New York – NY Assemblyman: Bring In The National Guard It’s A State Of Emerency


    Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) walking the streets Dec 28 2010. Photo: Hershey RubinsteinNew York – Today is Day Three after the storm and there has been little or no visible progress. Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) called on Governor Paterson this morning and asked him to coordinate with Mayor Bloomberg and declare a state of emergency and bring in the National Guard to aid in the clearing of the streets for safety. “We need additional help. Mayor Bloomberg and the NYC Department of Sanitation have failed us. We need results right away.”

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    Hikind made the request after hundreds of calls to his office. “Seniors are trapped in their homes without food and buildings are without oil to provide heat because delivery trucks cannot get through,” Hikind said. “It’s hard to believe that this is the 21st century and we do not have the proper resources to clear the streets and ensure people’s safety. Patients are trapped in the hospital who cannot get released because they have no way of getting home. Mayor Bloomberg, what is it going to take to get results?”

    Hikind, who has been walking from his Midwood home to his office these past few days, has been met by livid constituents. “Has the Mayor forgotten us?” asked one constituent. “Does someone have to die to get results?” asked another. “In my 28 years as an elected official, I have never seen such a failure on behalf of the city or the Mayor in getting the job done,” Hikind said. “Let’s bring in the National Guard and get people the help they need. This cannot continue.”

    Hershi Rubeinstein interview the Assemblymen Dec 28 2010 on the streets in Brooklyn.

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    13 years ago


    13 years ago

    It’s a shame Bloomberg doesn’t have to walk the streets of Brooklyn to get to his office.

    13 years ago

    Just declare a state of emergency, like Katrina and the Fedral funds will be pouring into the system.

    And these will be Federal funds that do not have to be paid back, unlike the national guard. which we have to pay for.

    I have only heard denials that there is a sanitation slowdown because the supervisors were demoted. If there are denials, then it must be true………….

    13 years ago

    Dov, you are absolutely right. There is no excuse for this. The National Guard should
    be called in. The Mayor is living in some fanatasy world when he says they are doing their best. This is day 3. Any money they saved on the clean up is being lost in wages and business.

    13 years ago

    every few blocks there is a garbage truck stuck in middle of the streey 53 bet 13-14 58 14-15 i dont remember all drivers are sitting inside the trucks and sleeping why dont they drive the idle trucks that greefeld saw on 19th ave there must be be something going on beneath the surface.

    13 years ago

    Dov Hikind for Mayor

    13 years ago

    In crown heights a baby already died because of this disaster.

    13 years ago

    The very lives of thousands of New Yorkers have been at stake for days, while nothing substantive is being done. The major fiddles while New York freezes (to paraphrase a phrase about Nero and Rome).


    13 years ago

    If you want to know where all of the bull dozers are cleaning up the snow, I just saw at least 5 of them on Water Street in Manhattan.

    13 years ago

    The Guard belongs to the people, send them in!

    13 years ago

    This is NOT a national emergency or state emergency. Its a snowstorm that has inconvenienced many people (who should have been better prepared themselves for a storm predicted for days) and possibly has created a few isolated emergencies. Not being able to get to a chassanah or to the mikvah, or having the kids at home for a few days is not an emergency. It is, however, a gift to all the political hacks who keep on screaming “gevalt” for the cameras.

    13 years ago

    They also have to give priority to clearing Times Square for New Year’s Eve celebration when nearly a million people have to be able to come and go safely. Not many yidden will go this year because it comes out eruv shabbos but still Bloomberg has to plan for the most important events.

    13 years ago

    This mess truly calls for an investigation. how is possible that 48 hours after the storm most streets in bp weren’t plowed? One thing i noticed is that my block was lucky and was plowed during the storm but I never saw a salt spreader. I think this is the key to the entire situation. with out salt the snow just piles up. I also noticed plows with the plows up why? I really think this was an orginized work slowdown.
    I remember some big storms in my life 69, 78, 83, 93 In the last years 10 years almost every year we had at least one storm with over a ft. last year we had it twice. Remember last Tanis esther also 20″ and even as it it began to stick i remember the weather service saying its not going to stick. yet 2 days later on purim there was almost no zecher of the snow.
    but of course in this city fire lanes and bike lanes get priority treatment.
    Take the millions spent on making bike lanes and use it for more important things.
    i say make a snow party and dump the snow in front of city hall!

    13 years ago

    i think this is to punish us for scoffing at Israel when they couldn’t put out the fires. think about it

    13 years ago

    I agree but have a question. – yes, its terrible that they didnt plow. Would it be so bad if everyone takes out a shovel and shovels the street in from of their house?

    13 years ago

    my grandmother need dialysis.
    we put her wheelchair on 2 sleds and dragged her.

    is this a 3rd world country??????????????????

    13 years ago

    I guess the commissioner should resign as Hikind demanded. The difference between Manhattan and the outer boroughs are unbelievable. I actually made it in on Monday and it looked alot bettter then than Brooklyn does today. They continued steadily (hourly) rerunning up and down the avenues, plowing, flattening, and clearing corners, while ignoring entire neighborhoods in the other boroughs.

    NYC law provides the following:
    N.Y. ADC. LAW § 16-124 : NY Code – Section 16-124: Removal of snow and ice from the streets
    The commissioner, immediately after every snowfall or the formation of ice on the streets, shall forthwith cause the removal of the same, and shall keep “ALL” streets clean and free from obstruction. (quotes and capitals added).

    13 years ago

    “Has the Mayor forgotten us?” asked one constituent. “Does someone have to die to get results?” asked another.

    I understand some deaths have already been linked to the storm. At least one woman in cardiac arrest could not be helped because the roads were not clear. She died! And that did not change anything.

    13 years ago

    Code RED!

    13 years ago

    We still have not had a snow plow YET!! I doubt if we will!! The city NEVER sends one!!

    13 years ago

    I cannot believe that it is almost three days after the snowstorm and streets are still not plowed. I used to like Mayor Bloomberg, but not any more. he does not deserve another term for sure! There is no excuse for such negligence! It is unbelievable that New Year’s Eve takes precedence over the needs of the people. People still get sick and hurt when there is snow. This is a real shandeh.

    13 years ago

    It’s time for Brooklyn to become an independent CITY with its OWN Mayor!!! Dov Hikind for Mayor!

    13 years ago

    Amen very well said.

    13 years ago

    Move out to Monsey, we have cleared roads green trees and the sky is visible. I will welcome you with open arms