Borough Park, NY – NYC Mayor Announces Traffic Relief With Upcoming Sanitation Pickup Schedule Changes


    in this file photo a School bus is seen behind a NYC Sanitation truck on the streets of Borough Park (Hikind office)Brooklyn, NY – Borough Park drivers can expect to see far less congestion on local streets during morning rush hours when a new sanitation pickup schedule goes into effect next month, relocating the majority of collections to the less crowded nighttime or weekend hours.

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    The long awaited announcement was made Sunday night by NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio at the Bobov dinner in New York Hilton hotel in Manhattan, just hours before a scheduled Department of Sanitation’s Monday morning press conference regarding the changes which are expected to bring significant relief to the area.

    Early morning trash and recycling pickups have long been a problem in Borough Park, with an ever growing number of school buses impeded by slow moving sanitation trucks forced to crawl through local streets as previously reported on VIN News (

    The changes will take effect on April 6th, with one of two weekly trash pickups in the majority of the Borough Park area shifted to Saturdays. Recyclable pickups, also currently scheduled for the morning hours, will be changed to the evening, further minimizing the number of trucks on local streets during busy school pickup times.

    Dinner participants responded enthusiastically to de Blasio’s request for a standing ovation for Senator Simcha Felder, Assemblyman Dov Hikind and Councilman David Greenfield for their continued efforts and expressed his own appreciation to Sanitation Commissioner Kathryn Garcia.

    The mayor noted that changes to the sanitation pickup schedule were long overdue.

    “We love the fact that there are hundreds and hundreds of school buses,” said de Blasio. “That is an affirmation of the victory of the Jewish people over hatred. It is an affirmation of survival and strength. We love those school buses. We do not love when those school buses come across sanitation trucks. That’s a bad combination. They just weren’t meant to go together.”
    FILE - Jan. 15, 2015 - Hikind Tours Community With Sanitation Commissioner & Greenfield, Demonstrating School Bus-sanitation Conflict
    Hikind noted that the number of school buses in Borough Park continues to rise dramatically each year because of the ever growing number of children in the community.

    “We have an incredible number of school buses here,” Hikind told VIN News. “Commissioner Garcia came to Borough Park and walked the streets with me. We walked down 13th Avenue. 14th Avenue. She saw what was going on and understood that it was a real problem.”

    Having changes made to the sanitation schedule has been a long uphill battle.

    “This is the culmination of years of work on behalf of my constituents,” said Greenfield. “I’m extremely grateful to Mayor Bill de Blasio for his personal intervention to get this done. This deal will provide relief to one of the most challenging quality of life problems in Borough Park – morning traffic.”

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    8 years ago

    Now we just have to alimalimante alternate side parking…

    8 years ago

    A special Thanks to our sleepless assembly man R’ Dov Hikind for all you did for this community! In the name of all the מוסדות we truly admire your efforts!
    !!!ישר כח

    8 years ago

    Or how about make garbage pickup on same days as alternate side? Room for all to go around…

    8 years ago

    is this only for boropark? the title gave the impression that it was global but the article seems to narrow it to bp.
    early morning pickups and late nights sound grand, but you will be trading a good night sleep for it. these things sound like constipated elephant’s when they’re doing there work.

    as for the increase in buses and slow traffic; eliminating the need for buses to make multiple stops per block whould take care of that. one stop on the corner is all you need. no need to park diagonally across the intersections or keep the lights flashing when you are no where near a stop.

    as for parking, if a school wants to do business there, they should provide there own parking. and I’m not talking about hogging up an entire city block with illeagally placed no standing signs. build a lot or an underground facility.

    8 years ago

    the politicians in bp have been talking about this for years this is long overdue. the councilmen have long been patting themselves on the back for their amazing
    achievement that actually never occurred hopefully now we can have some peace when we drive to work

    8 years ago

    What about the other neighborhoods?! Having sanitation pickup at rush hour in any neighborhood was the dumbest idea on earth!!!! They should be picking up between10am and 3pm when everyone is at work or school!

    yaakov doe
    yaakov doe
    8 years ago

    Now how about doing something about the fume emitting buses making numerous stops on a single block? Don’t those in Boro Park realize that they’re harming the lungs of their children?

    8 years ago

    is the dinner sponsored? because a fair amount of people in bp are on all sorts of government programs so how exactly can a mosod afford a venue such as the new York Hilton for their dinner?

    8 years ago

    #5 hit the nail on the head, the school buses stop 8 times on one block I kid you not, traffic in Boro Park will not be at night right when all the wedding halls and rebbes are coming and going.

    8 years ago

    Why does the Mayor feel he has to wear a Yarmulka. I think it’s disgusting. And he looks like a fool.