Government Defends Plan to Eliminate Kosher Cell Phones: ‘Israel Not a Shtetl’

LEFT: Israel’s Minister of Communications Yoaz Hendel (Photo by Flash90), RIGHT: Kosher Phone

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — An explosive meeting took place between Communications Minister Yoaz Hendel and Charedi representatives, to discuss the potentially devastating plan to eliminate kosher cell phones in the coming weeks.

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During the meeting, Hendel sharply attacked the Charedi community, saying “Israel is not a shtetl”, and the state cannot exist if Charedim have autonomy.

Hendel convened the briefing on Sunday for the Charedi media, to discuss his upcoming “kosher telephone reforms”, in an attempt to explain several decisions which have triggered outrage among Charedim.

In addition to other reforms, the one that has angered the community most is that “kosher phone” numbers will be capable of working on non-kosher phones. Since those numbers will no longer be exclusively reserved for kosher phones, it will be nearly impossible for the Communications Vaad to ensure a hechsher on cell phones. This will essentially eliminate the koma hacsheira or “kosher floor”, which enables numbers to be monitored and vetted for kashrus.

As reported in B’Chadrei Charedim, some Charedi journalists criticized Hendel at the briefing, saying that even if he wants to weaken the Vaad or take away their exclusive control, there is no need or justification to eliminate the “Koma Hakseira.” They argued that there are other effective ways to increase competition and offer alternatives to enable kosher phones and weaken the Vaad.

In response, Hendel viciously attacked the community, saying “This is the State of Israel and not a shtetl. The position of the Charedim does not matter. In my opinion, this is what is beneficial for [phone] companies at the foundational level.”

He went on, “The state cannot exist if Charedim have autonomy. And specifically Gur [Chasiddus], which currently controls the Communications Vaad, which is also criticized internally by many from the Charedi sector.

“Regarding the question of whether I want to educate the Charedi public to abolish autonomy. I do not believe that there should be autonomy in the State of Israel, and furthermore, you can not hold the stick at both ends. You can not be part of the state government, and regarding issues concerning the Charedi sector you will decide otherwise. Since you are included in government regulations, you are the government, and cannot still have autonomy.”

Hendel did not explain why he would not first try to allow competition among different Vaad groups, and then if that does not work, he could break up the “Koma Hacsheira.”

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2 years ago

My comments never get posted so I doubt this one will but here it goes.

I have direct dealings with the vaad. It is ran like the mob. Let me correct myself they are a mob. If you want to work in the Charedi sector you need to pay them. Your phone numbers are not Kosher unless you cut them a check. No phones are allowed to be sold as Kosher and filtered unless they are purchased from them at a premium. This has been going on for years and needs to end. I understand the Frum community wants Kosher phones and I can respect that. If the va’ad was leshmoh they should have thought about it before they turned to mob like tactics. Good riddance.

2 years ago

The kosher phone vaad is awash in corruption. In the last couple of months, the “Vaad” cut off the phones of hundreds of subscribers because the “Vaad” didn’t agree with their politics. you know one of the askanim who is sitting on this vaad is a chusid of the real estate Gerer Rebbe. And they blocked phones of followers of Shaul Alter. They blocked phones to many Cheredi hot lines. Cherdi business for personal vendettas and petty politics.

Don’t be surprised but  “Cheredim” are behind the push to break this monstrous coercive monopoly

Jacob Tusher
Jacob Tusher
2 years ago

Ger mafia.

2 years ago

The new regulations will not eliminate kosher phones. All it will do is allow someone who doesn’t want a kosher phone to port his number to a non-kosher carrier. prevent kosher phones from being a monopoly and having a captive audience along with expensive rates and bad service.

This is called Bechirah. leaving it as is means to implement a “Cheredi North Korea”

the bottom line is you can inspire people to stay away from non Cheredi content, the Web, hot lines, but you should not be able to FORCE them.

2 years ago

This article is very misleading. A person can still have a kosher phone! It simply gives people the option of moving their number that they have been using for years to a non-kosher phone if they want.

The CHOICE to use kosher phones will still be available.

2 years ago

Why should a Va’ad be able to tell if someone has a Kosher phone? How is that a Charedi objective?
Yes, make Kosher phones available, but don’t give anyone else the ability to monitor me or my phone.
Like in Chu”l

2 years ago

There was a great article on the Tzarich Iyun blog about Kosher phones. It’s a “must” read for those of you in Chutz L’Aretz to help you understand what the story is all about.

And Mordy, I don’t think burning down someone else’s phone store is the “close freindshp and love” that existed in the Shtetel.

2 years ago

You can not be part of the state government, and regarding issues concerning the Charedi sector you will decide otherwise. Since you are included in government regulations, you are the government, and cannot still have autonomy.”

2 years ago

This won’t “eliminate kosher phones” and it’s already possible to get a kosher number on a smartphone (just ask in any cell phone store).

2 years ago

Seems the argument is backwards. The Shtetl was a place where people had very little choice about anything. This phone is exactly the opposite – it is another option that allows greater freedom of a completely voluntary choice among a plethora of other options.

2 years ago

Someone needs to tell this retard that Israel is and will always (ad bi’as moshiach) be a shtetl — the Shtetl of Chelm. I think back in der heim it was a few miles from Gur…

I was a Democrat until I saw the light
I was a Democrat until I saw the light
2 years ago

So if I don’t want a smart phone I can’t have it? I thought the market place controls this But in truth most yeshiva persons all gave I phones as well they just don’t use them when in yeshiva

2 years ago

And this guy is “religious “?

2 years ago

the yetzer hora shluft nisht! veasa hakodosh boruch hu veshochat lemalach hamoves …

2 years ago


pure and simple

2 years ago

It’s incredible how tolerance works in their view; the observant Jew must accept all sorts of social and moral degenerates and reform agendas; if not, we are racists, but the same low lives will refuse to accept and respect the way of life of an observant Jew, and tries to impose their beliefs on us regardless if it’s directly against our wishes. We are the suppressed minds of an old shtetel and are at their mercy to enlighten us and introduce us to the dor hamabel live style. This is hypocrisy at its best.

2 years ago

Can someone please educate this clueless communication minister about REAL communication?

The whole concept of Smart Phones with Social Media ostensibly is to allow people to socialize with the entire world, which actually often cuts connections with close neighbors and friends.
Kosher phones do the opposite – they keep the close knit friendships intact, to bring us back to the good old days in the Shtetl.

The Jewish people prefers close friendships and love, and will forever remain in the Shtetl. Mr communication minister – stop forcing us to cut our connections. You’re invited too, whenever you’re ready 😉

Noble Member
2 years ago

It is being reported elsewhere, that there are attempts to make peoples’ locations in many different countries accessible to authorities via their cellphones – they can track cellphone owners that way to impose quarantine for those they deem exposed to c19 positive cases, or otherwise create surveillance.

If this is the case, and it does seem to be, it’s a political hack to create draconian control over the public and to coerce additional mandates, fines and taxes. More money for pharma and testing supplies as the first phase. More control over small businesses and bullying policies – hopefully not.

Rats Rats DemocRATs
Rats Rats DemocRATs
2 years ago

It’s a culture war some people I speak to tell me they will vote AOC over Schumer come November elections as Israel is turning on chareidim.

2 years ago

Time for him to die tehsuvah or die