Washington – Santorum Says He Would Bomb Iran Nuclear Sites


     Republican presidential candidate and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum smiles as he gets in his campaign vehicle following a campaign event at the Smokey Row Coffeehouse in Oskaloosa, Iowa, USA 31 December 2011. Santorum has advanced in the polls and is running on the heels of leaders Mitt Romney and Ron Paul as the date of 03 January 2012  Iowa Caucus approaches.  EPA/TANNEN MAURYWashington – Republican Rick Santorum says that if he’s elected president, he would bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities unless they were opened for international arms inspectors.

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    Santorum says President Barack Obama hasn’t done enough to prevent the Iranian government from building a nuclear weapon and has risked turning the U.S. into a “paper tiger.”

    Santorum tells NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he would tell Iranian leaders that either they open up those facilities, begin to dismantle them and make them available to inspectors — or the U.S. would attack them.

    The Obama administration, like the Bush administration, has focused primarily on international diplomacy and economic penalties to try to pressure Iran into abandoning its nuclear program. Iran contends its efforts are for peaceful purposes.

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    12 years ago

    Why do all these articles on Iran end with a statement “Iran contends it is for peaceful purposes”

    Do we really need to hear irans farce in every article? Is it not obvious enough that they want nuclear weapons for military purposes that we can simply leave out “irans contention” already

    It’s an insult.

    It’s like …. The us is killing al Qaeda because they are terrorists and what they did on 9/11. Al Qaeda contends they took down the towers for peaceful purposes”. Seriously, do we need that contention in there every single article? ???

    12 years ago

    That’s what should be done now.

    12 years ago

    Go Santorum Go!
    he’s got great policies, this only makes him better, he’s the one i would vote for.

    12 years ago

    easier said then done, also if it’s that simple the US or Isreal would have done it a long time ago.
    but you never know…………

    12 years ago

    These Republican contenders act like Teddy Roosevelt (Speak softly, but carry a big stick). The days of gunboat diplomacy are over. We learned that lesson in Iraq. Even if the Iranian nuclear sites were bombed, it would not completely eliminate Iran as a threat to that region. In fact, it would probably provoke it, thus forcing the USA to send ground troops into that area. There is no guarantee that if Ahmadinejad was deposed, another dictator wouldn’t be worse. Look at what is going on in Egypt right now. To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, “are the Egyptians better off now, than they were eight months ago”.