New York – Music Video About Bochurim Held in Japan Released


    New York – The Japan Song, an all star video to benefit the two bochurim that are still serving time in a Japanese prison, as was first reported exclusively on VIN News, is being released today with the hopes that it will raise both funds and awareness for the two incarcerated boys.

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    The seven minute long video, featuring superstars Shloime Daskal and Avraham Fried was produced by Danny Finkelman, contains sweeping footage of Japan and the Chiba Detention Center, filmed just two and a half weeks before the devastating earthquake and tsunami struck Japan.

    The song, with lyrics in both English and Yiddish, is a remake of the Dveykus classic In A Vinkele, later re-recorded by Yaakov Shwekey, relates the plight of Yoel Zev Goldberg and Yaakov Yosef Greenwald, who are being held in a Japanese prison almost three years after suitcases that they were carrying for someone else were found to contain drugs.

    In an interview with VIN News, producer Danny Finkelman admitted to being deeply moved by the time he spent both at the prison and with the two bochurim.

    “I personally witnessed the conditions that these boys live under every single day. Aside from remembering these boys in our tefillos, it is important that everyone participate in the Pidyon Shevuyim campaign so that these boys can be reunited with their families.”

    Watch below.

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    13 years ago

    Great Video, very well done, I wish they put english subtitles for the first part

    13 years ago

    This is good news!!

    If these superstars cant get them out, noone can.

    Pidyan schvooymim.

    13 years ago

    Great clip shloime and avrum fried. You both have the Zachis to give some Chizk for these heart broke Bucharim. Hashem should pay you for that big Zachus of Pidyon Shavuim. Lets not give up our prayers.

    13 years ago

    Amazing video. Avraham Fried’s voice is super amazin in this vid.

    13 years ago

    please bashafer helf shoin, i cant take it anymore

    13 years ago

    That video was surreal on so many counts.

    13 years ago

    what a beautiful song
    the boy’s tears became a tsunami, hopefully it will tear into the Japs hearts.

    13 years ago

    It is disgusting to imply that the tsunami is because of this. It ruins the whole video.

    13 years ago

    Before I watched the video I did not like the title “The Japan Song” b/c of the current events. Instead of being about the Japan tsunami it’s about two drug smugglers who are stuck in jail. You could not think of a better name for the song? Then I watch the video which was nicely done, but then they show video of the tsunami. I guess to imply like some rabbonim have said (which I disagree) that the tsunami was b/c of the boys imprisoned in Japan. Have we frum jews lost all sense and think the world only revolves around us. Do we have no heart anymore? The people who made this video had good intentions but they made few mistakes.

    13 years ago

    Why was there footage of the tsunami in the video?

    13 years ago

    Guys, there are 2 young yidishe nefashos rotting in near holocaust conditions in a hellhole, far away from any cultural familiarity. If this was any one of your family members, drug smuglers or not, you would also want everything possible to be done for them, wouldn’t you? GROW UP and stop the foolish bickering. Keep your immature opinions to yourselves. If you have nothing positive to say, don’t talk!!

    13 years ago

    #17 i agree 100%. It seems whatever anyone does any time any where, there is always someone to attack it.

    13 years ago

    To #8 -Zeke- You used the term &#8 220;Japs&#8 221;. The latter term is a very derogative ethnic term for &#8 220;Japanese&#8 221;. Would you like the Japanese or other ethnic groups to use derogatory terms, when referring to Yidden? About 32 years ago, Gov. Rhodes of Ohio was making a speech and referred to a new Honda Plant, which was being relocated to Ohio. He also kept referring to the Japanese executives in a public speech as &#8 220;the Japs&#8 221;. The Japanese Consulate was not pleased, and Rhodes apologized.

    13 years ago

    I know and hear all that is being said about them knowing that they were smuggeling. I agree that you still have to have rachmonus and raise money for their pidyon

    13 years ago

    Please post the names of the two boys left in Japan.

    13 years ago

    I have never read such nonsense in my life! To say that 10,000+ innocent people died because of a few people who arrested 2 boys is crazy. Whoever even thinks like this thinks the world belongs to us, yidden. We are in golus, and yes, these boys are beyond any doubt innocent, but it doesnt change my opinion.