New York – Since a 103-year sentence was handed down last week in the sexual abuse case involving 54-year-old, unlicensed therapist Nechemya Weberman, many have said that the Satmar community was deliberately singled out for punishment, The Wall Street Journal reports (
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“It’s not a good number. The 103-year sentence is going to discourage future victims from coming forward because nobody wants to have that on their conscience their entire life,” said Gary Schlesinger who heads a charity with ties to Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum. “Sometimes you can have a person rehabilitated for a much shorter time.”
According to the Brooklyn district attorney’s office, 113 people have been arrested since the Kol Tzedek (Voice of Justice) program was launched in 2009 to help Orthodox victims of sexual abuse. The program has resulted in a 70% conviction rate, including the Weberman case. An additional 40 cases were investigated, but could not be prosecuted because of the statute of limitations.
Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, vice president of Agudath Israel of America, a nonprofit with links to Brooklyn’s Satmar community said the DA’s office should have handled the case more “delicately.”
“Many people felt it wasn’t as if Mr. Weberman was on trial, it was as if the community was on trial,” Zwiebel said.
“The reaction I’ve heard from many is maybe we shouldn’t be cooperating with law-enforcement authorities.” He added that while he supported the idea of dealing with sex abuse in the Orthodox Jewish community, he feared that the 103-year sentence might be seen as “the system is rigged against Hasidic Jews.”
However, prosecutors said they consider the sentence a “significant victory.”
“I hope that people can see that if they come forward, that there are measures in place to help,” said Rhonnie Jaus, chief of the Brooklyn district attorney’s office sex-crimes division.
Orthodox Jewish Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who has regularly spoken about sexual abuse in the ultra-Orthodox community on his weekly radio show program, said he would have preferred a lesser sentence for Weberman. “As horrible as all of this, I would have been happier if it would not have been 103,” said Hikind “This almost says to people who already have a chip on their shoulder that the Orthodox community isn’t getting a fair shake that they’re right.”
Last month, Ezra Friedlander, CEO of the public relations firm The Friedlander Group, wrote in the Forward that he viewed Weberman’s guilty verdict as “an opportunity to confront abuse once and for all.” But now he says the heavy sentence imposed against Weberman has even “fair-minded” people in the community asking if the system “is stacked against us.”
“The community looks at a 100-year-sentence and says, ‘Whoa, murderers don’t get anywhere near 100 years,’” Friedlander told the Forward (
Shortly after the sentencing, people took to blogs and Twitter to discuss the 103-year sentence. Many compared Weberman’s sentence to the one received by Levi Aron, the man who kidnapped and murdered 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky in Borough Park, Brooklyn in 2011. Levi took a plea deal and received a sentence of only 40 years to life.
Brooklyn DA Hynes has said his office asked for the maximum sentence for Weberman knowing that the sentence would probably be reduced to 50 years on appeal, a move which is typical in sex abuse cases.
Catch 22!
I am one that beleives that he deserves every day of the 103 year sentence, i however also agree that people will refrain from reporting because of this big number.
On the other side though, i think, people will think twice before they do a crime knowing that there are no short cuts anymore
Look you cannot have your cake and eat it. If you want somebody prosecuted to the “full extent of the law” then you do not have the authority to handcuff the legal system to suit your needs, Besides, who the heck cares what people like Hikind would have ‘preferred’. This is not about him but about the victim. With the maximum sentence meted out, this girl does not have to worry if and when he will get out and seek revenge which Weberman has probably thought about and will be thinking about. Besides, you cannot rehabilitate someone who victimizes the downtrodden and troubled premeditatedly. Weberman is right where he belongs unfortunately.
Huh? I simply don’t get the benefit from appearing to again be protecting molesters by decrying this sentence.
Thats impossible how can they be more wary of the authorities then they already are cant be.
If this long sentence protects just one of our children, the sentencing is appropriate. He can no longer hurt our children OR our grandchildren. Let future molesters think about this and get some help, even though pedaphilia can never be cured.
What kind of links does Agudah have to Satmar? Both being ultra orthodox, but that is about it.
This outcome of weberman getting 103 years is the direct result of them the satmerers letting molestations go for over 2 decades they have no one to blame but themselfs they knew theese things were happening in their midst but they chose not to do anything about it ,this sentence is a way punishment for the past indifference that the leadership showed for the innocent helpless children who were molested over 2 decades so lets not cry now .
And Priests that molest boys get how many years?
Around 15 percent of Americans were molested as a child. (according tothe journalistresource – I cannot post the link).
Based on that number, thousands of children in Brooklyn are molested each year.
Almost all molesters get away with no convictions at all.
If your a Chossid you are treated very different, in the news, in court, and in prison.
I contacted various Non Jewish News stations based in NY,
I asked them why do they single out to report A “hassidic” molester more than all the other thousands of molesters in the City.
One response was “We report any molester that reaches our attention”
You don’t need to read Gemara or Shulchan Aruch:
‘Chumash’ states that if a man convices a twelve year old girl and “molests her” – he must marry her for life. (or pay a Knas in certain circumstances).
If we would live in certain Muslim countries, would we support cutting off the hands of a stealer?
Does our Torah have any say in the matter?
Ok it a lesson, when will he be able to practice his lesson. after 103 years ?
Forget about the “length” of the sentence… The “verdect” itself was based purely on anti semitism… That’s not to say that he’s innocent….
But there’s no question, if this was not a satmar chasidic jew, he wouldn’t have been found guilty in the first place.. Again, I’m not saying he’s innocent, but that his orthodox jewishness is what caused them to convict…
54 counts, 103 years, do the math. This wasn’t an over the top sentence. As far as priests are concerned wait, they’re turn is coming.
If Weberman would be a Non Jew
1- He would not get any news coverage.
2- Mr. Hynes would not be involved in every step of the way.
3- The Jury would probably dismiss the case do to lack of evidence.
4- If he would be an unlucky man and be convicted by the Jury on a few counts – the Judge would probably give him between a month and a year – since he is a first time offender and there was no physical rape involved.
People that rape a girl and then kille the girl usually get away with 10-25 years.
Not a “Chassid”!
Rabbi’s and jewish leaders are not protecting molestors!
Rather, they are againts the unfair sentences issued by judges all across the country, when it comes to jews!
According to this artlcle:
Every single time any Jewish boy or girl accused a Jewish man of molesting them – Every single time the Jewish man was convicted.
Unless the accuser reached statue of limitations I.E is too old.
Is this Justice?
Now you have a good way of taking Nekama on your principle who punished you or threw you out of the school!!
why is everyone so convinced that hes guilty ? her word against his no evidence .dont give me the jury found him guilty argument ,that only applies when the jury finds the evidence to be substantial , not when the jury is convinced to believe one story more than the other .its a disgrace to the justice system .and shame on his lawyers ,they should be disbarred for losing this case
50 yr on appeal means parole after 20, no?
Anonymous [#6] says: “What kind of links does Agudah have to Satmar? Both being ultra orthodox, but that is about it.”
Ever since Rabbi Pam stepped down and Rabbi Perlow assumed the nominal head of state position, The Agudath Israel has been trying to cater to the chassidic rebbes in general (Rabbi Perlow being one himself) and the Satmar Rebbe in particular.
Now that there are two Satmar rebbes whose relationship with one another is quite contentious, this places the Agudah in the position of having to pick postures shared by both, lest they alienate either the Zalies or the Aronies. A long sentence imposed upon anyone with a beard who wears a streiml or a Borsolino, whether Zalie or Aronie or Square or Ger or anything else, fills the bill very nicely.
Post this messege on every media outlet…
Rabbis and jewish leaders are not defending molestors!
But are againts unfair sentences by judges across the country againts jews…
To those who advocate letting him out many years earlier, how much earlier?
Also, will you volunteer your children to be near him?
The satmar community teased the authorities giving the impression that they were above the law! First the highly publisized half a million fundraiser for webermam. Then the intimidation of the victims family and bribery attempt. And then the chutzpa of taking pictures in the court room. This is what happens !!!!! When you’re a wise guy, The book gets thrown at you …with the maximum handed down.
If he took a plea deal and admitted his guilt he would have received a much lighter sentence. He made the victim get up on the stand and cry, choosing to yet again, “play dirty”, so he deserved everything that was coming at him.
“True evil lies not in the depraved act of the one, but in the silence of the many.” Martin Luther King Jr.
Try tshuva.
Everything is part of the plan of H’ yisburach.
He received the punishment because of avairos, including gaivah and of course yichud.
betokhen and tshuva.
Walter Meyerle just got 900 yrs for molesting an underage girl. He does not live in Williamsburg, nor is he a choosid.
Weberman turned down a plea-deal for 5 years. He could of been out in two and half. he brought untold shame on Satmar. He is a disgrace. He was secluded with the victim for hours alone behind locked doors. Yichud? He never heard of it. There’s absolutely no defence. He caused the single BIGGEST chilul haShem in history. The Rebono shel Olam would never of allowed a 103 year sentence if he was innocent. You know it. I know it. And so does everyone else, including every supposed Weberman supporter, including his own wife (nebech). Sadly, that’s the simple truth.
What does Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zweibel mean by the case should have been handled more delicately? Meaning he should have gotten a slap on the wrist?
There is ni justice in Americanto give 103 years to this guy shows that justice here is a mockery its as simple as that, the result of this verdict is that no one ever from the hasidic community will cooperate with the DA
Shame on the system and jewish politicians who have allowed this to happen
If the heiliger Satmar Rebbe cared about Jewish children, he would get up at the next tisch and loudly and publicly thank Charles Hynes and Nuchem Rosenberg for their courage in defending and protecting OUR precious zisse boys and girls from molestation. But unfortunately, we don’t have any great hopes that will happen. All we hear is the leadership condemning those who care about our precious neshamos. We need a big yeshua when our leaders teach that black is white, and white is black, and the chassidim follow them like lambs without brains. .
To No. 21: Rav Pam ZT”L was never the head of Agudah. The Novominsker Rebbe was appointed the head after the passing of Rav Sherer ZT”L. Please know your facts. The Agudah serves all of Klal Yisroel and fights for yiddishkeit here in America for everyone.
The sentence of 103 years jail time came as a shock to all of us.
As a reporter wrote in ‘The Forward’, (no great friend of the chasidim) this case was based totally on the victim’s say-so, and much that the defense wanted to use was not permitted at all. Weberman never had a chance.
I am not in any way claiming that Weberman is innocent, but as others wrote earlier, there seems to be a pattern of frum Jews receiving far harsher sentences than others found guilty of similar crimes.
This case will, unfortunately, cause many victims of abuse to hold back from reporting to the authorities because nobody wants to live with the guilt of totally destroying a whole family’s life.
Of course, due to the harsh sentence meted out, the victim’s family will also, sadly, pay a steep price in the community for causing such massive damage.
I wish I knew a way to punish the abusers who prey on our children, and at the same time show them some mercy.
To those complaining that other paedophiles and rapists don’t get such lengthy sentences – putting aside the actual details of each case for now, the answer is to complain that the others didn’t get the punishment that is due them, not complain that your man didn’t get away his crime.
Secondly, last October, a mother in Texas got 99 years for gluing her 2 year old child’s hands.
When the greater part of the Satmar community makes a big deal of rallying behind the defendant and providing vast sums of money for his legal costs, they are indeed putting themselves on trial as a community. Is that so hard to comprehend?
Bernie Madoff 11 counts guilty – sentence 150 years. No one raped, no one molested. The comments here, in the majority, make money more an issue than children and a beard and peyos more worthy of rachmonis than a Yid in general. This is what we’ve lowered ourselves to and this is what we condone?
If someone rapes my little girl, I hope he never has to decide what to order for breakfast again, Jew or no Jew. Lock him up and melt the key.
The lesson learned is that NO parent should ever send their child to an UNLICENSED ‘counselor’. Even then a female should only be sent to a female licensed counselor. No child should ever be left alone with any rabbi or taken to a mikvah by one.
“Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, vice president of Agudath Israel of America, a nonprofit with links to Brooklyn’s Satmar community said the DA’s office should have handled the case more ‘delicately.'”
How about Satmar? They could have “delicately” advised Weberman to take the plea bargain, “delicately” refrained from a public fund-raiser, “delicately” avoided bribery and witness intimidation.
Instead they confirmed the goyishe world’s suspicion that Jews are hypocrites who care much more about ritual and appearance than justice and human decency.
I am very worried if it is an unfortunate chillul hashem. But if that is anyway the case, i hope it atleast leads to alot of good in the long run.
Regarding the person himself? I don’t know. If it is all true, I’d expect he needed a big tikun by now. But it would be better if he were locked up in a way that he can continue living as a religous jew, behind good enough bars. Who knows? I’m not out to punish, but it is very important that others are protected, plus, that there is a great deterent against future offenders.
How sad… Most bloggers are actually happy that Weberman received 103 years. “He deserves it”. “About time”. “Justice is served, finally”, etc. etc. How sad…
Don’t get me wrong. I am not sticking up for Weberman nor Satmar. What ever happened to “hilchos yichud”??? Where is human decency?? Since when is he licensed to deal with this type of stuff??
But let me ask you all two questions:
1) According to Din Torah he would never have been convicted – no 2 kosher witnesses. Circumstancial eveidence means nothing. Yes, he would have surely received “malkus mardus” – but thats it!
So you don’t believe in our Torah as being just?
2) If this had c”v been your child c”v sitting in Webermans position – would you be so vindictive and ready-to-hang”, or would you have been more “dan k’kaf zchus”??
Think about it
How sad…
All these comments about how 103 years was far too long. So much wailing about how only a Jew would get a sentence like this.
Why don’t any of you mention Walter Meyerle? He just got 494 years for child molestation.
The parents of 12 year old Yiddeshe maideles can sleep sounder for the next ONE HUNDRED AND THREE YEARS!
It all starts with the kids who think they r smarter then eveyone and misbehave. if she would of listened to her parents all this would of never happened! she put herself into this on her own! She was and is a rebellious kid and still is! With her ,and the many like her ,this is not the end! She is young and this is only the begining! And all of you posting on her behalf have caused their parents lots of heartaches as well. Mr. Weberman like many other “so called chasidish therapists” should go find any other means of setting food on the table! This kind of” help” should be left to the non religious therapists!
I’m surprised that not one commenter from either side bothered considering the most obvious reason why Weberman may have received his unreasonably harsh sentence. If in fact it’s true that he was given an opportunity to plead guilty and would have received a sentence of 5yrs and avoided a massive desecration of hashem’s name, it would be of no surprise to us, given the fact that Satmar has taken their dispute to the secular courts, which according to Rashi in parshas mishpotim clearly calls it a complete desecration of Hashems name. The fact that its being done in public makes it a sin that one must give up his life for.
Wouldn’t the result of this case be the ” Midah Kineged Middah “???!
Play in the secular court system and desecrate Hashems name gets you exactly what you’ve asked for ! Keep doing it and this will only be the beginning of the end of the holy dynasty Rav Yoel started.
Time to wake up. Doesn’t matter which Rebbe you like. Both are equally guilty. Fighting for money, false pride , and worst of all , pure Gayvah.
As the mishna in Avos warns ” Gayvah will take your common sense away “
Time to set a better example to your followers.
why didnt mr farkas come up with some girls who were helped by his client? if he was so highly recommended, im sure they could have found ONE girl who was happy she went to him and was helped in the past and is now an adult. I believe Rabbi Horowitz, when he said that there are girls now coming forward and saying they had been violated by weberman, and that one girl actually was sad she didnt have the guts to put an end to his career a long time ago.
I cant get myself to preface his name with the title rabbi..
Torah stricktly prohibits Gays (death sentence) for both Jew and Gentile (7 laws).
Torah does not place child molestation as an Isur for itself.
Secular law is the opposite.
Gays are permitted (and it is prohibited to discriminate against them).
Child molestation is considered a crime. (I agree to this that times changed and it has harsh effects on a child)
When Hynes finishes forcing Rabbonim to Posken for his agendas in child molestation, the Gays are headed our way.
A Rov may soon be required to marry two men (and “not discriminate”).
A teacher could be sentenced to jail for mistreatment of a student who wants to be gay (if the student stands forward).
You could laugh all you want at me but some Churches out there are already performing such marriages despite that they so called follow our Torah (they call it “old”).
I guess VIN “News Staff” doesn’t know that the statement, “Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, vice president of Agudath Israel of America, a nonprofit with links to Brooklyn’s Satmar community…,” is a load of hogwash?!?!?
Both were convicted on 59 counts (exact same number)?
Do I have it right?
The excuse that the girl was wild is unacceptable. Even if she was the worst wanton woman, at any age, is not heter excuse for a man to touch her, let alone do what Weberman did. Further, if she was only 12, he only made her more wanton. No question, Weberman not only deserved the 103 years, he earned it. No ehrleche yid would even dream of doing what he did. Gehenom is too good for him. It’s a rachmonos for the girl, for Mrs. Chaya Weberman (nebech) and for his children. That the whole Satmar supported him, and still does, is a shanda, charpa, bisha, and huza. Reb Aaaron, too, b’mechulas kevodo, did wrong to say anything, especially negatively about the girl (a product of his beis rochel).
Where is Weberman going to be serving his sentence (as Rikers Island is usually used as a holding place before sentencing)