New York – Largest U.S. Organizations Team Up Calling On Jews To Support Israel Through Torah Study


    FILENew York – At time of great peril, when the Jewish people are under attack, Jews everywhere support those who defend them on the front lines through prayer, charity, and Torah study. For those of us living in the Diaspora, our charitable support of the Israel Defense Forces and our heartfelt prayers for their success and safety are joined with increase in our study of Torah. The Talmud, Makkot 10a, states, “R. Yehoshua b. Levi said: What is the meaning of the [Psalmist’s] words, ‘Our feet stood within your gates, O Jerusalem’ (Psalms 122:2)? What helped us to maintain our firm foothold in war? The gates of Jerusalem- the place where students engaged in the study of Torah!”

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    The Rabbinical Council of America, the Orthodox Union, and the National Council of Young Israel call upon all Jews to increase their Torah study as spiritual support and merit for those Israeli soldiers and civilians on the front line of battle. Specifically, the RCA calls upon its members to convene special shiurim, lectures and classes, in their communities on this Wednesday and Thursday, 7th and 8th of Kislev (November 21-22, 2012), dedicated to the support of the IDF and the State of Israel.

    In the merit of our increased study of Torah, may we merit the promise recorded in the Talmud, Sotah 21a, that the study of Torah protects and rescues those who engage in it.

    The learning program is one element of the larger efforts to provide chizuk to our beleaguered brothers and sisters in Israel. That effort will include a financial campaign, and a solidarity visit by the RCA President and Vice-President along with along with American Jewish leaders and representatives from the OU and Young Israel.

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    12 years ago

    Thank you RCA & NCYI! To those of us with children serving and exposed to the danger it is well appreciated. Hopefully we’ll hear the same thing from the Agudah and the Chassidic leaders. It can be a קול קורא and they can all get a chance to sign it.

    12 years ago

    I recall that during the 1967 war, thousand of Americans rushed to EY and helped fill in for their counterparts in the reserves who had been called up for active duty. This was essential to keeping the economy of EY from collapsing and helped immeasurably in the war effort. Hopefully, someone is thinking along these lines now if c’v the situation worsens. While American volunteers (with few exceptions) couldn’t fight alongside the IDF, they certainly would be vital to helping win a protacted struggle against the terrorists.

    12 years ago

    As we know its proven that it helps

    Mark Levin
    Mark Levin
    12 years ago

    EXCELLENT!! Shkoyach!!

    This is something EVERYONE could do with hardly even trying.

    12 years ago

    To all who joined during the Lebanon war and previous Gaza war in the Elef Lamate project (to pray for a soldier), unfortunately we are now starting this project again. For those who want names or have names to give, please log on to or call 02-581-1911 / fax 02-5400771. In U.S.A please log on the above website or call / text 443-203-8592 / fax 410-558-6408

    Many thanks and Besurot Tovot

    An open letter to all Achenu Bnei Yisroel

    After learning about the heart rendering appeal of the Gedolay Torah to intensify our Tefilos and Torah learning during this very trying time for Klal Yisroel, we have undertaken to join and aid them in their prayers.

    The Medrash Rabah and the Yalkut relate that during the war against Midyon, for every one that went out to battle there was a designated person whose task it was to pray and learn for him.

    The Great Gaon and Sage Rebbe Chaim Kanievsky, shlitah, when asked about this tradition pointed out that Dovid Hemelech, as well continued and instituted the practice, that for every individual who was in combat, there was another person selected for the specific task of praying and learning for him.

    Therefore in order to continue and accomplish this Minhag, we ask soldiers and/or their relatives who would want a “partner” in Torah and Tefillah to give their Hebrew name and mother’s Hebrew name without any other particulars such as family name or other identifying factors, so that we may disseminate them among those who heed the call to add Torah and Tefiloh for the sake of those who find themselves in jeopardy ח”ו.

    Anyone who finds himself or herself ח”ו in danger or in shelters because of the war may also feel free to call or email to the above.

    To bond with us and receive a name of your “partner” please email or fax the above.

    May Klal Yisroel in the merit of joining together, speedily see a successful end to this trial and campaign as quoted in the Parsha “without loss of life”.

    the letter is signed by the Bostoner Rebbe ztl, and Rabbi Simcha Hakohen Kook, Chief Rabbi of Rehovot – Churva Jerusalem

    12 years ago

    A main ingredient in making ourselves a vessel for geula and yeshua is achdus, national unity. May we show achdus for our brother in Israel now, and halevai may we continue to do so in peacetime as well. Hashem oz le’amo yiten, Hashem yevarech et amo bashalom.