Manhattan, NY – Shop That Speaks Yiddish Needs a Rich Man’s Help


    Hy Wolfe, the director of a Yiddish bookstore in New York. (Michael Nagle for The NY Times)Manhattan, NY – Every few months news seems to arrive of another nail in the coffin of Yiddish — the death of another poet or actress, the shuttering of another socialist or anarchist office, the failure of a century-old literary magazine to publish for yet another year.

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    Now the latest woeful news is that the only secular Yiddish bookstore in New York is losing its home on East 21st Street, the one spot where among the huddled, dusty shelves you could schmooze about Sholom Aleichem and Isaac Bashevis Singer with a salesman who spoke the language.

    Of course, the store, with flinty Yiddish contrarianism, has been selling its 55,000 books, new and used, from a space that isn’t exactly a store — the third floor of a nondescript office building. The shop also bears the decidedly uncatchy name of the nonprofit Central Yiddish Cultural Organization (CYCO, pronounced TSI-ko). The location and brand name do not exactly entice impulse shoppers breezing by.

    Indeed, the store, founded in 1937, is open only by appointment on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, sometimes hinging on whether the director, Hy Wolfe, has his regular basketball game at the McBurney Y. Still, in three rooms of double-stacked shelves, it has Yiddish gems like a three-volume set of “The Origin of Species” by Darwin, stories by Maupassant, a 28-volume collection of Sholom Aleichem from 1910 and a private library of the actor Joseph Wiseman (Dr. No in the first James Bond film). There are also many of the 275 books CYCO published on its own, including novels by Singer and Chaim Grade (both writers are sold out).

    “If we published 250 copies,” Mr. Wolfe lamented, “that was a best seller.”

    The survival of Yiddish in America is an on-the-one-hand, on-the-other-hand story. Yiddish, once the language of the Jews of Eastern Europe, is undoubtedly moribund, with its last full-throated speakers, Holocaust survivors, now well into their 80s and 90s. (A smattering of their children speak it through sheer willpower whenever they can buttonhole a comprehending ear, but some, like this writer, grew up nagging parents to speak English and regrettably saw their first language wither.)

    On the other hand, the language is booming among Hasidim, for whom it is a lingua franca, mushrooming so prolifically that by some estimates the ultra-Orthodox will form a majority of American Jews by century’s end.

    Nonetheless, the tales that inspire heartbreak are those that certify the shrinking of the culture of Lower East Side immigrants. One reason CYCO must move by December is that its foundation patron and landlord, the Atran Center for Jewish Culture, is liquidating three floors, including the bookstore, and downsizing to a home PC. But another is that, with not many more than 50 sales appointments a year and occasional book events, the shop makes too little — $11,220 last year — to support its laughably cheap monthly rent of $550 and Mr. Wolfe’s annual $9,982 salary. He hasn’t paid himself since June.

    Things have gotten so dire that Mr. Wolfe’s companion in the quixotic hunt for a new home is Shane Baker, a 41-year-old Episcopalian from Missouri who fell in love with Yiddish and leads a sister organization that stages folk-singing coffeehouses. (The Yiddish world may have more organizations than people to run them.) Mr. Baker is fighting to breathe life into the store because “a little part of New York dies if this bookstore goes away.”

    By contrast, the 50-ish Mr. Wolfe was raised in Brownsville, Brooklyn, with Yiddish’s lilt and kvetch. “Everybody in Brownsville had a number on their arm and you spoke Yiddish,” he recalled. Earning his living as a weekend retailer, he has run the bookshop for 11 years out of an office crowded with postage scales and yellowed triple-carbon receipts. He does not despair. People still come by to browse — Yiddish students, Russian immigrants, even Hasidim — and they are the future.

    Mr. Wolfe shamelessly admits that he is praying for a white knight to offer him free space. He wouldn’t object if that savior demanded his head in the deal.

    “I’m the wrong person for this job,” Mr. Wolfe admitted. “They need someone who knows what he’s doing on a computer. I can’t type. I only know Yiddish literature.”

    But no one is banging down the door for Mr. Wolfe’s job. And the writing is on the wall — or more precisely in the shelves — for wistful enterprises like his. In the stacks there is an eight-volume “lexicon” of biographies of hundreds of past Yiddish writers. If such a Who’s Who were compiled of current writers, it would be drastically smaller.

    “There may be 50 today,” Mr. Wolfe said.

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    13 years ago

    Yiddish is B”H not dying, it’s the secular yiddish that is dying. I’m loving it, keep on dying, same for forwards and all their likes. Mir zenen shtolts mit inser muter shprach. The jews in Egypt escaped because they haven’t change…..language.

    13 years ago

    Good ridance. So will the reform movement die. Judaism can only survive if it comes with observance optherwise it falls by the way side

    13 years ago

    he should hook up with the Lower East Side Conservancy or Tenement Museum.

    13 years ago

    To #1
    Hey, UberChuchem… if jews in Egypt (and elsewhere) escaped becaushe they haven’t change….. language —> then when did you start speaking Yiddish?

    13 years ago

    The article overexaggerates the story. Yiddish books are still selling, just not by him. The internet is a boom for Yiddish books, You have several online sellers who specialize in Yiddish including a seller on ebay. The Yiddish book center has tens of thousands of Yiddish books for sale as well.
    Any bookstore that won’t adapt to the times will die out, whatever they sell.
    There is actually a resurgance in Yiddish culture, with dozens of Universities throughout the world gives classes in Yiddish and Yiddish culture.

    13 years ago

    You bet, #1 . The other day I read a comment somewheres on VIN that claimed Yiddish to be some foreign jargon emanating from German and some other languages that escape me at the moment. How about the fact that Yiddish is a holy language by the mere fact that it is written with the holy letters of the Torah – a gem of a language indeed! Wish I’d have known about this store; I’d have been a frequent visitor and enjoyed it immensely more than a visit to a state of the art Barnes & Noble and the like!

    Mark Levin
    Mark Levin
    13 years ago

    Good Riddens! It was Yiddish books and theater like these who destroyed a large part of Klal Yisrael, They only Yiddish that’s truly alive is Yiddishe Toirah and that’s all we need. You can take those books and place them in recycling .

    13 years ago

    BH whenever I read these articles about Yiddish dying or American Jews in danger, I laugh. Let these reporters come into the hundreds of shuls and shtieblach of Boro Park, Williamsburg, Lakewood, Monsey, and listen to the talk. Or peek into the classrooms and listen. Yiddish culture? Allow me to explain to these dying secular yiddishisten that yiddish culture is Torah. With Rashi, and Malbim, with Michtav M’Eliyahu and Klei Yokor and Tiferes Shlomo and Sfas Emes and Yismach Moshe and Chasam Sofer. No they aren’t written in yiddish. But each of these are learned and discussed in yiddish. The almighty Forward isn’t even printed in yiddish anymore. Isaac Basheves Singer et al, your apikorses is dying. Our lebedike Torah Hakedoshoh is alive and well BH.

    13 years ago

    The yiddishists are strongly anti religious. May they continue to fade away and let their pestilence end.

    13 years ago

    you guys are nut, you did not change of course you did, you started speaking yiddish and that in itself was a change.

    Do you really think Moshe rabbanue spoke yiddish. Yiddish is a fairly new language maybe a few hundred years old. So when you alta zeida started speaking it, he changed from previous generations. Yiddish is no holier than english.

    Yiddish is dying in the secular world because yiddish was a ghetto language and they decided they no longer are in the ghetto. But some want to live back in those fine times

    13 years ago


    You bet, #1 . The other day I read a comment somewheres on VIN that claimed Yiddish to be some foreign jargon emanating from German and some other languages that escape me at the moment. How about the fact that Yiddish is a holy language by the mere fact that it is written with the holy letters of the Torah – a gem of a language indeed! Wish I’d have known about this store; I’d have been a frequent visitor and enjoyed it immensely more than a visit to a state of the art Barnes & Noble and the like!

    and if I write english with the holy letters does that make english holy?

    Yiddish is a mixture of German, polish, and some slavic. It is not holy at all. Unless one wants to say since we speak it, it is holy. If that is the case then any language can become holy.

    What bitter people you are, yiddish is dying and you are happy since it is dying by the secular. What does it bother you if secular want to speak yiddish?

    13 years ago

    One thing is certain, if a shtetl yid from 70 years ago landed in modern-day BP or Willi he would not understand at least 50% of the “yiddish” words being spoken.

    13 years ago

    #12 Isaac Basheves Singer et al, your apikorses is dying.

    Thank g-d it is not, it is just now written in hebrew or english

    13 years ago

    The fryers at the Chewish Drooly Forverts really believe that they are the last vanishing tribe oyf der velt, vos redt Yiddish.

    13 years ago

    I thik we should tell the NK niks and the rest in Meah Sheriam about this store, espically ,
    “it has Yiddish gems like a three-volume set of “The Origin of Species” by Darwin”
    although i doubt they will appreciate how their helige Yiddish has been defaced. Once it is explained to them maybe they`ll stop using Yiddish and given they know no other language or certainly won`t use any other, they will stop speaking all their shtusim like how they abused Rav Metzger

    13 years ago

    Yiddish the way Moshe Rabbeinu spoke it!

    13 years ago

    #14 Yiddish is 1,000 years old. There are seforim from that time which contain words from Rhenish and Middle German. Rashi wrote a form of Franco-Yiddish. Yiddish and modern German evolved from the same language groups, and Yiddish has been around much longer than modern English.

    13 years ago

    go to the corner of 13th and 46th in Boro Park. Yiddish is not dying.

    13 years ago

    to #21 whenever they started they change a big no no
    English is much older than yiddish

    Yiddish, which is written in Hebrew characters, is a composite language stemming from Judeo-German, that is to say the languages used by the Jews who settled in the Rhine Valley in the Middle Ages. Their vernacular language, based on the local Germanic dialect, has been enriched by numerous contributions from Hebrew and from the Romance languages.
    Linguists are still divided regarding the exact breakdown of the periods in the development of Yiddish, but this is generally sketched out as follows:

    # The earliest form of Yiddish emerged between the years 1000 and 1250. Its basic structure is that of Middle High German.
    earlier in France and Italy.

    With the coming of the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes to England, beginning around
    450 a.d., the process of separating English from other West Germanic
    languages had begun.

    13 years ago

    B’H I an glad I speak Yiddish..MY late parents both suvivors spoke it at home and I used to speak it with them. I also speak it with my kids. As far as I’m concerned Yiddish is the only Jewish Language out there. ‘Modern Hebrew’ has become a shanda triefous language devoid of real yiddishkeit. The Torah was written in ‘Loshen Kodesh’..Modern secular ‘Hebrew’ will last from Tanis Esther to Purim