ISRAEL (VINnews) — About ten days after heavy violence and riots took place on the streets of Jerusalem, Bnei Brak and Ashdod, in which followers of “mainstream” Ger assaulted followers of Rav Shaul Alter, three Admori”m spoke out against the violence and chillul Shabbos.
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The Rebbes of Vizhnitz, Karlin-Stolin, and Pshevarsk sharply criticized the behavior of the rioters.
As reported on Charedi news website Kikar Shabbos, while addressing followers at a Rosh Chodesh Tisch, the Karliner Rebbe said: “Nowadays, people have beat and hit others in the streets, while desecrating Shabbos and desecrating Hashem. ”
The Rebbe continued: “I do not understand how it is appropriate to do such acts after difficult periods and times that Am Yisrael have been going through for 2000 years. We have so many troubles and things that we face, how could it be that our own people will do such deeds?”
“To be a G-d-fearing Jew means to accept the Torah and keep what is written in the Torah. What is allowed to be done according to the Torah is allowed, and what is forbidden to do – is forbidden, without excuses and heterim.”
“To beat a Jew is an act that must not be done, no matter what the situation. Every child knows and knows the story that happened to Moshe Rabbeinu who said, ‘Evil man, why should you strike your neighbor?’
“There is a lot of talk about our desire to be respected and the importance of Shmiras Shabbos, but suddenly because of foolish nonsense [people] desecrate Shabbos and hurt others, what kind of image do we show the outside world, while we have such behavior happening within [our community]?”
The Vizhnitzer Rebbe and Rebbe of Pshevarsk also publicly condemned the behavior, at gatherings with their followers.
Why hasn’t the Gerrer Rebbe spoken out?
I am happy that we have Gedolim who are fearless to condemn such violence and chillul shabbos. Their condemnation prevents future outbursts of bullying from occurring.
Side note, Ger is now completely eww in the eyes of any outsider
Finally! Some sensible words!!
Kol Hakavod! This is REAL Yiddiskait.
Time for the American Aguda who stands for peace and achdus to get up and condemn it as well. Or will they Kowtow to the chief? Don’t forget that one of the victims father spoke many times at the convention and he is american born. this means Aguda has an achryuis to be mocheh
In the meantime, Ger is running PR videos on this website all day.
Common sense isnt so Common these days. THE Rebbe doesn’t need my haskama but he’s right on. He was correct on covid too.
Do you not think the Ger rebbe should get up and condemn this fighting if you have a disagreement with hagon reb shual alter take him to bais dian no raising hands and fighting with another yid!!
About Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow why did it take so long for anyone to speak up. Should we’re burned ransacked and Hidden were beaten. Where is Klal Yourself leadership? Better late than ever for those 3 Rebbe’s.
השם ירחם עלינו
The Karlin-Stoliner is one of the few Rebbes with any backbone or credibility. He was the only Rebbe to come to the levayah of the three boys. The big boys are a bunch of rodfei kesef v’havod.
folks chap arin your comments before Vin pulls this prob due to gera bullies. Like they did to the last 3 articles.
Why isn’t aguda condemning this?
maybe get the moetzs to condemn this public Chillul Shabbos
All while all the Jewish blogs and news sites are promoting the aggressor as big talmedei chachamim.
Whats ger’s justfication? Where are the prior defenders on here? is it simply that R Shaul had the chutzaph to use a drone with loudspeakers to beseech the rebbe for some compassion, so that the family whose girls were nebach taken away can get them back, when the reba was in bnei brak? Oh I forgot they are dysfucntional. Ger is always out there for the good of dysfuctional famlies. I had nothing to do with the fact that its parents are loyal to the rosh yeshova vs the reba. Thats just a coincidence. the real story is that ger cares for the children. And they had the chutzpah to ask the rebbe for their daughters back? Is that the justfication?
Time for
It is obvious that Vin brings the news one sided or is practicing journalism at its worst.
The Vishnitzer Rebbe Shlita spoke out against violence to his chasidum in Betar where fighting erupted between his chasidim and he did not speak about Ger. So please all you Ger haters stop spewing hate and lies about the Gerer chasidim
remember there is two sides to every story and vin choose only one clearly!!
No such Pasuk,
Moshe did not call him a Rasha !