Opinion: Our Community Is Powerless: Here’s Why

FILE- Jewish voter Yitzchok Hershowitz, left, signs in to vote with poll inspector Shahnaz Kadir at an election site, Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2014 in the Brooklyn borough of New York. ( AP Photo )

NEW YORK (VINnews/Ezra Friedlander) – We are living in difficult times. There’s been much consternation within our community, and rightfully so, about the apparent double standard currently being leveled at us. We endured the challenges of lockdowns and sheltering in place, but now as the restrictions are being lifted, our playgrounds, our schools and our businesses are still closed. Most recently, our sleep-away camps are prohibited from opening.

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We can point fingers and beat our chests, our blood pressure can boil in frustration, but here’s the bottom line. For those who are frustrated and don’t understand why our community is not being heard, I have a simple solution. Start voting.

Yes, elected officials have power, but only to the extent that we empower them. What do I mean? When elected officials represent a community that votes in huge numbers, they will take notice. Our community is vibrant, but relatively small in numbers. If we vote in a proportion greater than the general population, that would empower us. When a community votes, they are empowered.

It’s time for our community to wake up. Many of us don’t vote. We don’t get involved in local elections and we’re not even registered. Yet we continue to expect that government regulations and policies will benefit our community, even with minimal effort or involvement on our part.

It doesn’t work that way. That’s not reality. Reality means that we need to acknowledge our responsibility. Reality means we need to engage in the system and we need to do our part.

If I sound frustrated, let me explain. Several months ago, I accompanied State Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein as he stood outside a Boro Park shul requesting local residents to sign petitions that would allow our community candidates to appear on the ballot in the upcoming Democratic primary. It’s a simple petition but it’s significant because without the requisite signatures, our candidates would not be eligible to run for election. The only requirement is that those who sign must be registered as Democrats.

Shockingly, the response appalling. Many members of our community are reluctant to register as Democrats, and many are not registered at all. Of every five people that were approached, two were registered as Republicans, and two were not registered at all. That left just one out of five who were eligible to sign the petitions. This is deeply disturbing.

Look, I get it. As members of this community, we cherish our timeless values and traditions. Yes, I realize that many of the electorate who either registered as Republicans or chose not to vote feel that the mandate that defines the current Democratic party is anathema to them. So how can they identify as card-carrying Democrats when they vehemently oppose the progressive policies that represent the Democratic agenda? How can they flip a lever in the voting booth in favor of candidates with whom they may have irreconcilable differences?

But we are making a huge mistake. We need to vote with our brains, not with our hearts. We need to vote smartly and strategically. Our community is small in numbers so ultimately our votes will not determine the outcome of statewide or national elections. But we can make a significant impact in local citywide race. And more importantly, our local elected officials will sit up and take notice. This means they will potentially embrace and advocate for the issues that are of paramount importance to us, to whatever extent possible.

By registering as Republicans we have essentially opted out of the system. We may be making a statement or standing on principal but in the end we have abdicated our voice in the conversation. Elected officials are essentially politicians. Their goal is to get elected and when they win, they pay attention to who voted for them. With the help of modern technology, that can easily be determined. Just a few clicks can reveal an analysis of community voting patterns.

Do members of our community have profound differences with many of our elected officials on matters of platform and policy? Certainly. But we can work together with them to craft an agenda that would benefit us all if we have the political power to do so. On many occasions, we have accessed City Hall to advance our issues and our agenda. Yet time and time again our community’s self proclaimed spokespeople accuse anyone who attempts to collaborate for the common good of being a sellout.
Unless an issue personally affects them. Then they are suddenly eager to ‘make a deal with the devil’. This is called hypocrisy, plain and simple.

We can make an impact. Let’s consider the Boro Park community, a vibrant neighborhood with 25,000 families. If just two people per household would come out and vote in a given election, that would add up to a total of 50,000 votes. That’s a huge number that could potentially swing a Democratic primary election. The same can be said for other Jewish neighborhoods across the city.

But instead we bury our heads in the sand and have thus relinquished a precious opportunity and a fiduciary responsibility to our families and our communities.

I may work in government relations, but this is not about me. I am writing this because I feel that we as a community are being shortchanged. Democrats outnumber Republicans in New York eight to one. In other words, any Democrat running for office is virtually assured victory in a general election. If the numbers were in reverse, and Republicans outnumbered Democrats, I would be urging us all to register as Republicans. But this is the reality, and we have to deal with it. And our primary task is to ensure that the Democrat who will ultimately be on the ticket best represents us and will present us with the best possible leverage.

Other communities are voting, you can be sure of that. Our absence in the voting booth essentially empowers them further. We are relinquishing our constitutional rights and handing them over on a silver platter, thereby greatly diminishing our clout. All because we stubbornly insist on clinging to principles that hold no practical purpose.

Our community cares deeply about the issues that affect us. But we are essentially tying the hands of our local representatives if we cannot even sign a simple petition. They will not be able to address our issues or advocate for our needs because we are not engaged in the process.

I’ll never forget one community member who we approached on that painful evening in front of the shul. He praised Simcha for his service while also commenting about the need for wheelchair accessibility at our local subway stations. It was an issue that was clearly important to him. Yet that very same person was offended when I jumped in and asked if he was registered to vote. He self righteously refused to register, yet he insisted on pontificating about an issue that he believes in.

There are plenty of issues that this community cares deeply about, most notably the future of our children’s education. But if we are frustrated about government intrusion into our community’s affairs or about the lack of progress on these issues, let’s ask ourselves this. Have I voted in a recent election? Am I even registered to vote? Am I doing my part in advocating on behalf of my community? If not, who do I have to blame?

Let’s not opt out of the system. Let’s be engaged, at least minimally, in the process and perhaps we can change the system. If we can’t vote, then we don’t count. And if we don’t count then our beliefs, our traditions, and our values won’t matter to our city and state lawmakers.

Ezra Friedlander is the CEO of The Friedlander Group, a public policy consulting firm based in NYC and Washington DC.

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3 years ago

If we would stop listening to you Mr Feidlander and not vote in these liberals then we may be ok

shamai forster
shamai forster
3 years ago

Ezra is right on! our pulpit rabbis really need to talk about this issue.
“Lo SA’Amod Al Dam RE”acha ” see Vayikra 19:16.

Just calling it as I see it
Just calling it as I see it
3 years ago

I’m sorry but he’s only half right, but totally dead wrong on the other half.

The problem is not that people are registered as Republicans. It takes brains to be a Republican, it takes no brains to be a Democrat. it’s easy to be a Democrat because when you’re a Democrat, you are for everything. It’s easy. You don’t need scruples. If you are a Republican, it means you thought about things for a few minutes. Let that sink in!

The problem is WHOM people in New York are voting for. If you are voting for Democrats, you are getting Democrats and their entire agenda. So just remember what that agenda means. That agenda means that you are getting pro-abortion people. You are getting pro-abortion post-birth abortion people, remember those who stood up and cheered themselves in the state assembly when what they call late-term abortion was passed. Remember how they were crowing about their wonderful accomplishments. YAY, WE JUST APPROVED MURDER!

Just remember everything the Democrat Party stands for, which goes against everything the Torah says. Remember when the Torah says don’t do it, the Democrat party says do it. So if we keep voting for them, what do you think will happen? They go against our true values, what they SHOULD be.

What do we need to do as a community? Obviously, we need to stop voting and supporting the Democrats. This is not the Democrat Party of 40 years ago where they actually cared more about the rule of law and of the country. This is a totally different Democrat party. This is the Democrat Party of the post 1960s hippie movement. This is the Democrat Party of all the people who have been brought up coddled over the past 25 years. They think they deserve everything. The truth is, they don’t deserve a blasted thing but the problem is no one on their side, if there is anyone on their side left like that, has the guts to tell them that.

So we need to have good strong Republicans running. Republicans who care about the rule of law. Republicans will stand for our values. Is that hard to do in New York currently? Yes! However, there are still enough good people out there who can challenge the establishment and change the way of the state. There are still enough people, I believe, in this horrible state, who the appropriate person could wake them up out of their stupor.

Educated Archy
Educated Archy
3 years ago

This is only a NYC issue where the democrats run the show. Thus we have no choice but to vote in our democrat candidates like Felder.

But in other communities like Lakewood, Monsey , KJ etc.. there is no advantage to register democrat. There republican is more crucial.

nathan schwimmer
nathan schwimmer
3 years ago

The real problem is our Daas Torah leaders can’t get together and guide us for whom to vote.There’s too much friction between them because of where the monies will go. Like it or not it’s the truth.

Shmuel Greenhouse
Shmuel Greenhouse
3 years ago

Reb Ezra, you should not go around lecturing about our community needing to vote. From what I read you are part of the reason why we voted for DeBlasio again in previous mayoral election. You pushed Jewish communities to vote for Democratic candidates that continue to bash Jews, Israel and our communities. Maybe you thought it will lead to Yeshiva gelt? I don’t know but for now take a step back. Let us vote the bad huysout once and for all.

Schumer? He spent past few years wasting all our time and all the govts money fighting for the one oihev yisroel we finally have in office.

Please stop telling me about what to do regarding the NY leaders (Coumo and Bozo’s) double standards. Stop leading and pushing us to these standards hoping it will lead to yeshivah grants. Just stop it. And for now try to lay low. You led us to the tunnel, you kept iseis in thnethe tunnel. Please nowonow let someone else lead us out.

May hashem have rachmunis on all his children. And may start seeing only good and Besuros Toivos by all of klal yisroel.

Yossi Klein
Yossi Klein
3 years ago

Blah Blah Blah Blah……. We voted in Mayor Deblasio! We are the ones who went out in masses to vote this Schmuck in and look how he is treating us.
A guten Purim Ezra!!

3 years ago

“Paid for by Jerry Nadler etc.”

3 years ago

The community is disgusted with the politicians they are asked to vote for. If the so called askanim would back politcians whose policies are in sync with our community, there would be much greater voter turnout.I will not vote for Chaim Deutsch for Congress as a democrat. If he would run as a republican, I would vote for him. It is time to send a message to the Democratic party that we Jews will no longer vote for them based on their anti-religion views as well as their anti Israel policies.

Peter Weiss
Peter Weiss
3 years ago

Although we are fed up with the lefty lonnies who’ve taken over the NY Democratic Party, we do need the ability to vote in their primaries. As Flatbush residents may recall recently their coming out to vote in a local election kept an obviously anti-Semitic candidate from winning in the primaries and in the election. Also with a wide field of leftist loonies contenders in the same area congressional race, their splitting their constituents’ votes may allow the outstanding Chaim Deutsch to win the Democratic primary. What a wonderful person he is to have as our congressman and what a wonderful thing it would be for all.

3 years ago


How do you expect the barely literate in Boro park to be conscientious citizens and advocate for their “constitutional rights”. (High school Diploma ??).

Moreover, sleazy askanim and politicians who are willing to undermine their own values and beliefs for political favors , deserve the contempt and denigration of their faithful coreligionists.

If the shoe fits, wear it
If the shoe fits, wear it
3 years ago

“our community’s self proclaimed spokespeople”

Are you referring to yourself? Remind us, who made you a community spokesman?

3 years ago

total BS!! we are the ones who put DeBlasio on the map in the first place, I remember him going around in Boro park begging us to put him in to office in the first place as a city council member, thats how he got where he is now, and that’s what we got. it is just the opposite STOP VOTEING this people in ….

Voice of Reason
Voice of Reason
3 years ago


You are a huge part of the problem. When will you use your “government relations” role to bash these evil, wicked politicians? You only kiss their feet, and you push us to vote for them, whether by writing pieces like this for the media, or by pushing that agenda via our rabbonim and community organizations. No, Ezra, you are a big portion of the problem. Your dishonesty, your cavorting with those who are on the wrong side of morality, your advocacy for the disguised persecution of the Jewish community all need to stop. That may mean you should find another career, or that you should listen to us, not us listen to you.

3 years ago

As long as the ‘frum’ community remains completely insular and in a bubble that considers the USA a ‘goyesha govt’ it will have no voice here.

3 years ago

Ezra, “apparent” double standard? Are you kidding. It’s clear as day! Yes you work in government relations. Have you ever accepted a republican client? If not is that why you want us to register as Dems? The fact is elected officials look at the biter value of the community and not just who did the community vote for. In other words we all need to register to vote, I agree. But who we vote for is not as important as how many people vote because that makes up the vote value. If we are voters they will listen to us.

3 years ago

Dear Ezra. Your intentions are good but your logic is flawed. We, the ones in New York and New Jersey, are outnumbered by leftist and anarchist leaning elected politician. Nothing that we can do will change that.

You are asking us to hold our noses and step into the stinking toilet called the Democratic Party. What good have they done for us recently? For the most part I draw a blank. Their party platforms and lack of principles won’t allow them to do much for us.

Since when do we have to give up our principles for some nebulous benefit?

Wake up and smell the coffee.

3 years ago

Dumbest article ever on VIN. Eichenstein and the rest of the frumme politicians are part of the problem, not the solution. I will NEVER vote for any Democrat, no matter how long their tzitzis are.

3 years ago

The bigger problem here. Are the “askunim” presenting us! You pushed Debkazio on us because it fit your narrative back then, and you’re always around when nit needed. Don’t lecture us about voting when you have noone in mind but advancing your own political status. And that goes for the rest of you “askunim” as well

Simeon A. Weber
Simeon A. Weber
3 years ago

During the 1917 Revolution in Russia that allowed the communist to come to power there were two types of Rabbi’s. One group of Rabbi’s felt that they would work within the system with the communists to try to help the Jews as best they can and if they broke a few rules of our holy Torah so be it. The second group of rabbis refused to give an even 1 inch and stood up for Torah values with no compromise. All the rabbi‘s who looked to try to work with a communist were all killed by the communists those rabbis who stood for our holy Torah all survived and left Russia.Including Maran HaRav Moshe Feinstein ZTL

Mr. Friedlander wants us to believe like the rabbis who work for the communist that we should bend twist and ignore some of the basic tenants of our holy Torah. History has taught us the fallacy and the mistake of such flawed ideology. Better not to involve oneself in the Democratic Party then to stand with people Who’s who’s ideology stands in direct contradiction to our holy Torah.Let alone be employed by them.

3 years ago

He is stating a simple fact. If we are registered and vote we will be noticed and listened to. We have the ability to puit in a candidate that we like and at the very least be a force to be reckoned with. Even if the elected official is not who we wanted there will still be another election that they will want our support.

3 years ago

You walked Nadler to the rebbe in BP a few months ago , and that was spitting in our faces. Nadler supported IranDeal and still hounds our president with impeachmant and hearings.
Don’t treat us like fools, Ezra.
What’s this between you and Nadler ?

3 years ago

Mr Friedlander is right about voting. But let’s not get carried away.

The Democrat party of today is not as the good old days when they were favorable to Orthodox Jews.
It has been hijacked by far left radicals rabid anti-Semites. Cuomo,Schumer and Pelosi do know the truth about it but they don’t care because they are politicians

It should be renamed as the Degenerate party.

They force on us all their disgusting agendas especially when it comes to gays.

We can make a huge change as Friedlander suggested by bringing out tens of thousands of votes.

We must find good Republican candidates on local levels to represent what we stand for.

3 years ago

Ezra, I wonder if you have something to say after all this negative comment, which I agree with.

Scratching my head
Scratching my head
3 years ago

Reb Ezra,
I can’t figure out why so many of unzera don’t vote bichllal. Is there something embarrassing about it? Is there a tznius issue? Is there a fear of somehow being trapped? Are they still using their maiden name and their parents address? For other public things such as SNAP benefits, they will go down to the office centers and mingle with the goyim, many of them untzniusdik. I know this for a fact, as we unfortunately need their assistance and when I go down I always see plenty of unzera, nashim and anashim. I’ve seen unzera when I had to to go to the unemployment office in Manhattan, again not the most pleasant place to be. So why don’t these same chevra, men and women register and come out to vote??? For the life of me, I can’t figure out what their reluctance is. Maybe we have to get a good PR message out that voting is clean, quick, easy, & safe! You won’t get “caught” or lose any programs, etc…if you come out and vote. Adarabah, it’s another opportunity to make a Kiddush Hashem. Same thing with the Census, btw.

3 years ago

So how did Eichenstien get on the ballot and win if what you say is true? Obviously the Jewish community had enough votes and this is not the problem as he is currently an official. We need a republican to run and Jews to register to the party with their values; Republicans and bingo. The democratic party has not come forward to deal with our community’s needs

3 years ago

Perhaps Ezra should disclose in this article that he makes a living off this.

stating the obvious
stating the obvious
3 years ago

Wow, how well said, Ezra please respond to these comments

Stepped on Enough
Stepped on Enough
3 years ago

Rabbosai – yes we MUST register and MUST vote
Every vote is meaningful and important to our community, mosdos, and security
But the days of voting for the Democraps is over.
We have Coumo and DBlaz now – and they are both disaster for us and for democracy
As frum Yidden we have no choice but to vote all the way Republican – only then we will iy”H be able to still live in our communities. If we c”v get another Democrap, we may be forced to escape as our grandparents did not so long ago.

3 years ago

This being written by the one that was trying to get us to vote for Hillary Clinton when she was running against Trump. Absolutely disgusting.
What Reb Ezra seems to forget, is that the frum community from all the five boroughs of New York has lost a large amount of the population. So many have moved to Lakewood, other communities in New Jersey, Waterbury, Monsey, New Square Monroe, Baltimore, Detroit, Cleveland, and other states. You simply don’t have the amount of votes needed to make a difference anymore. This should have been addressed a long long time ago. Instead, many in hour community got sick and tired of the crazy hustle and bustle lifestyle, parking tickets, traffic, no parking, high taxes, and all the other mishagasthat we have to deal with on a day-to-day basis. You and other so called Askanim let it slide for way too long and many have said enough is enough and moved out. Not too long ago there was a news headline that said that yeshiva enrollment in New York City is the lowest it’s ever been. I wonder why. The Democrats, As you said, are antithetical to any conservative, let alone an Orthodox jew. They are not our friends, they are our enemies.

Yosel Ber
Yosel Ber
3 years ago

Democrats are our enemies. They hate family normal life. They instituted euthanasia killing off old people. Wake up. Who gave a 150 billion dollars to Iran to build nukes to kill six million Israeli jews. DemocRATs. Who is removing the police and defunding them. democRATs. Who wants to force yeshivas to teach same gender marriage and evolution. DeomocRATs

3 years ago

For people who purport to be Torah learners, I can only say they are dumb as rocks.


That is the short of it. All this talk is simply foolish talk. Who we vote for?

Who will have our back?

All nonsense.

Its time to go.

The writing is clearly on the wall.

JLM Jewish Lives Matter in ERETZ YISROEL.

3 years ago

I agree that it is imperative for people living in overwhelming Democrat states or cities to be registered Democrat, since the primaries are the election. When it comes to the general election, vote as you see fit.

The following is what I see as a greater problem; we as a community end up supporting the wrong people. For example: Jews supported DeBlasio, Hillary Clinton and a host of other garbage. That really helps us, doesn’t it? There is a long list of supporting horrible people. The Jewish community, not just in NY gets taken for granted. Politicians know that your not going to riot and loot and we should not do things like that. The problem is that many politicians fear those that do. The solution is to support the right kind of people that can also win!

3 years ago

Just to add to my post, The best thing for Jews to do is recognize the handwriting on the wall and make Aliyah. If all Frum Jews do that, it would most likely bring Moshiach faster and in the interim, it would make Eretz Yisroel more what it should be. The quality of life in Eretz Yisroel, even now, is infinitely better than you know.

Yosel Ber
Yosel Ber
3 years ago

This myth that frum jews moved out of Brooklyn in mass is highly exaggerated. Yes hundreds moved but thousands are born every year into Brooklyn. Just see how areas are expanding in all directions. Boro park has moved up to ocean Pkwy and Willy and crown heights are almost connecting. We just need everyone to register. We have hundreds of thousands of votes.

jack Matut
jack Matut
3 years ago

How is everything going under your cult leader trump?
All I ever hear anyone do here is praise him, while everything goes downhill.
You blame everything on everybody but him.
Imagine if anyone else were president and 120k + people died in 3 months after they said its nothing to worry about.
you keep blaming everyone but him while he takes you for a ride tweeting nonsense on Twitter all day.

3 years ago

The real solution is to move out of this filthy cesspool known as NY. If more jews lived in Texas or Florida we would not be having this discussion

C. E. Katz esq.
C. E. Katz esq.
3 years ago

Shame on you Ezra!!
Chutzpah coming from you after you plastered the community with non stop robo calls,posters , etc ,for years telling us the Democrats like Schumer,Nadler ,De Blasio,quinn were who to vote for..
Where were they when NYC was burning??
Yes indeed Ezra we vote with our brains not our hearts!!-Regardless of how much $$ they promise you Bobov and satmar, cant believe VIN allowed you to write this, you’re audacity knows no bounds!!

3 years ago

#jexit getting jews to leave the democrats

Rabbi Kolakowski
Rabbi Kolakowski
3 years ago

You can always vote Republican in a general election, but to vote in Democrat Primary you need to be registered Democrat. In the end, the winner is usually picked in the Democrat Primary in the 5 boros. The real answer is to move upstate.

3 years ago

No need to vote democrat , for the Republicans will beat them with a wooden bat .
we’ve got foolish dems with standards that are double , they won’t last long they’re just a lot of trouble .
shlamazio closes the playgrounds and every park , he’ll be sorry the next time he steps out into the dark.
It’s good we have a guy like Felder , He’ll break those police chains no matter who was the welder.
You can vote for felder who’s only democrat in name , cause he’s one man who knows how to play the game.
On a national level vote Republican because they get us religious favors , now that’s something my tongue surly savors . Biden O’bama Hillary and Pelosi should be thrown in jail , I’d surely love to see news like that in my mail. We must vote for Trump the man that can get us over any bump , he’ll wash away the crazy democrats to the dump or just tie ‘m to a stump . Biden may look good in the polls according to some , I just don’t know how anyone can be so DUMB . … It’s TRUMP all the WAY high up and FLYING , Biden can crawl up in a corner crying . …. The nation has been hit with the strange corona , all the way from new york to Arizona . …Then Before we know it , comes the murder of george floyd , … when all the protests began , I was overjoyed . .. We heard the chant that black lives matter , .. heard it so much my head felt fatter. We then hear how businesses were looted …it’s as though the police were booted . .Some say pick up and move to eretz yisroel ,… where ha-shem will protect us from every peril . .. v’yishach b’racha b’chol maa’sei yadeinu , v’yavo mashich bimhairah v’yameinu . … I’ll have to bring this to a sudden end , although there’s a lot more to be said , just around the bend . . . Although the world is full of evil with a lot at stake , let’s just remember CHAZAK CHAZAK V’NISCHAZAIK !!!!!! Now I’m thinking of eating some chocolate cake , heck I’ll even have some kosher steak .

new yooooorker
new yooooorker
3 years ago

Make NEW YORK GREAT AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Torah Jew
Torah Jew
3 years ago

Yes we must register to vote as a Democrat but that is only the first step, we must also put forward decent candidates, unfortunately when ever we do, Ezra Feetlicker and his askonim friends always tell us not to support them (whether Orthodox Jews like Ben Akselrod, Meir Filler, or non jews like Erick Salgado). Instead he has us vote for the worst of the worst, thus turning us in to our own worst enemies. If Ezra wants us to register as Democrats he should shut up and allow moral Democrats to win.

While I agree we with his message, unfortunately he is the last person to deliver the message, the more he talks the more people will register Republican or opt out.

3 years ago

We know what to do , we just have to get out there and do it . Just think FELDER TRUMP PENCE ,!!!!! FELDER TRUMP PENCE !!!!!!!!!! FELDER TRUMP PENCE !!!!!!!!! FELDER TRUMP PENCE !!!!!!!!! FOREVER !!!!!!!!!!!

silver soul
silver soul
3 years ago

I vote for ARCHY !

Dumb People Are Not Smart
Dumb People Are Not Smart
3 years ago

Oh, Ezra, dear Ezra…. Don’t you know that people who have the insight into difficult issues, whether it is NYS elections or public health issues are not listened to here. On this site, the minions of ignorance, will shout and yell and comment all day about what “WE” should or should not do. The fum community has been blinded by the lies and corruption of Trump who feeds them a line they have in many ways always sought. WWII taught us that we have to be wary of what goes on and be careful what the media says, Trump took this and manipulated so many to completely distrust anything but their feelings. Intellect has fallen to the wayside and those who call themselves educated but know less than a first grader seem to have a larger voice than those who speak reason.

Ezra, your words are wise and have been echoed by numerous others involved deeply in these issues, but instead idealism has taken over and rationality has gone to the wayside. While striving for an ideal may be our duty, to live by an ideal without compromise is zealotry, which is something rejected by our tradition numerous times over. Yet, the zealots have all the energy to yell and scream and to ruin our lives with their false idealism.

3 years ago

Trump will make New York and New Jersey Great Again . He will make the whole USA GREAT AGAIN . WE all know it and so does Ezra .

Zalman Alpert
Zalman Alpert
3 years ago

Friedlander Was correct about voting
But events of the last 3weeks indicate that it’s not votes that count,rather looting riots demonstrations decide public policy The ballot box is no longer relevant
Rather violence and blackmail dictate policy
Its time for Orthodox Jews to leave the Dem party and support candidates across the aisle
Is the good rabbi prepared to endorse the complete Dem platform:
Lukeworm on Israel
Gay rights gay marriage
Abortion on demand
Lukewarm on robust police dept
If so then the Rabbi should indeed vote for them,the rest of us need to vote GOP

blue spirit
blue spirit
3 years ago

We need to vote the way Archie tells advises . …

3 years ago

Archie 2020 Archie 2024 !!!!!