BROOKLYN (VINnews/Sandy Eller) – Two Jewish teenagers walking in a well populated and heavily Jewish neighborhood are grateful to be alive after being attacked in broad daylight by a group of Palestinian men.
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Mitchel Schwartz said that his son and his nephew were accosted on 18th Avenue and Ocean Parkway towards the end of Shabbos.
A pack of at least six men reportedly told the two teens to say “free Palestine” and other anti-Israel statements before they started punching them, with several more armed with baseball bats joining the attack.
A passing Uber driver saw the attack and told the teens to get into his car, getting them safely away from the mob.
“He told them to jump in, literally like they were in Beirut or Gaza and not 18th Avenue and Ocean Parkway, the heart of the Jewish community,” Schwartz told VIN News.
Former assemblyman Dov Hikind credited the Muslim Uber driver with saving the teens’ lives, coming just two days after a 29 year old Jewish man was beaten in Midtown by Palestinian demonstrators who also lobbed fireworks at Jewish targets in the Diamond District.
“Things are out of control,” said Hikind. “There is such hatred emanating from this community – where is their leadership? Where are the responsible people? The Jewish community needs to wake up and figure out how to protect itself. It can’t just be the police – we need to protect ourselves, period.”
Warning: Be aware Terrorist Waseem Awawdeh living in Bay Ridge Brooklyn wants to kill jews in our neighborhood. He was arrested for beating a Jew and released and said he wants to do it again.
Kahana Chai
Righteous among the nations
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This is getting way out of control. Are we just going to allow a bunch of Arabs to just walk up to any Jew and beat on him? We can’t sit back and let this keep happening. I’m sure the Brooklyn Shomrim and the NYPD are doing their best, however, if this continues, more action must be taken.
Every Jew a 22
(22 caliber gun)
One who comes to kill you you kill him first. To do otherwise is a violation of Halacha. If they say they want to kill you believe them. Period. Full. Stop.
Had these thugs been registered Republicans chucky schooooma would have stuck his face behind a mic long ago.
But throughout this entire episode he’s been awol
Vote the creep out once and for all.
We need law and order . Why are we sleeping ? Can’t we find a competent republican to run for mayor and clinch this ? Why is this soo difficult ? We need a Rudy/Bloomberg who will Stop and frisk Palestinians and sneak into mosques with no questions asked .
Why has no elected democrats condemned their colleagues incitement with their open support of hamas even on the house floor.
This is not rocket science. Muslims are taught you kill ALL the infidels starting with Jews. It’s in the Koran, it’s not a secret. Wake up.
when the police fail to protect citizens, vigilantes will have to fill the gap.
Register to vote.
Pack heat!!!
Take back our streets, fight back before it is too late…
All the suspects can be found at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC and at the Capitol Building there.
Please go pick them up.
I know chaskel Bennett was in Lawrence or in a mansion in Sullivan county
Yet another incident due to the Zionist invasion of the holy land a century ago and their recent provocations in the holy land.
Judith as usual, sees the wrong point, arrives at the wrong conclusions. Judy, I can guarantee you that you have no soul.