New York – Noted Baal Mussar Lectures Go iPod


    New York – In his lifetime, Rav Avigdor Miller zt’l manged to inspire tens of thousands of people with his legendary shiurim and seforim.

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    Nine years after his death, Rabbi Miller continues to do the same as over 1900 of his lectures are now available on mp3.

    Project Transformer, a project of Yeshiva Gedola Bais Yisroel where Rabbi Miller served as both Mashgiach and Rosh Yeshiva for many years, was established in order to make Rabbi Miller’s timeless words available to as many people as possible, by loading hundreds of shiurim onto a single iPod. While so many of Rabbi Miller’s lectures were preserved on cassette tapes, cassette players are rapidly becoming obsolete and it was obvious that something had to be done. The process of transferring countless shiurim onto mp3 was a time consuming endeavor that took several years, but Rabbi Yehuda Brog, a grandson of Rabbi Miller, feels it was a worthwhile task.

    “Project Transformer has the power change your life,” said Rabbi Brog in an interview with VIN News. “Anyone who listens to Rabbi Miller’s drashas will be transformed. An iPod can literally be your ticket to Olam Haba.”

    The fully loaded iPods contain all of Rabbi Miller’s famous Thursday night shiurim, in addition to mussar shiurim on Orchos Tzaddikim, Mesilas Yesharim, Chovas Halevavos, Pirkei Avos, Rambam, Shaarei Teshuva – Rabbeinu Yona, Chesbon Hanefesh and more.

    Rabbi Miller, a master orator, was known for his ability to draw people young and old from all walks of life and was noted for his ability to summarize his ideas concisely in a manner that could be easily understood. Rabbi Miller finished Shas sixty times in his lifetime and authored fourteen books. Several hundred thousand of his Torah tapes have been sold to date.


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    13 years ago

    Its a pity we can’t download individual shiurim.

    13 years ago

    Is there another source to download individual shiurim?

    13 years ago

    The reason why the gedolim were not using his M’hallech, is, because he wants us to use our Shallow mind to create a phenomenon called God.

    He explains, that In order for our minds to understand, logically, the wonders of an apple and its seeds we must create a God. But when our mind tries to understand. what it has just created, who created this magnificent “God”?; How and when did this God come to being?, our “logic” minds get stuck. So our logic just created something that it can not even phathom.

    Its just that our silly minds feel better saying, “We can’t understand Him” then saying “we can’t understand it”.

    He tries to prove that there is a God, by trying to understand the wonders of one fish catching another, but when asked, why would a God create a world that one creature needs to kill another creature in order to suvive?, our logic mind gets stuck again.

    The bottom line is, that we don’t understand a world without a God (CH”V), and we don’t understand the world with a God.

    That’s why we only need Emunah Pshutah, like Bal Shem stressed.

    13 years ago

    This is worth its price 10 times over.

    13 years ago

    Oy oy oy,

    L’Cavod Toraso ha’mamunach, he should rest in peace, but his books should have been buried with him and should rest with him.
    They’re based on pure misinformation, circular reasoning, opinion misstated as ‘scientific’ fact, scientific facts misstated as ‘opinion’…
    What an embarrassment it is to our tradition of intellect and reason that a rabbi would write such books.
    He should walk in Gan Aden l’olam voed, in peace, where he can eat a apple and marvel at it whilst reading his books, but they shouldn’t be here!

    13 years ago

    Poster # 6 (anonymous); Don’t call an inanimate object “Avodah Zarah”. The i-pod, like any other object is Neutral. It depends what you use it for. It can be used for good or the opposite. The founder of the Mussar movement, Reb Yisroel Salanter zy”a once said that there is no such thing as a good Middah (habit) or a bad one. It all depends how you use it. If it facilitates the learning of Torah, then it acquires a certain degree of Kedusha.

    13 years ago

    Where can u buy one and if I already have a iPod can I have it down loaded on it what about downloading it on iPhone 4 if some one could give me this info I would be very grateful tx u

    13 years ago

    on the caption reads “god’s reason for creating the internet”
    i like that.

    13 years ago

    #’s 12 & 13

    Please don’t take my words in the wrong way, I do feel that he had a way of getting people to feel a close connection to Hashem, and I said nothing about his ability to learn or his knowledge of Torah.
    What I said was that his books that discuss scientific and historical matters are full of pure misinformation and arguments that could only be made or agreed with by people who have never benefitted from a classical education.
    The fact that everyone has shortcomings doesn’t diminish from his greatness in any way and doesn’t classify an “embarrassment to a talmid chacham”.