President Trump Won’t Attend Joe Biden’s Inauguration

President Donald Trump speaks during a rally protesting the electoral college certification of Joe Biden as President, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday he won’t attend President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on Jan. 20.

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Trump offered no clues for how he would spent his final hours in office, and will be the first incumbent president since Andrew Johnson to skip his successor’s swearing-in. Traditionally, the incoming and outgoing presidents ride to the U.S. Capitol together for the ceremony, as a symbol of the nation’s peaceful transition.

Trump’s comments come two days after a violent mob of his supporters occupied the Capitol for several hours as lawmakers were tallying the electoral votes that certified Biden’s victory. Biden will become president at noon on Jan. 20 regardless of Trump’s plans.

“To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th,” Trump tweeted. The move had been widely expected, as Trump for months falsely claimed victory in the election and promulgated baseless claims of voter fraud. His own administration said the election had been fairly run.

Vice President Mike Pence was expected to attend the inauguration. Pence spokesman Devin Malley said “Vice President Pence and the Second Lady have yet to make a decision regarding their attendance.”

Biden’s transition team had no immediate comment on Trump’s announcement. But Jen Psaki, the president-elect’s incoming White House press secretary, said last month that whether Trump attended the inauguration was not top of mind for Biden.

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BIDEN 2021
BIDEN 2021
3 years ago

Good. He won’t be there to soil it. So much loooooosing.

Liam K. Nuj
Liam K. Nuj
3 years ago

To paraphrase Abba Eben, “Trump will never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity”

3 years ago

Loser. Sore Loser.

Grow up!

Chareidi Jews For Biden/Harris 2020
Chareidi Jews For Biden/Harris 2020
3 years ago

Good the quicker he leaves and gets out of our lives the better.

That's fine
That's fine
3 years ago

Not all presidents in US history attended the inauguration of the incoming president.
In this case especially to the party that slandered him and gave him hell for 4 years, with a shady election, and being banned on the platforms of the Dems biggest contributors, blamed for everything that just happened -despite condemning and calling it to stop as it happened and afterwards as well.
After all they put him through I’m not surprised.

3 years ago

Good for him
That’s how he was treated for the last 4 years

Biden not my president, he’s a cheater
Biden not my president, he’s a cheater
3 years ago

I hope Biden won’t either.
He’s a fraud together with the evil
Dems and media.

Rats Rats DemocRATs
Rats Rats DemocRATs
3 years ago

Why should he attend. The crooks are back with the deep state ready to destroy America in every which way.