Dov Hikind Sends Letter to POTUS Asking for DOJ to Investigate Cuomo’s Actions Against Jewish Communities


NEW YORK (VINnews) — Dear Mr. President,

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As I have written to you in the past, alerting you to troubling developments for the Jewish communities in New York and around the country, sadly I am compelled to write to you on this subject yet again despite knowing that you are in the thick of your re-election campaign (which I’m truly hoping and praying will succeed because we cannot allow the insanity of the other side to prevail!).

Over the course of the past two weeks Governor Andrew Cuomo has, in his own words, made clear that he is targeting the Jewish communities with severe lockdown restrictions that have been placed on all of the predominantly Jewish areas around New York City and throughout the state. Governor Cuomo, or as I prefer to call him, Tyrant King Cuomo, has not missed a single opportunity during this period to make clear to all who listen to his
meandering rants that:

  • The only people getting sick “and spreading the virus” in New York State are “the ultra Orthodox” and “Hasidic” Jews, even going so far as to specify that it was ‘not the Catholics’ getting sick, only ‘the Jews’
  • COVID is transmitted primarily through mass gatherings in houses of worship, specifically synagogues
  • The only people breaking social-distancing and mask-wearing rules are Jews
  • The determination of “red and orange zones” is not based on cases per county or zip code, but by “clusters” which remains undefined and unqualified to everyone but the governor himself

Mr. President, you have been a stalwart against the nasty manipulation of COVID by nefarious forces around the globe and sadly even within our country who aim to malign America. I, and a majority of the Jewish people being collectively punished with a selective lockdown that is forcing businesses into bankruptcy, families into poverty, and people into despair, are extremely concerned about what is allowed to pass as the Executive of one of the most powerful states in our Union goes on a daily public anti-Jewish rant with a vengeance. So I want to bring several crucial points to your attention:

  • We have good reason to believe, based on available data, that the governor’s metrics are abritrarily cherry-picked so that areas with no Jewish population that have some of the highest infection and mortality rates in the state are mysteriously left out of his socioeconomic warfare
  • Additionally, even if we go by the worst assessment of the numbers, the “science” and “technology” that King Cuomo keeps touting for his vengeful tactics is questionable at best, or downright fraudulent at worst.
  • According to the CDC:
    • More than 80% of people who recently caught COVID were routinely wearing masks
    • Unlike the Tyrant asserted, the number one point of viral transmission is not coming from synagogues or houses of worship, but from family members (33%)
    • And as you tweeted, the WHO declared themselves against lockdowns because of the greater economic destruction it causes to the most vulnerable segments of the population
  • There is also incredible and curious overlap between the areas designated for lockdowns and those that represent Jewish communities that overwhelmingly voted for you in the last election, and according to recent polls will only increase even further on November 3rd.

As the son of Holocaust survivors who lived through the Nazi’s demonization of Jews as “disease-ridden vermin” who needed to be “separated and excised from society” and were eventually put into ghettoes, concentration camps, gas chambers and crematoria in places like Auschwitz, I cannot but see too many dangerous parallels with the governor’s actions and the deafening silence of the mainstream media and the Democrats on this matter.

The climate is ripe for antisemitism to proliferate, and history shows that violence tends to follow hate.

Therefore, I am asking, no, I am beseeching you Mr. President to please step in, take action, and direct the Department of Justice to investigate the Tyrant King for grossly violating Jewish civil rights in New York and bringing irreparable harm to Jews all around the country and world.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my request at this complex juncture, and because you’ve shown yourself to be a man of action I’m hoping that you will direct the necessary resources to limit the damage being caused by the Cuomo dictatorship.

Dov Hikind

Founder, Americans Against Antisemitism
New York State Assemblyman (retired)

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3 years ago

Thank you Dov Hikind for stepping up to the plate and speaking out. I want to thank Ticshler too and all institutions who have sued the governer. Thank you for speaking out.

Silence is condoning the targeting and scapegoating of Jews and it is extremely dangerous to let it continue until it spirals out of contol, c”v.

Last edited 3 years ago by hernor
James Smithson III
James Smithson III
3 years ago

I just read that as Cuomo and de Blasio were viciously attacking Jews, queens was having huge gathering of Muslims celebrating a holiday without permit masks etc packed in. No coverage of press a silence from those two. All fascists left or right use anti semitism as a tool to stay in power and deflect from their failure. These two creeps are no different!!!

3 years ago

Thanks Dov! Dov was always someone we could count on.

NY Hurting
NY Hurting
3 years ago

Bless you Reb Dov

James Smithson III
James Smithson III
3 years ago

Thank you Dov!! Someone with sone guts! Chazak Oo Baruch!!!!

3 years ago

Thank you Dov Hikind, for your meaningful letter to our President. your powerful words are spiritual, rational and emotional. BEH, may we all merit S’Yata D’Shmaya and experience Menuchas Hanefesh in all areas, individually and collectively as Am Yisroel, protected by Hakodosh Baruch Hu..אין עוד מלבדו

3 years ago

As i said before as much as i dislike Hikind’s tactics in general i must say now thank you Mr. Hikind.

Dov Hikind always served the “people”. He is not like all of our “Machers” who serve only the institutions.

sam hirschh
sam hirschh
3 years ago

Why doesnt Hikind run for office??? I never understood why he didnt keep going in politics. He has a sound mind and a solid set of opinions.

El Al
El Al
3 years ago

Bla, Bla,bla. It’s all done , Hevra. The Democrat Shaydim will in 4 years , or in 30 days Heaven forbid , end the chaper of American Jewry. Pack up and flee to our homeland.

Torah jew
Torah jew
3 years ago

Is dov going to do teshuva for attacking Paladino as an anti semite helping Cuomo become governor. Look up the press conference in front of city hall.

Remember most jews now attacking Cuomo and bdb over corona voted for him.

They have no problem with voting for anti god-pro lgbt rishayim, only trying to stop Corona.

Dump people are not smart
Dump people are not smart
3 years ago

Maybe now that the DOJ finished their unmasking investigation, which Trump and some GOP congressmen called bigger than Watergate, with no indictments or any significant issues raised, they can go onto their next investigation. If Dov Hikind thinks an investigation here will go anywhere he has lost his mind. There are valid concerns, but these antics, I am just not sure what they accomplish. Does not seem helpful for any concerns facing our community.

Stam Misha
Stam Misha
3 years ago

if he was a real “Tyrant King”, Reb Dov would have ended up like one of the asara harugei malchus,
is this type of theatrics necessary?

Joe from yehupitz
Joe from yehupitz
3 years ago

Hikind & Trump – perfect for each other. 2 over the hill crackpots.

3 years ago

Dov Hikind has lost any credibility with this latest stunt. Cuomo has never singled out Jews re Covid but as everyone knows the spike in cases in NY largely comes from ‘frum’ areas. He wants ALL schools and gathering places closed in areas of spiking Covid, not Jewish ones. Sure, its good to distract from the trump insanity by attacking Cuomo. Meanwhile ‘trump’s Army’ is getting ready to attack Jews when Biden wins. But focus on Cuomo, that’s safer…