Additional Rabbis Say Avoid Walder’s Books


BNEI BRAK (VINnews) The Bnei Brak Bais Din founded by Hagaon Rav Nissim Karelitz ZT”L, has issued a ruling regarding whether one is allowed to read the books of a popular author who has been found to be committing serious aveiros and immoral acts. Although his name is not mentioned in the teshuva, they are presumably referring to noted author Chaim Walder.

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In short, the psak says that one must avoid reading his books, even if the allegations have not been proven.

Here is the translated text of the teshuva:


A Charedi author who writes books for chinuch and teaching purposes, in which stories are told that teach lessons in mussar for children and teenagers. However, recently it has come to light that the author committed very grave aveiros which have been ongoing for a long time. Is one permitted to continue reading his books?


If the allegations are true, it is certainly forbidden to read the books, just as Chazal warned us not to read books written by authors who are not Yirei Shamayim. Especially if there are concerns that the author is a disgusting person, in which case reading his books are tantamount to supporting his behavior.

Obviously, that would be the case if the allegations are confirmed. However that is not the case. Despite that, since the author has not yet undergone an investigation in accordance with halacha, even though it’s only in doubt, it is still appropriate to not read his books until there is final confirmation as to what took place.

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False Headline
False Headline
2 years ago

VIN (and everyone else) is misquoting the psak. (At least they published the original.)

the psak says that one must avoid reading his books”

No it doesn’t!

It says that since nothing has been proven yet, it would be PROPER to avoid reading the books until further clarification. IF the allegations are proven, then the psak is one MUST avoid reading the books.

That same beis din would also prohibit owning a computer, and definitely prohibit reading this (or any other) frum news site.

no lashon hara
no lashon hara
2 years ago

“has been found to be committing serious aveiros”

No, he has not, and this article was extremely poorly vetted for publication.

2 years ago

Pitty, to condemn an innocent man who denies all charges. Seems the goyish world seeped into our bais din system. in yidishkiet, an “allegation” needs to be proven in bain din, until proven, it has no merit since the accused is denying it.

2 years ago

Ironic that right beneath this article is a link to an interview and song by R Shlomo Carlebach

True Jew
True Jew
2 years ago

Wondering on the selected outrage. If a Rav that is an anti Zionist would only as much say something a lil KRUM on an individual Yid, the world wldve danced them to death. But bh its one of the Chareidi courts that are in perfect alignment with Zionist company so people are just popping up here and there.
Its ok. Im happy for Walder that he’s not being wolved up.
And sadly, we’ve stooped as low as the secular world. An article as such shldve stayed within confines of the “Authorities” until verification. Its playing with BLOOD.

Thinking Yid
Thinking Yid
2 years ago

The בד”ץ עדה החרדית has banned his books several years ago due to their un-traditional content, so regardless of the validity of the current allegations, you have enough reason to stop giving Walder books to your children.

2 years ago

Why? Because the kids’ souls are going to be tainted by the words and the stories in the books? If it’s good lessons for the children and it is inspiring for them, and It’s not negative or bad for them, what the heck seems to be the problem? Why should every child stop reading it, or parents and teachers to children??

2 years ago

And that’s that!!

2 years ago

That’s why we need Netflix…

2 years ago

Note how the question was asked there is no mention that at this point it is an allegagtion

A Charedi author who writes books for chinuch and teaching purposes, in which stories are told that teach lessons in mussar for children and teenagers. “However, recently it has come to light that the author committed very grave aveiros which have been ongoing for a long time. Is one permitted to continue reading his books?”

SHAME ON YOU LOSHON HORA IS IF ITS TRUE let the facts and investigation come out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and even then do the laws of an Tziyoni secular court hold water for daas torah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 years ago

Even if he is guilty, is he no longer worthy of anything?
Should he stop doing mitzvos? Is he no longer able to do teshuvah?
Are all his past mitzvos garbage?
Are mitzvos eternal or are they political?

Is there redemption for him?

According to the Rav I guess we do.

Cancel culture has entered the bies din I guess…..

yid 18
yid 18
2 years ago

I don’t believe at all that he is guilty. He is one of my favorite authors, and I hope he will continue to publish a book a year, or more.