LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Thanks Agudah for Calling Out “Blackface” and Other Racist Purim Behavior


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I want to praise Agudas Yisrael and other askanim, for publishing a letter asking people to be extra sensitive in the way we dress and behave on Purim.

The letter warns against wearing racist or insensitive costumes that might be offensive to non-Jews, and behaving in a manner that might be viewed as stereotyping or insulting. The askanim point out that wearing “blackface” is demeaning and conjures up the torture and scorn that blacks would experience from white slaveowners. (Interestingly, broadcaster Megyn Kelly was fired from NBC news for saying that dressing up in blackface was acceptable on Halloween.)

In addition, the letter mentions the practice of stringing up Haman on a gallows, reminiscent of the horrific lynchings that used to take place in the south at the hands of the KKK. When blacks who are unaware of the story of the Megillah see these things, they can easily interpret it as insensitive, offensive, even cruel. (I personally must say that I’ve been offended in the past when I saw the effigy of Haman hanging on a rope.)

The askanim point out that if non-Jews would dress up in costumes designed to look like antisemitic tropes, we would undoubtedly accuse them of antisemitism. In fact, I would add that one city in Belgium holds a yearly antisemitic carnival featuring caricatures of Orthodox Jews wearing huge fur hats, long fake noses, ant costumes, and other “Jewish garb”. Many Jewish groups are outraged at the despicable display of antisemitism.

So on behalf of the Klal, let me say thank you to the Agudah and the other askanim for being sensitive to our neighbors, and encouraging us to create a Kiddush Hashem.

There are plenty of good, clean ways to enjoy Purim, without stooping to behavior that is racist, offensive, insensitive, or politically incorrect.

The views expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect those of VIN News.

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2 years ago

Thanks for the “thanks”
But, let’s be clear.

Hanging an effigy of Hamsn is not racist behavior, it’s culturally insensitive. There’s a difference, and conflating the two is wrong

Rabbi S. Bernstein (BMG)
Rabbi S. Bernstein (BMG)
2 years ago


You know there are Black Jews too. There are Acheniu Kol Beis Yisroel, many of whom are bigger baalei kishrin than us, who are hurt by your stupid Purim costumes. It isn’t woke to remember the requirement of veuhavta lirayacha kamocha. It isn’t communism just to be a mensch. So many of you fat balabatim forget what it means to be a yod. Wear a MAGA hat instead of a Yamaka? Sure. Have million dollar meat boards and pay half tuition? Pashut! Looking like a fat racist just to have a more modernishe costume? Ad mosai?!?!

Think before you make a stink,

R’ Bernstein

2 years ago

What’s wrong with hanging EVIL people ?, yes, evil people should be hanged

2 years ago

There’s nothing racist about any of these things but we live in gulos so use your sachel

Mark Greenberger
Mark Greenberger
2 years ago

But it’s ok to burn the Israeli flag because that will only offend other Jews

Rats Rats DemocRATs
Rats Rats DemocRATs
2 years ago

Notice who is telling us what to do. The ADL. They spent four years knocking Trump as being anti Semitic. Their interpretation of anti Semitism is only white supremacists. Too bad ADL. First west at least a yarmulka at your press conferences. Then you can tell us what to wear or hang.

2 years ago

typical “frum yidn.” They talk about daas torah and respecting rebbeim…right until those rebbeim say something they disagree with. Now Agudos Yisroel and UJO of Williamsburg are “woke,” and you don’t have to listen to them.

2 years ago

What does this LETTER TO THE EDITOR add that wasn’t already?

2 years ago

If a non jew dresses like a jew with curly payos on Halloween is it anti semitic?!?!…. if the answer is no, then there should be nothing wrong painting ones face black

Just Sayin’
Just Sayin’
2 years ago

We can all be proud of the “woke “ Agudah

Ok, This is where you geniuses start your knee-jerk bashing

Rats Rats DemocRATs
Rats Rats DemocRATs
2 years ago

The ADL are not only mechallei shabbos and big supporters of gay marriage but also are mosrim.
In 1971 they would share information against groups who protested on behalf of freedom for soviet Jews. They turned over information on various protest activities to the FBI.
There were even flyers against them that read ולמלשינם אל תהי תקום. May the informers have no hope.
The past director Abe Foxman who still pulls the strings there along with the current head Greenblaat. No yarmulkas,no tzitzahs and no shabbos. They advocate Gay marriage and have stated in their material how they are fighting to have gay marriage in every country. They also were in the forefront against Trump. They are a paper organization that rakes in fifty million dollars a year by tricking the public that they fight anti Semitism.
They are trying to keep themselves in the news and so they are happy to be listed with orthodox groups just as a reform temple or gay group or Jews for j missionaries would love to be listed with an orthodox Jewish organization.

Rats Rats DemocRATs
Rats Rats DemocRATs
2 years ago

It’s one thing for orthodox organizations advising Orthodox Jews on issues. But when the secular anti Torah ADL group is listed as an advisor we do the opposite. They have such an evil record against frum Jews but most people here have no clue. It’s not only their support of gay marriage in America but they are advocating it for the whole world. Their spokesman never even wear a yarmulka at their press conferences. They are leftist who have been condemning Trump every other day in the media the entire four Years president Trump was in the White House. Trump who freed Rubashkin and other heimisha yidden is painted black by the ADL. They antagonize the Blacks more than anyone else. But if a little jewish kid will paint his face for Purim they will howl bloody murder. There is much more terrible history on the ADL but I doubt they will let it be printed on this site.

John doe
John doe
2 years ago

I (like i presume most people regardless of skin color) never thought someone painting their face black was meant to offend anyone and never even heard the term “blackface” until the media started drilling into me that “wearing blackface” is racist and offensive. These are the same people who now say that being good at math is racist and offensive

Black people/colored person/person of color (or whichever one is currently not considered offensive by the “progressives”) have been at least in the USA, living, working, going to school, etc. With white people for decades so most normal white people know what’s offensive and what’s not to black people and vice versa.

As a general rule if the media or others have to tell you that something is “offensive” to others then it’s probably not offensive and if it then that’s probably because the same media told those people that they should be offended

Last edited 2 years ago by
Educated Archy
Educated Archy
2 years ago

Gosh this world became such snowflakes. So very sad

Educated Archy
Educated Archy
2 years ago


Educated Archy
Educated Archy
2 years ago

Gosh this

Educated Archy
Educated Archy
2 years ago

I am sure the mitzva to kill innocent women and children of amelak would be frowned upon today as well. All of a sudden hanging haman who tried to kill us all is similar to the kkk hanging innocent people whose only crime is their skin color. We need to shtel tzu to every crazy lib? How sad

2 years ago


Rats Rats DemocRATs
Rats Rats DemocRATs
2 years ago

Why then is it ok for men to dress a women or women as men in our mixed up secular liberal society.

On second thought
On second thought
2 years ago
Rats Rats DemocRATs
Rats Rats DemocRATs
2 years ago

The chutzpah of the bareheaded ADL spokesman telling religious Jews how to celebrate Purim according to his liberal nonsense. So if you paint your face white that’s ok or yellow or orange. Every one should teach these DemocRATic bums a lesson and paint their faces black for Purim. Just ordered one on Amazon.

2 years ago

Yeah guys. Don’t be racist and don’t wear black face. At least don’t dio it unless you have liberal it in which case it doesn’t matter. You can only be racist and be inacción if you are a Democrat. But of course not if you are a Jewish Democrat. You probably stop have to pay.

yudel cohen
yudel cohen
2 years ago

Parsumei nisa is more important than offending some stupid idiot. The outrage over blackface is contrived and artificial and if anyone actually gets offended by it it’s because they want to be. You have to force yourself to get all purple in the face (or black) and start seeing racism in the hanging of Haman who wanted to wipe out all Jews. If anything wearing blackface can be seen as a tribute to black people. In fact one might even say you’re elevating blackface into kedusha. Furthermore if aguda were around during the final days of yetsias metsrayim when Jews were told to take a lamb the very deity of the Egyptian culture and tie it to their beds and slaughter it we’d still be slaves to Egypt. The

2 years ago

Aguda chairman is a Gur chosid whose company sells womens sports bras.