Rio De Janeiro, Brazil – Rio’s Jews Driven From Their Homes By Annual Brazilian Carnival


    FILE - Members of samba school 'Academicos' do Grande Rio take part in a parade at the sambodromo of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 11 February 2013. The annual Carnival attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists each year, bringing with it drunk and scantily clad revelers. EPA/ANTONIO LACERDARio De Janeiro, Brazil – Some 7,000 Orthodox Jewish residents of Rio de Janeiro fled to neighboring resort areas last week when the traditional Brazilian Carnival came to town. The annual Carnival attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists each year, bringing with it drunk and scantily clad revelers.

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    Many Jews, concerned about exposing their children to the debauchery, chose to temporarily relocate elsewhere until the Carnival concluded. Those who did not leave were forced to remains indoors under a self-imposed curfew to avoid viewing immodest sights.

    “Last year, we escaped to Sao Paolo,” Rio resident Yishai Bonnie told Ynet News ( “But this time I traveled with my wife and kids to a nearby town for several days.”

    This year, the Carnival coincided with the beginning of the Jewish month of Adar. “The Jewish people celebrate the real joy, the complete joy ahead of the redemption of Passover, a deeper joy inside one’s soul,” Bonnie added. “The Purim costumes and the Carnival costumes are the exact opposite of each other. On Purim, our joy makes us present gifts to the poor and bring fellowmen closer – compared to the joy of the Carnival, which is promiscuous and brutish.”

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    11 years ago

    Those that don’t move to Israel, are not really serious about their Yiddishkeit

    11 years ago

    It is astounding what is considered entertainment apporporiate for the public in the outside world. For example a frum yid would run from the super bowl halftime show while millions of people think it is prefectly acceptable. I think it’s fair to say that despite some of the recent problems that have plagued the frum worl we are still worlds apart from the rest of the world.

    11 years ago

    Many people have summer homes in Teresopolis about 100 kilometers from Rio. Even when it is not Carnival people are in Bikini’s and walk the street. At one time the Jewish center of Yiddishkeit in Brasil was Rio but it has moved on to Sao Paulo. Most of people who have a Yeshiva outlook on life do not live in Rio. The people who have Yeshiva outlook are there to work in Kiruv but not out of wanting to live in Rio. The city of Sao Paulo has about 7 to 9 Kollels, Chassidic, Ashkenazi, Sefardi cheders, plus Yeshiva katana and Yeshiva Gedolah. It is a place where you can raise a frum family and make a panasua

    11 years ago

    I am sure that Reb Moshe Feinstien, Reb Akiva Eiger, the Nodah Beyehuda, and all of the Other gedolei olam that didn’t live in EY are in full agreement with u….no seriously!

    11 years ago

    Nice try with the headline that implies they were forced out. The carnival happens every year and if they were so concerned they wouldn’t be living in this “promiscuous and brutish” city.

    11 years ago

    proud-mo-israeli: those that don’t move to Israel are serious about preventing the Zionists from destroying their yiddishkeit.

    But since your Yiddishkeit includes, lihavdil, the Avoda Zara of Zionism as a part of your yahadus, you can’t realize what a destruction it is.

    11 years ago

    “Bonnie added. “The Purim costumes and the Carnival costumes are the exact opposite of each other.”

    Actually, they are not. The Jewish custom was “borrowed” from the xtian carnival in Italy in the middle ages.

    11 years ago

    If you are so insecure in your emunah that you have to move your family out of town because c’v you might seem the backside of some drunken partyer from the parades or have to watch some overweight baal bustas doing a samba than its time to focus on your own issues.

    11 years ago

    Carnival is the largest festival of Brazil, and is participated at all levels of cultural, social and religious population of the City and hundreds of thousands of tourists who come here every year.
    It is a festival where every year the various samba schools honoring Countries, Cultures, recall moments of history in Brazil or in various locations on the planet.
    The information contained in the report does not present the information in real …
    Come on …
    Free and correct information for you.
    Jewish community in Rio de Janeiro approximately 30,000 people.
    Religious Orthodox, no more than 1500 people. Liberal reformers or conservatives, about 5,000 people and the rest of traditional Jews, Esquenazim sefaradit or where there is any differences between their origins. (This is wrong for us Brazilians Jews do not accept.)
    Nobody escapes the carnival. Never a Jew fled the Carnival …!!
    LIE …
    We Jews in Rio de Janeiro, due to the tropical heat of the summer, we were always in the high mountains in Teresopolis (Eretzópolis)

    11 years ago

    Como há limite de palavras, sintetizo em poucas palavras a minha indignação…
    A matéria é mentirosa, escrita possivelmente por uma mente doentia, não expõe uma realidade.
    Ninguém esconde seus filhos ou foge da Cidade.
    Os dados e informações da matéria não condizem com os números demográficos reais da Comunidade Judaica do Rio de Janeiro.
    Uma FALÁCIA!
    Mauro Gorodicht
    Membro eleito do Conselho Deliberativo FIERJ- Federação Israelita do Rio de Janeiro,
    Herut Lodge, B’nai Brith Rio de Janeiro, B’nai Brith Brasil, District XXV

    11 years ago

    How dare someone – immigrants – criticize the culture and customs of a country they willingly moved to? Imagine if Brazilian Christian emigrated to Israel and complained that Haredi Purim festivals offended them? Assimilate, move to Israel, or respect the customs of other cultures and religions as you would want to be respected. period.

    11 years ago

    The headline is so misleading. No one drove anyone out of their home, they voluntarily left.

    11 years ago

    Jewish life is expensive. But if you ask me, G-d still put the other nations on the earth to keep us in check. I hope you realize that the fact that we do not permit immodest displays is very righteous but the facts of the trust in G-d is that he will use the nations to help Israel improve. So I would not get to scared by the Brazilians unless you plan to live somewhere else. And in that case go far far away.

    11 years ago

    Move?? Just look in the other direction!!! You can see this stuff in Greenwich Village and no one moves from there.