Jerusalem – An orthodox man pulled over by police for driving while wearing teffin and talit was convicted in absentia at Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court Sunday morning for endangering other motorists and pedestrians.
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According to court records, Judge Sharon Larry-Bavli suspended the man’s license for four months, fined him NIS 1,000, and put him on probation for three years. In the ruling, Larry-Bavli noted that the sentence is the minimum “prescribed by the law” for such an unusual driving violation.
Still, the judge expressed some humor, stating “I doubt that prayer would have helped in this case.”
A real meshuganah. Thank G-D he wasn’t driving with so much kavanna that he would have killed others.
So he has a good grade from Hashem. The man who would rather flee the L-rd in a car rather than to sacrifice his heart to human trust. A Jonah in a Ferarri.
Great to see.
Crash is not always Facing East.
Good day.
Did he cover his eyes for the Shema?
Only in Israel!
סדום rules
Narrishkeiten – You can be a perfectly safe driver in Tallis and Tefillin. The policeman displayed his great ignorance for thinking otherwise and the judge is a Shoite, Rosho and Gas Ru’ach
All you critics, give the man a break. He knew he was going to be late for Shacharis and wanted to begin davening on the way. The plan was to get to shulbefore Shema so that covering his eyes wouldn’t be an issue. Due to that inconsiderate cop, he missed the minyon alltogether. The driver answers to a higher authority!
What is wreck less about wearing tallies and tefillin? What is wreckless about praying? Why is the combination illegal?
Still trying to figure out what he did wrong hes not the meshuguna the judge is soon their gonna arrest for saying tefilas haderech
Is it just me but doesn’t anyone else notice that the tefillin shel yad are in the wrong place and a kesher is missing?
Some think is missing, he wasn’t arrested just for wearing talis and tfillin, he must have had a violation besides
He was talking to Hashem via his Hands free device……..His tfillin, so what’s illegal about that?
The Am Haaretz in the photo has no clue on how to put on tefillin.
The bayis goes on the biceps, not the deltoid muscle!
He got a ticket because he put on the tefillin in the wrong spot, otherwise it would have been haoisek bemitzvah.
If it wasn’t so stupid it would be funny. What did he do at Shemonei Esrei – hope there was no Tachanun for him, no hands off the wheel to klop.
Simply put, for both driving and davening you need undivided attention.
He was trying to do both at the same time.
So his davening was thoughtless and his driving was reckless.
Maybe he can get a self driving car. Then he has his rights. I think this poor guy is 10 years too early. Just another investment and voila, you can be super jewish in your super car. But hey, this guy is a told direction of his own loss.
Who would think that Israel needed to Honor the Idea of a Good Hope for Good Dreams every second of their future in transit.
Sometimes you just have to resign to know that Torah and G-d have your bases covered. You do not have to go above and beyond the rights of a jew to have a right to exist.
So stupid. So embarrassing. So absolute to the worrisome far right movement.
And the honking hats might be your visit to the physician.
This is not a joke. Sometimes this would be a chiyuv if the Zman is approaching and the only way to daven in time with T&T is this way. As long as safe driving is practiced there should be no problem. Merely wearing T&T is not a hazard and holding a siddur at a red light is no worse than playing with the CD player at a red light. If you want to claim obstructing line of sight, then be sure to ticket all the Arab women with the shmatas over their heads
Happen on Monsey trails all the time.