Horrific Testimonies From Lev Tahor Emerge: ‘They Were Prepared To Slaughter The Children If Police Came’

Lev Tahor girls walking in Chatham, Ontario, in December 2013. (screen capture: YouTube)

NEW YORK (VINnews) — The terrifying testimonies emerging from the Lev Tahor cult continue to be revealed by survivors of the cult who succeeded in escaping and have documented their testimony. One of the female survivors testified that the heads of the cult had even prepared to “slaughter” the children if a military force would reach the cult’s camp and try to rescue the children, since people must “give up their lives” rather than live outside the cult.

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“They told us that if people would come to take the children, we should take the children behind the buildings and slaughter them like sacrifices, they said that we should slaughter the younger ones first so that the older ones would understand what was happening,” the survivor said, according to a B’Chadrei Chareidim report.

The female survivor, a young mother, told of the heavy punishments meted out by the cult:

“They flogged me in front of everyone, everyone watched as they flogged me with a belt. I then had to thank the woman flogging me and kiss her hand in front of everyone.

“I was supposed to go to the supervisor and ask for the lashes which I deserved. They tied me with a gartel and flogged me in front of everyone, if I cried I got more lashes. More than the pain of the lashes I was pained by the humiliation of everyone seeing me in this situation.”

Mendy Levy, another survivor, told B’Chadrei Chareidim that the members lived in jungle conditions. “They took a clearing in a forest full of animals and reptiles and put up some booths, the shul had no roof. The leaders knew how to care for themselves but we lived in horrific conditions with all kinds of insects and animals wandering around, they hit us brutally for every slight infringement, they caused horrendous harm to us.”

Mendy broke down in tears while recalling the awful conditions, adding that “it was so terrible and there was so much suffering that I gave up and decided to take my own life. Levy said that he took bleach and tried to mix it with sugar and drink it in order to end his life.

Mendy describes what goes on in Lev Tahor

Mendy’s brother Yoel, who also ran away from the cult and is recovering in Israel, said that “from the age of two they hit children, ever since I remember I was getting hit, me and anyone who transgressed any of the rules. Yoel describes the cruelty of the heads of the cult, now in custody in the US: “Children were hit with brutality, flogged with belts, they forced people to sleep in the shul without a roof over their heads.

Yoel Levi pictured while he was in Lev Tahor

Yoel says that “children don’t have what to eat there, women are dying of hunger, since Meir Rosner, one of the heads of the cult, prohibits eating meat, fish, eggs, legumes, only fruit and vegetables are permitted.”

Yoel says that his father died four years ago because he didn’t get proper medical attention and the children were split up and sent to different families while his mother was married off to another man.

Yoel and Mendy Levy after their escape from Lev Tahor

“They caused strife between parents and children and forced them to snitch on one another if they infringed the rules of the cult, everyone is snitching on everyone else, that is the rule. Parents cannot hug or kiss children and children cannot hug their parents, they just cause everyone to hate the others, one can’t rely on anyone,” Yoel adds.

Yoel decided to escape when they told him he was getting engaged “to a 16-year-old dressed like the Taliban, I didn’t even know what she looked like.

“One night I took a few clothes and left a note to my mother, I didn’t want to tell her as she would have informed on me, the guard at the entrance believed me that I was going for a day and returning later, as people sometimes went away to buy food, I hitched a lift to Guatemala city three hours away.

“I called a member of the community of Jewish converts in Guatemala who had been in the cult and left. I kept his phone number and he helped me reach the Israeli embassy, who were not very helpful since I was still a minor. I then went to the Canadian embassy and they immediately helped me and sent me to a foster family. Later I arrived in Israel, I met my extended family whom I had never met.”



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Democrats support Jew haters and terrorists.
Democrats support Jew haters and terrorists.
3 years ago

Just a typical cult, the evil cult leaders should be locked up for their rest of their lives.

Voice of Reason
Voice of Reason
3 years ago

Several actions need to be taken.

  1. We need to have our communities submit friend of the court letters, praising the prosecution of these evil savages, and supporting consequences that insure that these barbaric apikorsim are never to be released to mingle amoing us.
  2. We need to identify anyone that might be collecting funds that will benefit these wicked resho’im. I suspect that some of the schnorrers that circulate with stories of hachnosas kallah or pidyoin shvuyim and other genuine mitzvos are masquerading as such. These fakers need to be outed and banished from anywhere in the frum community.
  3. Please think of others and submit them.
3 years ago

I can’t understand how people defended them and still defend this cult.

The first signs of a cult is cutting off of the community and family which they did to the greatest extent. The second sign is full control by the leaders and the third is violence.

Anyone who defends this group has a cultish mentality and would fit right in this dysfunctional group.

Anyone who is funding this cult is funding evil and the abuse of Innocents and will have to give din v’cheshbon in Shomayim for causing the suffering of innocent people.

Daniel Sa
Daniel Sa
3 years ago

Something needs to be
done….to protect these children!

3 years ago

These people are nothing but a cult. I know someone who went undercover and told me they’re a bunch of crazy cultists and nothing more. Sounds a lot like the Jim Jones meshugoim.

Last edited 3 years ago by
3 years ago

This is so sad and heart wrenching.
Where is the rest of the cult now? Is this still happening?
רחמנים בני רחמנים How / where can we help them?

3 years ago

a few thoughts
how krum & twisted a person can get just from being ” mafrish atzmo min hatzibur” that was their first sin
the deeply rooted narcissism that lies in the letter that if u cant be ELITE & UNIQUE ” lev tahor” than its not worth living ( as haman said kol zeh…)
chazal say that Torah in the hands of rasha is poison – finally i get it -the devil too, can quote scripture.
finally the power of the human psyche to survive insane living conditions, can u imagine your wife holding up in an airport for 4 days with a bunch of pitzy kids crying for food… no money.. no bed..no plan-and they stay , it blows my mind

3 years ago

So much blood in their hands…
Hashem yerachem!

Just Sayin'
Just Sayin'
3 years ago

No different than Jim Jones. These “leaders need to be made an example of!

Bored Lawyer
Bored Lawyer
3 years ago

BTW, Chazal say that even one who threatens to hit someone is a rasha.

3 years ago

Oiy, such terrible conditions and so very sad. My heart goes out to the kids of Lev Tahor, I hope all of their leaders end up in jail or worse….

lev thaor cult leaders belong in gehenoim
lev thaor cult leaders belong in gehenoim
3 years ago


3 years ago

btw on YWN there is an article posted 1 hour ago that says that Satmar important folks transfered $60k to them recently, so it is SATMAR who is funding I stand corrected.

Stop the fake news
Stop the fake news
3 years ago

Sorry, but in the first picture this boy certainly doesn’t look malnourished …

3 years ago

has Satmar stopped funding Lev Tahor?

3 years ago

When cults are at a dead end, they consider mutual destruction or suicide. Same happened with the MAGA cult on Jan 6.

3 years ago

It’s not so simple. What did the Israeli anti religious do to kids coming from post Holocaust or Yemenite children from Yemen. They took the children from parents and made them ex Jews. Putting them in secular kibbutzim eating pork. Now you have a whole generation of Israeli kids ignorant of Judaism. No one is saying that any leader today has a right to beat up kids but what secular Jews do is far worse. How many secular old Jews are tortured in nursing homes because their secular kids do not even visit them. Go visit them and you will be shocked what’s going on. They are tied to wheelchairs to eat a lunch worse than airplane food. And they cannot go to the bathrooms the full hour as only one nurse takes care of 30 patients. And she of course is on her smart phone.

3 years ago

When the Yidden were in the Midbar, nobody could just say, ‘I don’t want to be part of you, I am leaving.
Look at the M’koshesh Eitzim, he couldn’t just say, I don’t believe in Shabbos and I am just leaving the whole group. Instead, he was stoned to death.
In any belief system, you can not just Leave the group.