Former Assemblyman Hikind Calling on Jews To Attend Solidarity Rally For Floyd


BROOKLYN (VINnews) – Former NY Jewish Assemblyman Dov Hikind is calling on fellow Jews to attend a solidarity march in support of the Floyd family & black community

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In his tweet, Hikind says “I’m calling on Jews & fellow New Yorkers to join us this Sunday”. “Regardless of politics, every human life has to be held as precious or we’re all in danger!”

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Joey nathan
Joey nathan
4 years ago

You says that you should March with such people who in a minute would turn around and stab Israel in the back

4 years ago

I agree with Hikind; however, I’m sure that there will be the usual characters on this site, who will make negative comments.

4 years ago

Agree BUT we have to make sure loud & Clear it NOT anti Trump protests WE SUPPORT TRUMP !

4 years ago

Looks like eveybody is caving and falling into line. A madness parade.

4 years ago

mi somchu lish

John Smithson
John Smithson
4 years ago

No way!

Educated Boro parker
Educated Boro parker
4 years ago

Black lives matter and Antifa are violent leftists groups. Did anyone ask daas Torah if it’s wise to align with our enemies. Which Rav came out that we should join such causes. The person your making into a hero is a career criminal who spent five years in jail for making holdups and robberies. Sick people. Maybe some Jews love being victims and attacked. I don’t. Dump democTATs.

John Smithson
John Smithson
4 years ago

Attend and Demanding what? End to capitalism? End to western bourgeois values? End to religion? End to America as a superpower? Because that is what these cretins stand for. All right thinking peoples should reject these ridiculous protests. Saint Floyd’s death was an accident. He was not murdered but a victim of aggressive policing due to his ardent resist and of arrest. Don’t go!!!!

Educated Boro parker
Educated Boro parker
4 years ago

DemocRATs that is.
And I wonder wonder if all the askunim who supported hillarey,shumer and Nadler and Deblasio and cuomo will join the rioters.

Just calling it as I see it
Just calling it as I see it
4 years ago

I’m sorry but when it comes to marching dov hikind isn’t my posek and he shouldn’t be anyone else’s either!

Why would we want to march with a bunch of vile anti-semites who have joined this latest cause? Generally speaking we can talk about the lowest end of society. Why join with them. Besides, we only saw a 9-minute video and parts of what was going on, we did not see everything. We as yidden should be looking for full evidence not just what happened to be seen on the video.

The DA in Minnesota just up the charges, charges which are very hard to convince the jury of 12 of, but he thinks he’s going to do it. I say the officer will get off and then we have more riots from these animals.

4 years ago

Yidden should not join. This is not the way we do things. We have gotten very very lost.

4 years ago

I haven’t seen the black community come out and protest the cold blooded killing of R’ Yoseph Neiman by a black thug.

Educated Boro parker
Educated Boro parker
4 years ago

Black lives matter are anti Israel. So all you phoney politicians kissing up to them don’t cry when these democRATs want to give Iran support so they can kill six million plus Israeli jews. Shame

Yaakov Doe
Yaakov Doe
4 years ago

Floyd was a violent criminal who had over 30 arrests. Any affiliation with his cause will be a wink and a nod that you condone such type of wicked behavior. Stay far away from such demonstrations.

4 years ago

Virtue signaling by empty headed fools..These are your leaders. You are in trouble. They will not be there for you once the going gets rough. They have proven that over and over again and again.

Best to ignore these fools.

When you are kind to the cruel, you end up being cruel to the kind.

The police are the only ones who stand between you and the savages.

4 years ago

what right do they have to block main avenues, such as fifth, and main bridges, such as the manhattan bridge?
did they get a permit?
i hate the putz, the president, but i agree with him on this. what right do they have to block lafayette square?
the putz was , hmmm, a putz! for standing at the church with a bible. exactly what was the symbolism there? that he’ s a religious man? dont make me laugh. so what kind of photo op was that, exactly?
when is the first space flight to mars? i want to be on it!!

cool masmid
cool masmid
4 years ago

I plan on going dressed like a yeshiva boy in my black hat and jacket, because BLACK HATS MATTER

Educated Archy
Educated Archy
4 years ago

At most If you attend you may only attend if all abide by the law . The protest must be only with permits and areas cops say we can stand . If anyone on that group even blacks do not abide by the law , you as a Jew must leave that protest ASAP. We don’t support law breakers.

Furthermore , anyone at the protest seen looting or
smashing windows call the viglinaties and demand they shoot To kill those thugs . You as an attendee have a Civic duty to make sure others property are not viciously looted by beasts . Demand those animals get shot dead for their filthy vile acts. The looting is more than stealing . It’s an act of war against all we stand for .

Peaceful protests yes support the protestors . Violence or looting we need to support shooting them to kill

Big eater
Big eater
4 years ago

Hmm so “ every human life has to be held as precious or we’re all in danger!”….is THAT the reason where protesting here? Is George Floyd the first human life to be taken before it’s time for no reason?…. Or are we maybe just protesting because it’s the “in” thing to do?….Just some food for thought…

Big eater
Big eater
4 years ago

 Boruch schechter what in the world are you talking about blaming his arrest on our “exacting” (is that even a word) school system, our school system has literally been lowering the bar year by year in order to help more and more students pass their grades. China on the other hand has literally the most intense schooling in the world and yet while America might not like them they’ve been pretty successful as a nation. And while he certainly did not deserve to be murdered in any way it wasn’t “the system” that forced him to become a criminal he chose to become so himself. Blaming the system is an excuse and a cop out for people not to take responsibility over their own actions.

Very concerned
Very concerned
4 years ago

Will this demonstration make sure every participant will be at least 6 feet from each other? I don’t want to chas vishalom go against the Rabbonim who stated very emphatically that one who doesn’t practice social distancing is mamesh a rotziach. When the goyim see we are careless, that will only raitz them on even more with their hatred against us. Please, rabbosia, make sure to cover your face with a mask and wear those gloves.

4 years ago

When farrakhan will March against Jews getting assaulted then I’ll join this vigil for this low life thug floyd just like the other thug Eric garner. Pantaleo is my hero.

4 years ago

I had respect and even empathy for blacks until a few days ago. Now, I wish, all these terrorists take a very long walk on a very short bridge. I hate them for what they’ve caused in our beloved country.

Yimach sh’mom v’zichrom !!!

Educated Boro parker
Educated Boro parker
4 years ago

Floyd was a career criminal. He broke into a woman’s house and put a gun to her stomach and robbed her Jewelery. Nice hero. Let’s stand up and honor this bum.

Lou Kay
Lou Kay
4 years ago

Dov…1st time I’m going to disagree with you…

As soon as the “peaceful ” protesters saw that their action is being hijacked by Antifa and others that destroyed, looted and killed….etc… THEY SHOULD HAVE IMMEDIATELY STOPPED them or if they couldn’t they should have stopped the protests, and found another way to get their message across.

Since they are still continuing, they are ACCOMPLICES TO ALL THE ILLEGAL ACTS!!

4 years ago

While I don’t condone what happened to that man did we forget what the black community did to support us as we were violently attacked by those in that community and nobody spoke up for us!

4 years ago

They didn’t match for us after the Jersey city black terrorist attacked!

4 years ago

Will be a Kiddush Hashem, regardless. Assemblyman Dov Hikind is a wonderful person & has all good intentions. It is good for the black people to see this that Jews are caring people about others other than theirselves.

4 years ago

Pandering to those who wish you ill will bring you untold misery. There is no kiddish hashem in marching with those who wish us harm.

G-d doesnt want us to pander to our enemies. The savages are our enemies. They have stated so time and time again.

Only the police will protect us till such time they are told otherwise. In WWII the police in France Hungary Poland etc etc worked with the Nazis to round up the Jews.

Today the savages dont care for the police. They dont care for us.

At this time its best we Jews lay low. Its not our fight. WE have no dog in this fight.

Educated Boro parker
Educated Boro parker
4 years ago

No sane Jew should rally for this anti Semitic black lives matter group. They will one day destroy our communities as they did in the sixties and seventies.

4 years ago

Y do Jews have to get involved. Cuz liberals and antifa decided so y now more than all others like gardner’s death this cop was arrested wait for trial.

4 years ago

I think we who ever has time to go should go and show support , in fact I think the government should declare the day of George Floyd’s death a national federal holiday as strong or stronger than Martin Luther king Day , fourth of july , labor day thanksgiving , new years day and MEMORIAL day !

Obama Doing Perp Walk Soon
Obama Doing Perp Walk Soon
4 years ago

Charlie Hall ^^^^
You’re a deranged Trump hater.
You’re attacking him exactly like the other TDSers who throw verbal bombs without any intelligent reason. Just angry defamatory rhetoric, and we’re not going to take it. We will reelect this man to save our country from people just like you.
There isn’t a thing Trump has done to be called a racist. That’s the card of the haters. Racism, racist, white superiority , blah blah.
We love the president who is 2 steps ahead of his worthless depressed enemies.
That’s why we , the American people , elected him. Tired of the lies, PC attacks. .

4 years ago

Trump ILLEGALY took the church ??
What the devil are you blabbering about ? This bishop is a left progressive loon catering to her crowd __ Washington swamp creatures who hate Trump because he wants to get rid of them.
You’re lying Charlie Hall. With a full mouth.

Educated Boro parker
Educated Boro parker
4 years ago

The hero George Floyd was a career criminal. He forced his way into a black pregnant woman’s home and put a gun to her stomach and robbed her jewelery. Only a fool would paint this criminal into a hero. Maybe I should put up pictures of Charles Manson and son of Sam as well as Arafat.

Educated Boro parker
Educated Boro parker
4 years ago

And according to the commentator who said we have to fall in line with liberals in order to have yeshivas open let’s teach same gender studies as the liberals want. Let’s fall in line. Shame

4 years ago

Things were much more peaceful and prosperous when the blacks were gainfully employed working on cotton plantations. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. TRUMP 2020!

John Smithson
John Smithson
4 years ago

Toxicology came back on st Floyd. Fentanyl (heroin derivative) amphetamines and others. The man was whacked out of his mind . 6 ft 5 full of muscle and a known violent felon resisting arrest. He dies of a heart attack from the restraint agreed but he needed restraint.

Blacks are from Cham.
Blacks are from Cham.
4 years ago

I am not going to support these monkeys. Send them all back to Africa.

Educated Boro parker
Educated Boro parker
4 years ago

Let’s all bring signs reading
Floyd was a career criminal
Robbed Black pregnant woman
At gunpoint

4 years ago

shame on hikind. This guy was a regular criminal off the strret. He is no hero. Yes obviously he didn’t deserve to die the way he did…but hes the farthest thing from a hero.

Educated Boro parker
Educated Boro parker
4 years ago

I understand why Hikind is doing this. You all remember he painted his face black on Purim and published it on his Facebook. Then there was a whole to do in the media. Google it. Now he bends over backwards as if the blacks will kiss up to him. He was also against voting for Trump and spoke against Trump at the debate at the Talmud Torah. All these leaders and politicians are fake.

4 years ago

No way I am going or any other Jew should go. This is a hoax and a way to undermine a Trump and ruin our cities. This man was a criminal and his murderers will get punished. Case over! We should mourn the outstanding 4 black cops who were murdered by these thugs in cold blood.

Educated Archy
Educated Archy
4 years ago

Careful guys e have this scary buggy man thats gona post your comment for bored souls on his pathetic rockland county FB page. I am frightened

stam a a yid
stam a a yid
4 years ago

None of you fully understand the situation. Instead of playing the big President Trump should attempted to calm down the situation. he is pa=laying the big President. This is a volatile situation and you need a statesman or someone who can ccalm down the situation which trump is incapable, thugs smugs shooting will only inflame

Pay The Piper
Pay The Piper
4 years ago

Dov Hikind finally lost it. We will never be in solidarity with these criminals and they will never be in solidarity with us. Let him use his strengths for doing something positive for our community. Where was he when Mayor Lousio picked on our people. Dov it’s time to hang up.your hat and retire.. Leave us alone

4 years ago

I was actually thinking of going. But tonight I was attacked for no reason in a store and Bh I just ignored and got away safe .

The people who are the ones attacking & making trouble won’t appreciate that we stand with them.” So why waist my time”

I will not go.

4 years ago

These protests are ripe with lies. Look at the stats of how many police officers are killed by blacks! Look at how many blacks kill other blacks!!! It’s much easier to be a victim then to look within.

Watch out
Watch out
4 years ago

hey i’m looking forward to tons of free stuff!!! which stores are they going in to??

4 years ago

This is the stupidest and most dangerous thing to call for Jews joining the protest. These protesters are overwhelmingly ANTIFA and other anti-Semitic scum. They have no reason to protest. Yes there are some racist cops, but these are individuals. This hefker velt has to stop, we cannot join in nor perpetuate it.

Not only will most of these overwhelmingly anti-Semitic liberals not change their mind about us just because there are Jews who protest, the police will forgive the black community and Latino community and white communities but they will never forgive us if frum people protest.

Involving ourselves in non-Jewish fights always brought us grief in the end.