New York – A Brooklyn rabbi who confesses that he knows absolutely nothing about Bob Turner, put out an automated phone call paid for by the National Organization for Marriage endorsing the Republican candidate for the congressional seat vacated by Anthony Weiner to make a public statement against Democrat David Weprin, an Orthodox Jew who came out in support of gay marriage.
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Noted lecturer Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein, founder and director of Ohr Naava, told VIN News that when the gay marriage bill was passed into law, he began to wonder if the time had come to leave the country, given a medrash that states that there can be no shemira in a place where gay rights are legally sanctioned.
“I called my Rebbi, in Israel, Rabbi Gamliel Rabinovich, who told me to make a machaa, a public statement saying that I am completely against this. Now that this election is here, it is my chance to make my machaa against the gay marriage bill.”
Rabbi Wallerstein conjectured that perhaps it is that lack of shemira that caused the recent fatalities within the Jewish community during Hurricane Irene.
“I have no political leanings whatsoever,” said Rabbi Wallerstein. “But I am very political when it comes to toeivas Hashem and His name. This was a vote against Hashem. This is my chance to stand up and vote for Hashem.”
Rabbi Wallerstein said that he is further committed to making the same statement in future elections against any other Orthodox politician who supports gay rights.
To listen to the Robo calls click below.
Considering who is rabbi in israel is, I respect his decision!!
I know personally Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein, He is a business man not a politician.
He does not need to know theperson in order to speak his mind.
Just a few months ago, Aguda honored Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, who has been voting for the gay marriage bill for several years. Silver delivered $18 million in TAP scholarship money to yeshiva students. Meanwhile, Aguda disappeared during the gay marriage debate. Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky now says it is “assur” to vote for David Weprin because of his gay marriage vote.
Can somebody explain this to me?
Its refreshing to know that there are rabbonim who will blindly endorse a candidate on a single issue without even knowing the candidate and his other positions on matters of potentially even greater importance to yidden living in that district. Kol hakovod to the latest and most narrow minded and politically inept intruder yet into this election. Perhaps if he made some further inquiry, he would know that Weprin is a much stronger candidate on just about every other issue than what people do in their bedrooms.
Turner helped create the Jerry Springer Show. For those of you Yidden without a TV, here is what Wikipedia says about the Jerry Springer Show:
The Jerry Springer Show is ostensibly a talk show where troubled or dysfunctional families come to discuss their problems before a studio audience so that the audience or host can offer suggestions on what can be done to resolve their situations. In actuality, the show has come to epitomize the so-called “trash TV talk show”,[2] as each episode of the show focuses on topics such as adultery, zoophilia, divorce, homophobia, incest, infidelity, pedophilia, pornography, prostitution, racism, strange fetishes, dwarfism, or transvestism, which frequently result in fighting between guests. At one point, the show proudly boasted that it was voted the “Worst TV Show Ever” by TV Guide magazine. The show also bragged to be “an hour of your life you’ll never get back”. The Jerry Springer Show has received widespread criticism and caused many controversies for a variety of reasons including its elements of prurience, explicit language and the exploitation of the vulnerable.[3]
I really do not see what the Jerry Springer show has to do with anything. The difference is so obvious. Bob is not saying we should accept the show and that its perfectly OK for everyone – hes also not frum –
One wonders why these people would risk their tax exempt status by making political endorsements.
i hope this doesnt affect their 501c3
It’s not blind, it’s called DAS TORAH.
Whatever your opinion on this issue, make sure to go out and VOTE tomorrow!
Kol Hakavod Rabbi Zach, the truth will set us all free!
When Weprin loses tomorrow, it will serve to initiate the downhill trend for the DIMocrats leading to Obama’s ultimate electoral defeat in November 2012, just as the election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts began the inexorable wave that led to the crushing defeat of the dims in the November 2010 elections. The massive, nationwide buyer’s remorse over Obama’s incompetence can no longer be reversed. Out of the entire U.S. population, only blacks and liberal Jews still support the Anointed One: blacks, who overwhelmingly support Obama, do so out of racist reasons based on little more than his skin color, and those of my fellow Jews who, sadly, have not yet been able to cure themselves of mindless liberalism, support him out of terminal blindness – no doubt they are descendants of those who fell for Shabtai Zvi.
Last week a letter was sent out in the Marine Park Frum community claiming to be from the “khal” it was endorsed by some of the local seasoned wannabe politicians who were claiming we owed some sort of hakoras hatov to werpin. A loval Rov (Daas Torah) explained in his weekly drasha that bmakom chilul hashem there is no mitzva of hakoras hatov. Very similar to what Rabbi Wallerstien said this is clearly a chilul hashem and we must take a stand. it is unfortanate how even some of us frum people who send our kids to the finest yeshivos and make sure to buy the nicest esrog will forget everything we stand for when it comes to brown nosing a polition. I for one will vote tomorrow for turner just for this reason and i hope this turn out will turn werpins chillul hashem into a kidush hashem
a kesiva vachasima tova to all of klal yisroel
I am so thankful to see someone finally stand up and oppose immorality in our generation, despite the personal attacks he will undoubtedly experience for doing so. It is people like Rabbi Wallerstein that inspire me to hold firm in my commitment to Toras Emes and make a similar stand in my realm of influence.
I understand not voting for Weprin because of his stance, but how could anyone vote for Turner after the filth he’s polluted our culture with? Yes, he’s not frum, but his past actions are so against what we believe that I wouldn’t think we’d want to do anything that under any circumstances could be seen as an endorsement of him. Voting for him isn’t just a vote against Weprin, it’s a vote FOR him, someone who is incredibly problematic in his own right.