New York – Irene Causes Temporary Disruption in Cholov Yisroel Milk Supply


    FileNew York – New York’s Jewish community was faced with yet another after effect of Hurricane Irene today: an almost complete shortage of Golden Flow milk on store shelves.

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    Golden Flow milk is bottled in Roxbury, New York, located upstate in Greene County, which was hit hard yesterday by flooding. Trailers hauling 35,000 gallons of Golden Flow milk which was destined for stores in both the Catskills and New York City were detained yesterday by local police due to poor road conditions and were not permitted to continue to their destinations until 8 AM this morning.

    Golden Flow headquarters was besieged with phone calls this morning from camps, yeshivos, schools, hospitals and stores who did not receive their morning milk delivery.

    “Deliveries were started at 12 noon today instead of 1 AM, causing a huge disruption in our milk supply,” Golden Flow Vice President of Sales and Marketing David Weinberger told VIN News.

    Weinberger estimates that Golden Flow milk arrived in the New York City area between 3 and 4 PM today but anticipates that all deliveries will be on time tomorrow morning.

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    13 years ago

    It’s one thing for a family to be without milk but yet a much greater thing for a camp with 100s or 1000s of kinderlech to be without milk. I hoped everyone stayed calm during these tough days.

    13 years ago

    Reply #2 : I don’t know where you are coming from but Many and most chassidisha camps are still open and there are k”h thousands of kids. Its harder to control a bunch of kids that want their cereal than your own at home. #1 is right. Sorry.

    whats ur problem
    whats ur problem
    13 years ago

    O no wonder there was no milk in the store before!

    13 years ago

    I always keep dry milk (chalav yisroel) in the house, for such emergencies!! You never know.

    13 years ago

    Let us all be grateful to Golden flow and other chulev yisroel companies for delivering in snow storms,heat waves, and 365 days a year …When disaster strikes we all suffer ..we can live without milk for a day but we can not survive withoud food and water…

    13 years ago

    To #11 Have you ever heard of a snowstorm when the trucks cannot get through??That is why I keep dry milk!!

    13 years ago

    I think the “take-away” from this story is the fact that we must be greatful to HKBH for his immense chasdim: something that, judging from the comments,we seem to be,sadly,lacking.The fact that for the most part, NYC was spared the devestation many other areas suffered is nothing short of a Nes.

    12 years ago

    C”S to give Yiddishe Kinder chulav akim milk. By us Chasidishe Yidden there is no such thing as “Chulav stam” and even for Reb Moshe’s followers it is a big b’dieved sheb’dieved to drink “chulav stam” There was a story that Reb Moshe was at a bris (of course it was Litvish because it was Milchigs) and someone gave him milk and afterwards he found out it was “chulav stam” he through it up.