LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Dozens of Monsey Girls Stuck Without HS for Next Year?


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Thank you for all your amazing news stories!.

I was wondering if your readers can shed light on the issue of Monsey eighth-grade girls who are not enrolled in High School for next year?

My understanding is that there are dozens of Monsey girls who have not been accepted into High School, and they are sadly stuck without a school.

Is this accurate? If so, is something being done to help these girls?

My impression is that in Lakewood, there is a coordinated effort by the community Rabbanim, and essentially, every girl is placed in a High School, before schools are allowed to begin.

However I am under the impression that Monsey (perhaps for logistical reasons) does not operate that way, and these girls and their families are essentially on their own.

How can we help?

Thank you so much.

–A concerned parent


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2 years ago

The problem is that the amount of houses being built and natural population growth does not keep up with infrastructure. Developers and others (askanim, rabbanim etc) never take this into account and thus there’s a huge traffic problem and not enough seats for students in many of there newer communities. There are zoning laws for a reason but Jewish communities see these boards as anti-semitic and vote them out. These problems will only get worse and spread to other communities unless we take a real look at how building more houses and natural growth impact schools and traffic.

Painful beyond words
Painful beyond words
2 years ago

Lakewood just says that, but in actuality school begins and many girls have no school. It is a terrible horrible galus that we too experienced. The pain is unacceptable and only HKBH can help as well as hold those responsible accountable.

2 years ago

There are also dozens of Bochurim in Boro Park and Monsey without Yeshivos.

2 years ago


Well, I don’t think that if VIN would think otherwise they’d post this letter… they obviously somewhat agree to the letter..

Sol Leb
Sol Leb
2 years ago

This is the reason that השם sent the government after us when it comes to our schools. Did anyone think about that?

2 years ago

Its not only Lakewood, Montreal and Toronto too. Girls have not been accepted. Its a big problem.

2 years ago

If a school does not accept your daughter their loss. YOUR child is special and does not need them.

Now, you should also open your eyes and look for schools outside Monsey. Yes, it’s a travel, but your daughter is worth it.

2 years ago

You are correct about Monsey not operating in the same way as Lakewood (or many other out of town communities) as far as communal issues are concerned. Looking at the way Monsey operates, a large percentage does things on their own and keeps to their own. Lakewood does things in a coordinated fashion and would be considered a “community”. Just my observation and experience.

Last edited 2 years ago by Aguttenshabbos
been there; done that
been there; done that
2 years ago

actually this year, with both Mrs Kokis and Rabbi Chill having moved out of Monsey, the two people who “took over” have no idea what they were doing, and kind of made a mess of it.

Yaakov Doe
Yaakov Doe
2 years ago

I find it interesting that there are no comments from Monsey parent’s of 8th grade girls. Is there a need for expansion of existing Monsey girls schools or establishment of new ones?

2 years ago

Monsey does not operate with the same control as Lakewood (that why people chose to live there). There are a lot of high schools and you just got to figure it out yourself with your elementary school. I have heard of a shortage of elementary schools in recent years not hs.

Educated Archy
Educated Archy
2 years ago

Can’t the askan/ visonary and now CEO of BMG Scheiner do anything for his community?

Educated Archy
Educated Archy
2 years ago

Is this a litfish and chasdish issue or just one ?

2 years ago

It’s a way for people to feel superior to others.

2 years ago

a painful issue but parents need to plan, what might be going on…
are you a newcomer to monsey , and moved without mosdos lined up?

  1. there are schools that would take you , but you want a specific school? you may be 100% right but the school doesnt owe u a slot –
  2. your child or you are not doing the best you can to apply yourself , run a frum functional home ( under your circumstances)
  3. do you belong to a kehilla or are closely attached to a rav… or has your family slipped away specificly on the easy parts of yiddishkeit . ( chitzonius)
  4. finally maybe you are doing your best , are attached to a rav , careful about your appearance doing everything right BUT your child is a “pekel”
  5. 95% of cases fall into these catagories in the end a malach will come and help you get in , be realistic , honest & listen to them
2 years ago

Have these girls not been accepted to high school because there is not enough room? Or because the schools are becoming more picky? Or because the girls/parents only want to send to specific school?

I don’t think comparing Monsey to Lakewood is comparable – Lakewood is the exception. (Although I dont know how effective it really is.) Flatbush, Boro Park, Far Rockaway, 5Towns don’t have a high school vaad clearing house. Maybe other smaller communities do. I believe Monsey is too large & diverse to have something like that implemented.

I doesn’t need to be the Rabbonim who make sure all girls are in a high school – it should be a parent driven initiative – with Rabbonim involved, but more important is to get all the high schools involved, backing it and agreeing to it. Perhaps there needs to be an effort from the elementary schools to make sure all their students have a place for next year. Then they can say “we guarantee all our students get into a high school”. There are many advocates for many causes in the Jewish community, you just need to find the one who will take on this cause.

Last edited 2 years ago by The_Truth
2 years ago

Move out of town! Many new and young communities exist where all Jews are welcome! Look south, but north of Miami for smaller communities.

2 years ago

Here’s the situation.
All Monsey girls have places for next year.

2 years ago

Contact the aguda