New York – Video By Lipa


    New York – We have no words, only tears.

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    The horrifying murder of young Leibby Kletzky, Hy’d, has left us all devastated. Heartbroken. Numb with grief. Awash in an endless sea of tears, we struggle to cope with our new reality, life without Leibby.

    That one little boy, who most of us never knew, could become so much a part of the lives of all of Klal Yisroel is truly remarkable.

    When I landed from Uman on Tuesday afternoon, I knew I couldn’t possibly go home to my own children until I had done my part to help the Kletzky family find their missing child. Nobody ever thought that we would be facing a tragedy of such epic proportions. I went home, kissed my own kinderlach and continued to be mispallel for Leibby’s safe return.

    Sleep did not come easily that night, as I worried about Leibby. Where was he? Was he afraid? Having nightmares? Dehydrated from the heat? Like so many others, I went to bed with my phone in my hand, hoping to hear good news. That Leibby had been found, alive and well.

    When we all woke up to the unspeakable news on Wednesday, it was worse than anyone could have ever imagined. As the news continued to come in, our shock and horror were beyond words. His death. How he died. Where. And by who.

    I wasn’t the only one who spent the day distraught, crying and unable to function. As a singer, I tried to do what I know how to do best. Compose a song for this zeese neshoma. But I couldn’t come up with anything that would do justice to tyere, heilige Leibby.

    Finally, I came up with a story, words of hisorirus that will hopefully provide the chizuk that we all need so very desperately right now.

    Leibby, Leibby, we need you to be a meilitz yosher for your family and for all of klal yisroel. Help us dry our tears and continue with the achdus, the ahava, the tefillos and the endless acts of chesed that you inspired in all of us.

    Umacha Hashem Elokim dima may’al kol panim…

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    13 years ago

    Wow Lipa, the message of bringing us together after a tragedy like this is unbelievable, Chazak vematz!!!

    13 years ago

    Lipa is a genius!

    13 years ago

    Regardless of whether this monster sexually molested the pure Leiby before he murdered him and dismembered him, the absolute overriding priority is that our precious children must be protected. Every suspicious instance must be reported directly to police, no negotiation, no hesitation. If it turns out that this monster acted suspiciously in past and no-one reported it, they are guilty of the murder of Leiby. If you know something, say something. The life you save may be your child’s.

    13 years ago

    He’s a posheter Yid who cares about everyone.

    13 years ago

    Wow. Lipa is a tsadik and I really mean it. Who ever knows Lipa knows that he has a heart of gold. He would never ever judge anybody and he loves every Yid on this earth. Thank You Lipa for being such a gevaldig Yid. We need more Yidden like Lipa

    13 years ago

    keep it up your great work lipa!!! how about a song like you made for moishele?

    13 years ago

    I wept like a baby watching this vid. Locked myself in bathroom for an hour. Couldn’t come out. Didn’t want wife to see me like this.
    The hardest part is watching leiby walking briskly down the street… The last time. So confident.
    Why! Why!
    My only condolence can be is that there are millions of other leibys. Let’s take care of them and protect them

    13 years ago

    As heartwrenching as this is, I think it’s very insensitive to the Kletzky family. To talk about Leiby as a grandfather and that’ll never happen, is crossing the line! Sorry but this video does not get my vote.

    13 years ago

    wow! truly moved me to tears! didnt think i can cry anymore……
    i will definately have every kind deed in mind lzeicher nishmas yehuda ben R’ Nachman.
    songs can real touch a soul so thank you lipa.

    13 years ago

    “Nobody ever thought that we would be facing a tragedy of such epic proportions”
    Please, please do not forget the 1 1/2 million Jewish children brutally murdered by the germans, yemach sh’mom

    13 years ago

    If you know lipa personally, you will realize what a gift to the world he is. Anytime I meet him, he’s always busy with cheesed and helping out our family the Jewish community! A holy rabbi who lived two hundred years ago said “opposition is very good”. If we can delve in depth of what this means and why we can understand why the good is always opposed. May hanshem bentch lipa and klal yisrael!

    13 years ago

    If someone would say all this at the levaya in his hesped, everyone would cry and cry and realise even more what a tragedy this is, but since LIPA said it, it’s a crime?? OY please, get a life! This piece is heartwarming. He is opening our eyes even more to do tshuvah! LIPA, this realy hit home! Thank you! May Hashem never let such tzures enter our homes again!

    13 years ago

    I saw Lipa by the funeral, you could clearly see the angst in his eyes. He has a huge heart and a tiere neshomoh. And you zise Leiby you are not exiting my mind already cried for you more then I did when my dad passed away. Please leiby don’t forget us! Remind god that ALL of us need a huge ישועה. There are so many broken hearts so many are l”a sick or have different problems, leiby you are a צדיק and a true קדוש be relentless in your begging the פמליא של מעלה fo all of klal yisroel. And may your holy neshomoh have an Aliyah higher higher. Oh my heart is aching with pain of your great loss.

    13 years ago

    Like everything Lipa does, it is his way of serving Hashem – and it is different and original. People were asking him to write a song, and he could not so he did this instead. Keep in mind that he put it together quickly and English is not his native language.

    I hope he records a whole album of stories at some point; it would be great to have for sfira and the three weeks.

    13 years ago

    Im not a fan of Lipa, but this was something special! To the one who wrote ( #8 ) &#8 221; to get fame by riding on other coat tails&#8 221; You really think Lipa needs fame?????? Maybe you get a life!!!!

    13 years ago

    Wow! I started crying at the beggining of the video, and was literally sobbing by the time it finished when I hought that I cried all I can already.
    This story has affected everyone – whoever i spoke to over the past few days were beside themselves with emotion and grief over Leiby’s tragic end.

    13 years ago

    I was just telling my wife last night.

    I’m waiting for all the singers to come out with their Leiby songs…..

    13 years ago

    I do NOT think Lipa should write a song about this atrocity. It is one thing that he wrote a song about Moishele Holtzberg, Moishele B”H can enjoy this song as he grows up and it will be a reminder to him of the parents that he never knew.

    The parents of a murdered child do not need a catchy tune to remind them of the child they have lost, the pain will be with them every day for the rest of their lives.

    13 years ago

    I agree with #8 . it is wrong and immoral to exploit such a tragedy for fame.

    13 years ago

    I am a Jew living in Montreal..I have been here my entire life. I grew up in a kosher home…my parents were survivors. I am what you would call traditional but very very far from frum.

    This horrible event touched me like no other and G-d knows we Jews have been thru alot.

    I will not mention the killers name for may his memory be smitten from the anals of Jewish memory, however the beautiful face of small little Leiby will stay with me forever.

    I see his face in the small yiddish children I pass driving thru Outremont and I smile for I remember my past when I too had small Peiyos and wore a black yarmulka.

    I write these words with tears streaming down my face..I am a man in my mid 50’s

    May all of Israel be comforted at this time.I wish the family much comfort.

    G-d bless Israel and the Jewish people.