New York – Under a new luggage policy scheduled to take effect on November 1st, 2011, all El Al passengers flying economy class from North America to Israel will only be entitled to check one suitcase, weighing up to fifty pounds, for free. The cost to check a second bag, up to fifty pounds will be $70.
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Matmid members with platinum and gold frequent flyer status, even those flying in coach, are entitled to check two bags at no cost. Business class passengers are entitled to three bags, while first class passengers are allowed to check four bags at no additional charge. The weight allowance for platinum and gold Matmid members, business class and first class is seventy pounds.
El Al cites the high cost of fuel and difficult financial conditions in the airline industry for these new restrictions and says they are not the only airline who has been forced to take these drastic steps.
“This is a trend within the industry, something all the other airlines are doing and we are just following suit,” Sheryl Stein, Manager of Advertising and Public Relations at El Al, told VIN News. “I think people have already grown accustomed to this policy and we are sure the public will understand why we need to do this.”
The new luggage policy allows passengers to upgrade the weight allowance on their baggage from fifty to seventy pounds for a $25 fee.
The new restrictions do not apply to any El Al tickets that are issued on or before October 31st.
For more information go to elal
I’m not sure why anyone flying to EY (except if you are making aliyah) would need more than 50 lbs of luggage??? If you need an extra pair of socks or underwear, buy them in EY and help the local economy. There are plenty of seforim in EY so no need to schlep them from home.
When we made aliyah, I found a nice steamer trunk in Salvation Army for $3.50 it holds a ton. I use it for linens but it met the size requirement for ELAL and wasn’t heavy empty so you get one of those and you can bring anything you need. Also some one I know bought a bunch of gear box covers. They are rip stop nylon and you can put a 20x20x20 carton in one and they are lockable. One of those will also hold just about anything you will need. If you can’t manage another $140 which is less than one night in a hotel room, you can’t afford to travel.
Why is it that only EL AL was still offering this the USA, while all/most other airlines to almost everywhere else (and other EL AL flights) has already reduced standard allowance to 1 piece of luggage, max 50lb. I dont really see the difference as to where you are going, whatever you pack for Florida, should be the same as what you need for Israel. I have traveled enough to know that if you really need something so badly when you are away, you can always buy it there.
No worries. They will simply carry it on the plane and stuff it into the overhead bins like they do now. Come to think of it, there should have been a 2 shtreimel rule as well. Seriously, every Yoiley in BP is bringing for his cousins in EY.
Isn’t it amazing that economy-sardines have to pay more to bring less but the rich travelers get so many free (& heavier) bags. Some crazy logic, even allowing for the fact they pay more to travel.
How is it that Turkish Air can fly JFK to Beirut for $625.
How can KLM and Turkish air fly to Amman Jordan for 963
Yet to go to Israel is double. Yes DOUBLE!
It’s because they can take the JEWS money and that includes Continental and Delta everybody. So the answer is not the cost of fuel, just pure GREED.
So as my father used to say TOT…. call a spade a spade and don’t lie to the public anymore.
One final thought, El AL does have substantially higher security costs and you do get that value when you fly with them.
I think this is a discrace to charge clients for luggage!
NExt thing they”l charge for: Head phones, meals, toillets, leg space , over weight,,…..
I think airlines like Southwest, JEtblue, airtran are primary choices for american travelers is fue to the fact that those airlines don’t try to shtup you with extra fees.
for 1 more passanger u have you cover 18 extra luggages… don;t u rather have more clients than baggages?!
Did you ever think that your suitcase weighs about 15 to 18lbs? So 50lbs is not nearly enough!
The second suitcase was never free. It was included in the price you paid for the ticket.
Continental just charged my friend $150 for her 3rd bag in Business First! And no, she didn’t upgrade, she bought the ticket in BF. They are just following the other major US airlines that fly to TLV. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t agree, it is just that they are not the only ones. Also keep in mind that on Continental if you get your Reward Ticket from someone who is Gold or Platinum, YOU are allowed to bring 3 bags of 70 pounds for free.
And get cheap crap for expensive prices?
No thank you. I live here for twenty years and until something
changes, either the tariffs or the merchants expectation of ridiculous margins, I’ll continue to buy all of mine and my 11 kids items in USA. Sorry it’s just better and cheaper.
Relax everyone. You are not going on a cruise where you expect everything to be inclusive. The golden age of flying is over. Flying is now a mode of transportation, and if you want anything else other than a seat, you should pay. Do you demand free food when riding the subway or greyhound bus?
Four thoughts before I go to bed:
1. Every item carried in an airplane, be it a teaspoon or a trunk, needs fuel to be loaded to carry that item from A to B.
2. El Al is not the only airline in the world that flies from and to Israel.
3. Use your yiddishe seichel and shop around for the best deal before you fly.
4. Layla tov.
Continental/United has 2 free bags! And better seats!
Why does the majority of commenters on this story have this overweening sense of entitlement?
If you want to mail a letter you have to pay postage. If you want to use UPS’s service to send a package you have to pay the fees.
So, if El Al decides that it will concede its passengers free carriage on their first items of luggage (up to a certain weight and size) why are you all making such a hoo-ha over paying for anything extra?
We all know there is nosuch thing as a free lunch. Kal vechomer, get used to the fact there is no free luggage.
Well, to all those of you who have all smart comments about about why people would bring American products to Israel: Let me open up your tiny, cramped, narrow-minded heads, and introduce you to quite a large segment of the people living/traveling to or from Israel.
You see people like us, who move to Israel so that our husbands can learn, struggle very much financially. Some of us more than others. Some parents are able to help out, others are not. But MANY of us, when the chance does come for us to go home, and visit family, are very excited about the prospect of bringing back tuna fish at half the price, peanut butter at 1/3, and baby bottles that actually work! So yes, we do shlepp that stuff back, and YES, we do expect it to be part and parcel (pardon the pun), of the exorbitant fee we pay for us and our children to fly home. Maybe if you weren’t so spoiled you would be able to realize that others sometimes actually NEED things, not just want them.
A gut gebentched yur!