and David Azoulai of Shas have been mentioned as possible suspects in the investigation.

    Maklev said Sunday that he is not concerned. “Police investigations and arrests do not worry us. We have never shared values with the court, and we are not afraid… There was no harm done to the judges’ honor, rather, the judges dealt a blow to Judaism’s honor,” he said.

    Not only did he not express concern, but Maklev continued to criticize the court’s behavior. “This is the first time since the communist regime in the Soviet Union that parents have been sent to prison over the Jewish education they wanted for their children,” he accused.

    “If they want to put us on trial and arrest us, they should do it as quickly as possible, so that we will make it to jail in time to be in prison with the Emanuel detainees,” he added.

    Dozens of fathers from the hareidi-religious city of Emanuel were sent to jail last week after refusing to send their daughters to a school where two religious tracks were recently integrated by court order. The parents, members of the Slonim hassidic sect, had created a separate track with more stringent religious standards for their children within an existing hareidi-religious school; judges ordered the girls to learn with children in the regular track.

    The court accused the Slonim parents of racism against Sephardi Jews, a charge they denied. Some of the students in the Slonim track are Sephardi, they pointed out. As the parents were taken to jail last week, one father bore a sign saying, “I’m a Sephardi Jew being sent to jail because I wanted my daughter to learn in a hassidic school.”

    The Israel Law Center filed a complaint over the arrests, saying the Supreme Court did not have the legal right to order the parents sent to jail. The appeal was rejected by the Supreme Court, which ruled that it was not its place to hear appeals against itself.

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    13 years ago

    Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Edmund Levy should be disbarred.

    13 years ago

    True dictatorship, worse than in the old USSR. Unbelieveable that people can’t voice their opinions against a ruling. Could you only imagine if we had this in the U.S.

    13 years ago

    Way to go maklev!being mekidish shem shomayim1and before anyone dares attack him,you should know he’s known as a great baal chesed,mamesh a tzaddik.

    13 years ago

    Maklev and gafni said the truth!and this new case the court cooked up proves it.

    13 years ago

    now the real stuff begins!
    rather the government collapse then the chereidim doing what supreme court wants

    13 years ago

    “The appeal was rejected by the Supreme Court, which ruled that it was not its place to hear appeals against itself.”
    So in an appeal based democracy,
    it’s obvious that the High Court cannot imprison anyone, as there is no possibilty of appeal.
    And don’t forget, this court was not elected!
    Welcome to the Soviet Union!

    13 years ago

    As I posted before if a few of the protesters will become enlightened to start crippling the country by crippling the electricity of Tel Aviv or the telephone system or knocking down a bridge with a damage of $100 million the government would never start up with its million people chreide minority just like they stay away from lehavdil the Arabs.

    13 years ago

    This is the zionist court at it again. Doing everything in their power to degrade charedim. What about racial discrimination?!? About time the charedim go out and cause absolute havoc in israel to show the court they are not the ones ruling us its our gedolim!

    13 years ago

    These chilonem have mazel that the chradim or chasidim where never in the army. I can assure you these tension would bring a civil holy war.

    Charlie Hall
    Charlie Hall
    13 years ago

    The slanders directed at Judge Levy are particularly reprehensible because he is a religious Jew and earlier the same week defended kollel stipends.

    13 years ago

    If the thugs on the Bagatz cross further red lines, they can fully expect a revolution against their authoritarian undemocratic authority.

    13 years ago

    President Obama was critical of the supreme court in his State of the Union address!!
    It may be wrong but illega!?

    Stand Strong
    Stand Strong
    13 years ago

    Stand strong do not give in to the self Jew haters in the State of Israel.

    no racist
    no racist
    13 years ago

    For all those criticizing the Emanuel parents I have one question for you. Am I being a racist if I don’t send my daughter to Shalshels Bais Yakov a very fine school for Russian girls. or to Ber Hagola. If your a “hamesche” Sphardi would you send your child to Magen David. These are all very fine schools serving their cliental. But I choose to send my daughter to a school where they wear tights in first grade. And my sons to a yeshiva where a kipa is worn outside of school. I am not a racist.

    13 years ago

    The Israeli Supreme Court has made it clear that their members are not simply leftists but Bolsheviks. No court in any other democracy would coerce parents to send their children to a particular school for the sake of social engineering and imprison those parents when they refuse to comply. Even at the height of the desegregation battles in the United States, no parent was deprived of the right to determine his child’s education by choosing a private school rather than a public one. Now the Supreme Court acts as any true Bolshevik would by trying to criminalize and silence its critics.

    13 years ago

    I just wonder where all of this will lead and what the end will be.

    It just seams that there will soon be no choice but to stop taking funding from the Israeli government so we can continue to educate our children the way we choose

    13 years ago

    There is no constitution in Israel. The judges make up the law as they see fit. This is basically a dictatorship. The court needs to have oversight and checks and balances. This is no way to run a democracy. They are directly responsible for the escalation of the trouble in Emanuel. I would like to investigate the High Court (High like on drugs, dope, big ego, big anti-semites etc.) for the crimes against humanity, free-speech, and incitement.

    13 years ago

    “Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein will look into concerns – voiced by Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch – that critics may have been in violation of laws against expressing contempt of public servants.”

    So much for aliyah any time soon.

    13 years ago

    Didn’t Obama criticize a Supreme Court ruling overturning campaign finance reform? Are they trying to be like the USA or like the USSR?

    frum but normal
    frum but normal
    13 years ago

    WHAT? this reminds me of the soviet union under the bolsheviks,
    people of Israel it is time to rise up and revolt against these criminaly insane traitorous leftist jew hating swines,these so called arab loving and jew hating judges should be dragged out of their court rooms and put on trial for treason,and if found guilty, they should be hanged by their miserable necks

    13 years ago

    “If they want to put us on trial and arrest us, they should do it as quickly as possible, so that we will make it to jail in time to be in prison with the Emanuel detainees,”
    Very strong words. This will be interesting toi watch as the BEGATZ it is digging itself into a deeper hole.

    13 years ago

    Welcome to the soviet communist republic of israel.

    13 years ago

    what jerks. those arab MK can go and give moral support for our mortal enemies, support the flollita, and one cant criticize the court on such minor things . chlemer kahal

    13 years ago

    “So much for [my] aliyah any time soon”:

    And thats the only good news I’ve read today. Eretz yisroel doesn’t need any more cynics who feel they are entitled to violate the laws of the medinah if those laws do not conform with their religious views.

    13 years ago

    To bad they didn’t jail me I also am contemptuous of this court. They are meaningless judges of little self worth. If they knew their place they would have kept quiet and not shown the world what arrogant, pompous fools they are.

    Jewish 1st
    Jewish 1st
    13 years ago

    sounds like there will be another march in israel again soon
    this one even bigger

    A Simple Chussid
    A Simple Chussid
    13 years ago

    (Reply to #30 ):

    A violation of a court order, thank you very much…

    And that court order you speak about, does that make any sense to you?! To force parents to send their child to a school they don’t want to send to?! You might call these parents racists, if you so wish, but is it illegal to be a racist? Last I heard, it was illegal to discriminate based on race, I.e. rejecting sephardi children on the ‘alleged’ premise of race. But pulling out their own children from a school because of racial motives is punishable?! Could you see a U.S. court punishing me for choosing to pull out my children from a school, because I don’t want them to associate with Latinos, and placing them in another school?!
    I don’t know about you, but I don’t see it happening…

    13 years ago

    Charlie Hall #10 , any jew that does not understand why Torah law is superior to secular law is a basic apikorus & cannot claim to be religious. It doesn’t make a differance if he wears a kipah and keeps Shabbat- if he denies Torah Mi’sinai- he ain’t religious. Period

    13 years ago

    There is no Israeli Constitution. No First Amendment free speech right. No checks and balance. It’s a “sort of” democracy.

    Can an American Jew go into US Court and claim Torah Law takes precedent over American Law? Of course not. Why should Torah Law take precedent over Israeli Law which is based on British common law?

    Abbas and the PA look at this and laugh. They say, “You know what, let’s make peace with these clowns and then we’ll watch them tear each other apart better than anything we could do.”

    Whenever machlokes starts the statan creeps in. Watch!