CRAZY VIDEOS: Explosion Rocks NYC’s Diamond District As Pro-Palestinian Protestors Block Traffic


NEW YORK (VINnews) — An explosion rocked 47th Street on Thursday evening, as Pro-Palestinian protestors ran through the streets and blocked traffic.

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The explosion occurred at approximately 7 PM.

According to initial reports, the explosion was caused by a participant of the Pro-Palestinian group.

Around the same time the explosion occurred, footage circulated of Pro-Palestinian protestors spewing vile language at nearby people, guilty of being “zionists.”

New York City’s diamond district is well know as the workplace of many Jewish people.


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B wo
B wo
3 years ago

May have been caused by a demonstrator?? IT WAS!! I was right there

Cynthia Lamarr
Cynthia Lamarr
3 years ago

From their license plates can we find out where these scum live and work

3 years ago

Need a real mayor. Also, need some of our less gentle brethren hanging out there.

3 years ago

Unloading streams of F-bombs is exactly how you show the world you have something worthwhile to say.

3 years ago

Wait till Biden and the democRATs bring in a million more and you will have to hide your yarmulka in your pocket.

Educated Archy
Educated Archy
3 years ago

We need law and order in nyc. Why could the shlemazal republicans find anyone normal to run for mayor ? All the dems are loser morans . Seriously no one normal ? What’s so hard ? Why are they sleeping ? We need a law and order mayor . One who bans riots and protests without permits. One who reinstates broken windows and will stop and frisk black , Palestinian and Muslim rioters.

Thanks a lot AOC
Thanks a lot AOC
3 years ago

Thanks a lot AOC. You shoot off your mouth gratuitously on twitter and this is what we get.

Crazy Joe anti my president
Crazy Joe anti my president
3 years ago

Biden and evil dems voters

3 years ago

Even if they were arrested thanks to Aguda and Fjcc approved Cuomo and de blasio they’d be out in seconds

3 years ago

Let them go to Israel this big chachomim, the Israeli’s will make gallareta and matzoh meal out of them.

3 years ago

This is what Biden approves of This is gonna be very common from now on

3 years ago

Everyone says we need to fight back. Very nice. Good luck with that. The Democrats enacted every single gun control law to prevent law abiding citizens from getting one, meanwhile the Jew haters, thugs, and vilde chayis have access to plenty of guns. That’s what the Democrat party has done all these years and all the Jew dummies kept on voting for them. You reap what you sow. Good luck now. Gone are the days when the NYPD was there for us and we could rely on their protection. The Democrats eviscerated the police department, And now the cops could care less.

Last edited 3 years ago by Aguttenshabbos
3 years ago

My friends son was beat up today at a rally nearby. He’s in the hospital, things are not looking good folks

3 years ago

The two Israeli guys who fought back should use tactic. You can’t beat a mob of animals. You need to stay at the sidelines and follow one or two of these bums and bash their heads in. Use seichel. The cops are not eager to really stop and arrest the Arabs. This election I’m not voting. The democRATs are all the same. Be it Schumer or AOC.

3 years ago

Dem response: but Jan 6th…

Famed Member
3 years ago

The terrorists in Gaza shoot home made rockets at Jews in Israel.
These Muslims identify with those terrorists and throw home made bombs at Jews in New York.
We need to fight back but there is no safety anywhere – ” Omar Reb Shimon bar Yochai ‘Halacha beyadua she´Esav soneh leYaakov’”

3 years ago

NYC police have become useless. the summer of BLM riots set the stage for this.

Love the white Anglo pot head with “Palestinian” flag.

3 years ago


Doug Fische
Doug Fische
3 years ago

A typical day in New York City. What is the problem?