New York – Rabbi Yehuda Levin, who last month blamed the murder of an 8-year-old Brooklyn boy on the passage of marriage equality in NY, has posted a new video in which he claims yesterday’s earthquake on the east coast was because G-d is angry about homosexuality.
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Says Levin: “We saw today an earthquake. The Jerusalem Talmud tells us that one of the reasons that God brings earthquakes to the world is because of the transgressions of homosexuality. The Talmud states, ‘You have shaken your male member in a place where it doesn’t belong. I too, will shake the earth.'”
Watch below.
Hey for that we had the tradegy of Lieby U”H
C’mon Rabbi you got to be a littler more creative!!!
Before everyone starts screaming on him he has a right to his opinion just like all other gedolim from the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah that know why hashem does this & why hashem does that he has daas torah as well (he has smicha)
Why is he refrring to August 25th which is tomorrow? The earthquake was on August 23rd.
I’m very pleased that we have our own Navi in Flatbush, but I wish he’s get the date right.
Why even report what he’s saying? Hey, look, there’s a guy on the corner yelling about repenting! Quick, write it up!
is he kidding anything could be twisted to mean whatever you want
He is so right. The gay marriage and lack tznius. Elul is coming we better daven hard
come on. why even post what this self proclaimed prophet has to say.. Who knows why it happened. he so dehumanizes tragedy with false predictions.
Who is this man and where is his kehilla? Am I the only one that noticed he twice referred to August 25th which on my calendar is tomorrow. Does that date have some special significance?
Poor aim. Gay marriage is illegal in the quake epicenter – Virginia.
Ok, report the story. But please don’t post the link or embed the video, that only gives him more hits and eggs him on.
Must VIN post everything this person says ??? Unfortunately comments in response to these types of posting always end up in needless machlokes which is not worthy of this website
Ok, earthquakes, sure… maybe I can understand.
But personally… I think the Rabbi should have kept his opinions about poor little Leiby, to himself!
Sometimes I can’t help but wonder if people say stuff like this JUST to help get a push for their anti-gay marriage agenda. And there’s nothing WRONG with being against gay-marriage, based upon scripture & etc.
But that’s not what’s being said here, and I just think he ought to be a little more sensitive to Leiby’s family, and to the community at large, who hears a Rabbi complaining that the torture, death & eventual dismemberment of an innocent 8 year old boy… was *all* because of homosexuality!
The public at large doesn’t always understand the *spiritual implications* of certain actions, discussed in works like the Talmud. Your average public at large, will just hear 1 Rabbi, make 1 statement like this…. and they could run with it!
Pretty soon, we’re ALL having to defend his statement, and reassure some of our friends that actually no… “not *ALL* of us think Leiby was horribly killed because of gay people!” (lol)
I’m sorry… but there are *other* ways to make the case against gay marriage.
Just sayin.
Mr. Levin earthquakes happen when people are filled with anger like yourself. Why do you only have negative things to say???
Rabbi Levin reminds me of an old Joke by Jackie Mason, ” Have you ever seen Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson at a happy event, you always see them at funerals, riots, and sad moments”.
I always assumed that the reason that there was an earthquake was becuase there was a FAULT LINE. Suprise to me.
it is time that this self promoter is put on ignore seems he said same thing for that tragic young boy perhaps if this person showed a little love for his fellow man and a little less hatred maybe then god will look favorably on us
The good rabbi needs some help finding his way out of the deep, dark closet that he’s so hopelessly lost in.
don’t say that I didn’t tell you so! The real question is why are so many Rabbis OBSESSED with gays? This Rav & also Rav Aviner etc.. makes you wonder…
Come on Levin the earthquake was no big deal . What you really meant to say is that as punsihment for gay marriage NY is stuck with the Mets! Now that’s an oinesh.
If you had taken a survey after the second Churban of why this terrible event occurred, very few people would have said,” It was because of Sinas Chinam” Let’s stop guessing Hashems ways and why things happen. WE JUST DON’T KNOW!
The kind of garbage that comes out of his mouth is amazing.
The words of the poet apply aptly to this unfortunate fellow: ‘Evil minds change good to their own nature’. PLEASE stop reporting every mindless, cruel statement this nebach , unbalanced individual makes! You are simply enabling his twisted desires.
1) that was ONE opinion in the mesechta.
2) it behooves him to show humility and use words such as ‘possibly’ or ‘could be’…again, he is playing God and saying he knows the reason. That is why people can’t stand him.
I remember learning in Kaballah that earthquakes occur because Hashem is angry at the over sized and palatial homes being built in Galus while his home is still in ruins. That aside, know that Rabbi Levin is sincere but too specific. The earth does have an obligation and mandate to uncover ALL the sexual crimes being covered up and swept aside.
and he knows this….. how?
Come on Vos- why are you encouraging disturbed ‘rabbis’ media attention. I would compare him to the Neturai Karta and that wurtsborough church group.. you have crazy views and want all the attention they can get. the more you ignore the more they become irrellevant.
Trembling under G-D!
He’s quoting a Gemara so I don’t think there’s anything to argue about unless you’re an apikoros and don’t believe in chazal
Truth hurts- the Rabbi is possibly right- does it not occur to any of you commenters that maybe the reason why NY had its first significant earthquake has to do with something we did? Do u all really feel that we are not responsible for our actions? Did u ever learn Maimonides laws of fasting? Wake up everyone! If it had to do with a fault line why didn’t it happen last year?! Cause and effect- welcome to Judaism 101! When it didn’t rain, when there are problems Jewish people fast- WHY?
If this is what we get for gay marriage, what do we get for pedofilia and coverups in Orthodox community?
I see from these comments he is well respected (Not)
The reason for sun today is because we all did teshuvah!!
Ladies and Gentelman…you can all bad mouth this Rabbi as much as u want.How does he know this? And how does he know that? But…Chas Vesholem..if a big one comes ,all you big talkers will become mute ,deaf,no place to be found. Hashem is talking to US JEWS ,wake up,do Tshuva before its to late.He is sending this sign for a reason. Its easy to critisize, but hard to face the fact. IM HASHEM LO YISHMAR IR….
‘Will nobody rid me of this turbulent priest?’
–King Henry II
Hey Rabbi Levin,
Earthquakes are caused by plates in the earth shifting. They are going to happen if there are gays, or no gays or no people. You think earthquakes don’t happen on mars? They do and guess what there are no people there.
I don’t want to mock something from the Gemara (assuming his citation is correct) but what does he expect people to do about homosexuality? Are straight people supposed to march with torches and pitchforks and yank gay couples out of their homes and line them up for execution? What is wrong with living our lives and not getting involved in the issue of homosexuality other than to say that the Torah forbids it?
I don’t doubt what Rabbi Levin is saying is correct.
But why, oh why, don’t the Rabbis ever come up with predictions I can use, like stock market picks or lottery numbers?
Since this earthquake caused very little damage, I guess Hashem isn’t terribly upset about gay marriage.
maybe he’s right. And maybe the cause of reform/conservative/teens at risk is because of him and people like him.
There are discussions in Tanakh and the prophets about how our Creator will create earthquakes in Jerusalem in the time that we are so egregiously aberrant that it will be a message to our people. That said, I regard this as a figurative embattlement and that our true earthquake will be that of a lack of peace and a lack of protection against other mishaps. True you could look at the state of unrest in Israel today and say that has come true. On the other hand I will argue that our people are indeed on the mission that our Creator has sent us forth to be upon and that we must simply continue to improve. I do not regard Israel as being afflicted with these sorts of earthquakes in that manner that the bible explains today, but we must all be careful not to be wicked and pass our own wickedness on to the rest of our nation as we try to build larger contained dwelling spaces for our own hedonism and our in fact dismal fascist leaning ways. This is the true message. Repent and bring the world to a higher state of purity and worth. That is our mission.
I can’t believe the foolishness of the posts in this audience- G-d help us all. When messages are sent you have to try to interpet them. If you ignore them when they are small they will just get bigger. People-stop making fun of a rav that is trying to learn a lesson from an event. You can hide your heads in the sand all you want but you have not answered any points in his article and you should really think it through a little better rather than shooting off your mouth from the cuff. Please consider this.
He should just go and hang out with the Westboro cult.
From the Borowitz Report:
Pat Robertson Blames Mild Earthquake on People Who Seem Kind of Gay
Evangelist Pat Robertson sparked controversy in today’s broadcast of his 700 Club program by saying that yesterday’s mild East Coast earthquake was God’s revenge on people “who act kind of gay.”
“All across the Eastern seaboard, there are men who get manicures, wear designer eyewear and know about thread counts,” Rev. Robertson. “God finds this somewhat gay-like behavior confusing, and He responded by getting mildly peeved.”
The televangelist warned that if Americans persist in their “seemingly sort-of-gay behavior,” the country should brace itself for additional ambiguous acts of retaliation from the Almighty.
“God will strike back at people who act sort of gay with all kinds of mild responses,” he said. “If you keep getting pedicures and facials, you can expect two to three inches of rain and some really hot humid days in your future.”
Rev. Robertson said that New Yorkers who reacted in an over-the-top way to yesterday’s temblor “run the risk of moderately annoying the Heavenly Father yet again.”
Every Please cut Rabbi Levin some slack. He is lookin out for our neshamas
How lucky we are to have a person among us who undersatnds the workings of the creator. WOW
Its sad…you people jump on rabbi Levin like u are scared that Hashem sends messages. Did u all know that for ten years before sedom was destroyed Hashem sent earthquakes as warnings- and u know what they probably said? Its a fault line, etc. the rabbis are bothering our comfort zone…I cannot believe how sad all ur comments are. Yes, rain has to do with clouds, but does that not mean if it doesn’t rain its because of clouds?! We fasted because what we do has an effect on the world, if that bothers u, maybe its time to realize that if u don’t get a message…for a couple of years…ur Jews u have a responsibility to realizeur actions have an effect- the Rabbis who spoke the truth were usually not popular until klal Yisroel woke up too late!
this so called rabbi,is a 350 pound walking and talking piece of CHILLUL HASHEM,
why VIN would quote this ignorant savage is beyond me
This Rabbi Is completely Insane. The murder of Leiby Kletzky Z’L Was so klal yisrael should unite as one. Kids go missing and this happens because the person has a problem and killed him. The earthquake is not because of Gay marraige. It was Not directly hit in N.Y.C. so that is out. I think he is full of nonsense.
Ninty nine percent of yidden regard Levin as a sad and pathethic individual who exploits tragedies to get his periodic 15 seconds of fame for his disgusting and repetitive efforts to blame every tragedy on gay marriage (just like the dreche who post here periodically blaming every tragedy on short hemlines and other tzinus violations in BP and Willy). Not sure what more to say than he will get his just reward in the wrong zipcode of olam haboh.
yochy, right on! kollelfaker! you probably are! chaim -ben yehudah, you say the nastiest and stupidest things. we all know , and will never forget, nebach how little lieby died, but you don’t have to keep describing what happedned , where is your sensitivitive.