JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Jerusalem’s police are doing important work, even live-saving work in enforcing public health regulations and dispersing illegal gatherings. The gatherings are both unnecessary and dangerous. However this does not justify any form of brutality or cruelty towards citizens, especially those who are innocent passersby and especially when they are Chareidim who have suffered heavily from police discrimination in recent weeks.
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The following clip portrays an outrageous example of police brutality against an innocent Jew in a tallis who is knocked to the ground for no reason. Worse still, the other police nearby make no effort to help the man get up. The Police Spokesman responded quickly, stating that “this was irregular behavior which is unacceptable and in total contrast to norms of behavior expected from every policeman. The case is being investigated by Internal Investigations and in accordance with their conclusions the appropriate steps will be taken against the policemen involved.
מדובר בהתנהלות חריגה שאינה מקובלת ועומדת בניגוד מוחלט לנורמות ההתנהגות המצופה מכל שוטר. האירוע מצוי בבדיקה ובטיפול של מח"ש, ובהתאם לתוצאותיה ינקטו נגד השוטרים המעורבים הצעדים המתאימים
— משטרת ישראל (@IL_police) April 21, 2020
Who said it’s for no reason?
Looks like Germany circa 1940
On the surface it looks egregious. On the other hand, what was this chosid doing in the middle of the street? It is clearly night – and there doesn’t appear to be any logical reason why he was wearing a talis at that hour. With the white rekkel, he might be one of Reb Ahrele’s – who have a tendency to try to goad the police who are employees of the Zionim. Is it coincidental that a camera JUST HAPPENS to record this incident? There are many unanswered questions….
No reason at all – in the clip he says “BOKER TOV” to them. Can’t you hear it ? and today is the so called Yom Hashoa – whatever that means in chodesh Nissan -.
Conclusion: If you “Say good morning” to a Israeli Police you’ll get knocked out – as the clip CLEARLY shows.
read the article (maybe you can’t read Hebrew. He was out buying food for his elderly parent who is a cancer patient. Was allowed to be out. No reason that this was done. Police not denying wrongdoing by the cop.
To “the Professor”. What Professor are you with such stupid questions not to mention your hatred to against some?
I urge all communities to follow Lakewood’s lead . They are innovators in social distancing. They invented what they call the box. It’s a standard box where you get basic Shabbos and or grocery needs . They realize that the grocery store is dangerous on many fronts . It’s understaffed , has long lines where social distance is impossible , and thin aisels. There’s is a second problem as well. You will touch surfaces and food that the last guy breathed on and touched .
Many nay sayers about porch minyan said hey these guys are just not getting it or taking the severity of it safely. Well guess what I don’t see other communities who closed all shuls take as much action
They also realized the need to make chasanas for klal
Yisroel continuity . They arranged a safe social distant Chasana with police enforcement.
Halevi all communities will follow
It happened on April 4, 2020, at 7:25pm (from another video clip).
Supposedly this guy was shliach tzibbur for illegal minyan.
To: The Professor-You, Sir, are an idiot. The Chassidic man was at night, walking, and minding his own business. He attempted to get back onto the sidewalk, when the video clearly shows a cop forcefully shove him out of the way, like a dog. In fact, a dog would have been treated better. After he was shoved and lying in the street, another cop yells at the poor man, and tell him to get up. However, he made no attempt to assist him. The cops as usual, will probably whitewash this incident as they usually do with their so-called bungled “investigations”.
What going to happen to the cops? the same thing that happen to the cops who beat up a clearly autistic boy last year, absolutely nothing
The news has already reported that these incidents are being investigated and if there was any wrong doing (and it would appear that there was), the policemen will be dealt with.
That’s how law and order works.
A government that hates the a Torah by allowing tattoo shops,pork stores,public chillul Shabbos and gay parades is NOT a friend of authentic Judaism. They are worse than the nazis. I asked a rav why. He explained the nazis only killed the Jews physically but the tziyonim kill Jews should spiritually. One million Jewish Israeli kids in public school have no Torah education. Abortions over a million from 1948 to 1973. Whole cities with hardly a kosher restaurant. These are fake Jews.
How many of the six plus million Jews are frum. Most Israelis have been torn away by the tziyonim leadership going back to 1948 unfortunately. There would be slot more Torah if these lefty atheists were not around. And even the chareidim in Jerusalem are not doing much to stem the tide of assimilation even though they are a third of the population.
The government does not hate Tirah.
Plenty of chareidi are in that government milking plenty of shekels.
You’re a liar repeating the stale lies of the past.
Hey BP____<<<
You one of those under 5 names collecting checks and have $$$$$$$$ in one of the 50 banks on 13th??
You honest??
You pay your groceries with that plastic ??????
Let's talk BP before Israel.
I know what's going on.
It’s a democracy, vote them out.
your chevra don’t vote but take money from the Israeli government.
It’s a game.
They lie about everything, have no hakoras hatov and come here to schnorr 5 at a time.
They are thugs who throw stones on Shabbos, destroy property and throw metal chairs at each other because they have sinah one group vs. another.. There’s more. Why should a chiloni respect them ? Are you real ??
The erev rav harass mishtara even when they try to enforce regs during this virus to save lives. They attack any and all chareidi IDF. So what do you expect? An incident may happen. That’s what these thugs are looking for. An incident to besmirch the name of Israel and praise Iran. Israel, who provided a motorcade to the grand vizier of Williamsburgh who came to badmouth the medina.
Photos or video can lie. Can we wait until the full story comes out first??
boroparker. Look in your own backyard and your circles before you attack the holy land.
I won’t start on it now but there are things there that are chazer treif.
Hameivin yovin.
Ironic. So much sinas chinam among the various hareidi groups and assaults on one another, and of course everything is the chilonims’ fault.
So much interchassidus battles among family in NYS and it’s Israel’s fault.
Ordinary religious and non religious people in Israel get along very well no matter what the flamethrowers say or write.
The exception is Meah Shearim and their lovers. They ought to move to Jordan near Petra. They should visit the kever of Aharon Hacohen and do teshuvah.
What a bunchof Jew Al Sharptons here, exploiting an incident to vent their hatred. More Torah in Israel than anywhere else and helps so many around the world. Soon you’ll coming you fools.
Each one here believes himself to be a yireh shomahim and leshe Shomayim too.
Resentment builds up and up when people don’t work, don’t pay taxes, don’t serve in the army, call the government Nazis, say that non-Haredi Jews are worse than Nazis, throw rocks at troops. Resentment is building, like steam in a boiler. Pressure is building up.
You ignore the history of evil the tziyonim have done. Ripping away Yemenite children to turn them into atheists. Forced autopsies on frum Jews who died in hospitals. Digging up of graves of our sages. Chillul Shabbos in mass. Gay parades in every major city of Israel. Tattoo shops even in Jerusalem. Hardly a kosher restaurant in all of Tel Aviv. Pork being sold throughout the holy land. Restaurants serving Chometz on Pesach other than this year due to corona virus. Drafting of yeshiva boys and mixing them with secular soldiers as well as women,trans and feigalach. There is so much Torah hatred in Israel it’s sad.
Guy who shoved him doesnt look like a yid…seems likehis last name is schvartz
Draft? Just register and prove you’re in yeshiva and you’re good to learn. you’re a liar. Let them move out. Out.
The Israeli secular government complains that chareidim contribute nothing to their country. Where does all the funding to them come from. It’s the chareidim in America who vote for pro Israel politicians that help Israel. The secular Jews today are either anti Israel or don’t care much about Israel. Talk to the majority of lefty and secular kids in college. The hand that feeds them are religious Jews. What chutzpah they have in their anti Torah evil that these tziyonim are doing. Yes there are religious kenesset members but so are there Arab ones. The real government hate authentic religious Jews. They don’t oppose a Jew with a streimel as long as there is a secular head under the streimel.
Bla bla bla.. Nobody dug up graves of sages. Billions of people are buried there because over 5000 years they lived and traveled there. Nobody forces anybody to abandon frum and there are thousands of religious IDF. There are commanders here and there that are anti but that’s the exception. Just like nobody forces the epidemic of OTD in your community and drugs.Plenty of feigelech and sex abuse in your community..
Plenty of shomrei Shabbos there too.
First stop the infighting between your leaders and then worry about chilul Shabbos. Stop the evil loshan hara among yourselves, treat others with resoect and be a role model.
Acting against the Torah like animals brings chillul Hashem. Why be frum?
Clean up your act pal and then crticize.
Don ‘t use Zionist blood money or Zionust TRAINS to save yourselves. Be a mentch. You’re belching about chillul Shabbos and not belching about your chillul Hashem.
Yet big gedolim live there and wouldn’t live anywhere else.
Grab your shleppers and move there and change the chiloni culture.
You won’t do that because deep down you hate eretz yisroel. If it’s not this reason it’s something else.
Meraglim already vomited your propaganda thousands of years ago. Norhing new here. Oh yes, they were bigger Torah scholars than you and me.
Cheer up__ The shechina is there not in boro park.obviouly G-D loves and desires all Jews. Even ignorant nudniks like you.
I have a feeling a lot of the commenters here are not Haredi, Otherwise there is no explanation why they stick up to secular Goyim out there beating up fellow Haredi Jews.
And they don’t seem to give a hoot that all these secular policemen as well as half of the country are mechallel Shabbos , don’t keep teharas hamishpucha, etc. all thanks to the atheists that founded the accursed Zionist movement and the state of Israel.
On second thought, maybe they are Haredi but they just let their pride and excitement of having an independent country take control of their emotions and take precedence over their loyalty to Hashem.
So let me tell you,
1) Besides for communist Russia , I don’t think there was any group or country in all history that did so much spiritual damage to Klal Yisroel as the Zionists,
2) Having a independent state is a very good feeling, but unfortunately, due to our sins, Hashem Yisburech has sent us in exile to do Tshuva and await Moshiach’s coming, and we, as faithful servants of Hashem do not want to have a part in the revolution against Hashem Rachmuna Litzlan.
3) With all the Geziras that they continue to enact against Jews, liking drafting girls into the army, Sticking their noses into the Talmid Torahs, Forced Autopsies etc. I don’t see how anyone can identify or have any compassion to these Bullies in police uniforms,
or maybe a third scenario, maybe these commenters are just obsessed with sinas Am hu’uretz l’talmid chuchem, they just can’t accept the idea that there are people out there in Mea Shearim who are Bilti L’Hashem Bilvadoi, and are old authentic jews and don’t care for the Motzai Shabbos Pizza pie.
You mean the chillul shabbos of the chareidi demonstrators without tatoos ? Agreed.
You mean the liarś who say they don’t take money from government when the Israeli govt gives each new born a hefty sum plus pays health care? You mean those putrid ingrates?
You mean the the division and hate sown between farfrumpte hypocrite sects and disrupt families?
You mean the freeloading barbarians who block ambulances and curse and eject IDF from shuls?
You are an am haaretz , obviously.
A tinok shenishba nebech, to be dann lekaf zechus.
At a time of this, illness, death , mageifah, a Yid does not throw satan talk and refrains from loshon hara even if what you write is true.
You don’t want to be a partner with the kitrug of the sitra achrah.
That’s the basic principle you should have learned when you read chapter of the Spies.
Especially not against Eretz Yisrael. Better guard your tongue.
Who cares already? You refused to immigrate to Israel a 100 years ago and now you keep sobbing like girlie dolls. Who cares?
Yeah, Zionists are not keeping the Torah.
Meantime the anti-Tziyonis are throwing children out of yeshivos in your communities or not letting them in because of non Torah excuses.
Risking hundreds of Yiddishe neshomas to go OTD racmana litzlon.
Ordaining unheard of rules that shivers the heart.
Heartless playing with Yiddishe neshamos.
Making sadistic shidduch demands without a shred of compassion.
Throw your stink someplace else.
Why go back to 1948?
Why not 2020 when some of your yeshivas are throwing kids out on the streets in your ir hakoshes in the NJ area.
I’m calling out those who use the term nazi (and make reference to it).
Nazis made soap out of our grandparents. And all the other unspeakable stuff that survivors can’t even speak about.
If ur argument is too weak to stand w/o resorting to sensationalism- then perhaps ur argument is too weak.
One should be able to make a point on its own merits.
Shouting/shock/curses are not valid points of view.
(Notwithstanding the disrespect to the kdoishim who perished al kiddush Hashem).
You guys know the truth but Choose to be blind. Walk out in Tel Aviv on Shabbos. Or many Israeli cities. Even Jerusalem has traffic. Not in meah shearim where blood was spilled for that. Why don’t you blind folks see how Israel spends millions of dollars to advertise their toeiva parades in Germany of all places. Why did they pay three million dollars in the last toeiva parade for overtime to the police guarding the parade. Why do they allow the reform women of the wall to do their charade every month. Sure keep dreaming about this anti Torah government that they ta Jewish. It’s about as Jewish as a rabbit.
In a way you have to admit satmar was right against the tziyonim. In time of the old satmar rebbe the issues were mild. Forced autopsies on Jewish dead. Drafting of girls. Today the satmar rebbe would of had rallies every day. It’s outrageous what the tziyonim have done to the holy land on every level. It’s a Hebrew speaking Portugal. They import goyim and make them so called Jews of lost tribes in order to weaken the orthodox Jewish vote. They are very clever. But not they fear chareidim worse than the arabs. They fear chareidim wont cooperate in fighting corona and here is the proof. They were very quick in announcing a serious investigation on the police who pushed down the Chareidi yid as well as the smoke grenade thrown at a nine year old Chareidi girl. They fear that the good Jews of meah shearim will arrive in mass to protest. It’s strictly fear that’s driving the Israeli police and politicians to investigate these attacks
Just watching a TV report here how the father of a חיילית was telling how her daughter was delivering food to a family in מאה שערים when she was pelted with rocks. I’m not saying this poor guy from תולדות אהרון had anything to do with this, but the cops who go into MS to try to keep law and order are dealing with a lot ungrateful animals and I’m sure they have a lot of built-up anger. That doesn’t excuse their behavior, but I can understand it.
But our friend Boro Parker is just a sad case. He reminds me of those stories you hear about these old Japanese soldiers they find on deserted islands that think the war in the Pacific is still going on. Wake up Boro Paker. The Satmar Rebbe was nice and everything, but about EY he was wrong. מה לעשות. History proved him wrong. Your rants make you sound silly and ignorant and in each comment you just repeat the same stupid thing. You obviously us the internet. Watch a nice clean movie or something and relax.
Satmar rebbe was right. He was able to see the danger of the tziyonim. A Jewish girl does not belong in an army. What did the Chazon ish say about that. Yeharog veaal Yaavor. All the real Gedolim opposed the tziyonim and even called for rallies when Hadassah hospital was cutting up frum dead jews like pork chops. The streets of New York were plastered with these gory pictures. What do you know. These tziyonim are worse today as they have tuna bagels helping them. Look at the thousands of young Israelis running to India. There is so much immoral breakdown that it’s sad.
To Burro Park : your tirade won’t help you, the fact of the matter for whoever is in the know, is, that
The Chareidim are mostly pure, pious, holy and truthful and the secular are the liars, hateful, dishonest and decadent.
To Warning : don’t come with your mushy stuff, you wanna be melamed zchis on yidden do it on the chareidim, they’re not less jewish than your tinik shenishbes, when you’re dealing with such apikorsim & massisim like Lapid and his left cronies or even the big tzaddik natanyuhi, the halacha is moridim vloi maalin and when talking of the zionim as a group, the more you bash them the bigger the mitzva is, Hertzel Y”ms was not a tinik shenishbe.
like I wrote, don’t let your emotions of pride of having an independent state & etc. blur your vision and cover up for the apikorsim with fake arguments.
To Der Sade & Anonymous
If parents show their kids movies on the internet and on smartphones and are lax in raising them in a kosher, true torah environment. the kids grow up treifine decadent Buchorim, then the yeshivos have no choice but to throw them out to save other bochurim from destruction. don’t blame the yeshivos for faults that the parents are to blame.
To Cry me a river : We still refuse to immigrate to Israel today, because we are afraid for our children they shouldn’t be forced into the sinful army, We only cry for the poor Yiden from Mea shearim who were there long before the dirty tzionim marched in and are being crushed daily by the lowly despots.
To Kshomron : You are so full of hate you’re probably a retired Israeli cop,
the MS doesn’t need the so called cops, the cops don’t keep law & order they just break the laws of Hashem nothing else. they’re a bunch of bullies and violent thugs nothing more.
What a nerve of the chayeles to go into MS to bring food (I’m so touched) I’m proud of the MS for kicking her out.
First and foremost we pledge allegiance to Hashem and we will not bend to the Misyavnim of modern times, no matter how high you will holler. We despise & deride them and we have nothing more than scorn towards them. They made 4 million Jews into goyim, they are our worst enemies.
So true
The nazis killed a million Jewish babies. The tziyonim killed more. Every Israeli female soldier is entitled to three free abortions.
Stay safe the 2 of you..
Stay safe
What’s wrong if most Jews are not religious on Israel. Most Jews in America are also not religious. Most Jews in America eat in non kosher Chinese restaurants or at least used to.
Are you nuts ? Whats wrong ?
Its terribly wrong and sad in both places, but that’s not the question and the issue.
The issue is to support and adore the government and their police who promote apikorsis and are anti religious and who are responsible for 4 million yiden being irreligious.
Big Nosh,
True I do hate the zionim with passion
B”H just like Duvid Hamelech who says in Tehillim משנאיך ד’ אשנא לאויבים היו לי תכלית שנאה שנאתים
not like you, who hates God fearing jews (the Kanuim or sikrikin or MS as you call them) just because you are jealous that they adhere to the true erliche yiddishe derecho without compromises.
I hate the tziyonim because Dovid hamelech states those that love G-d hate evil.
What is evil.
Etc etc etc
Huge speak for yourself.
@huge great call. MASKIM
The truth hurts.