READ: Agudath Israel responds to Thursday’s NY Times Hit Piece


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Another week, another front-page attack on Orthodox Jews – this time targeting children with special needs and their families.

The New York Times confirms, for the 13th time in just three and half months, its obsession with spreading misinformation and demonizing Orthodox and Hasidic Jews.

At the same time, antisemitic attacks specifically targeting the visibly Jewish in New York City – the ones targeted by the New York Times – have risen exponentially.

Why is the New York Times using its enormous megaphone to spread hate and misinformation?

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1 year ago

I would have thought that an organisation of the finest rabbis in the United States would have delivered a thoughtful fact filled refutation of the article. This has always been the Jewish way to engage in meaningful intellectual debate. Sadly this response amounts to little more than “playing the race card” and saying “stop criticising me already I can’t handle it”. Until the Aguda actually engages with facts, the Times will not be deterred from this mode of reporting.

1 year ago

Can anybody put forward a defense with facts instead of just calling it a “hit piece “?

Baal Habos
Baal Habos
1 year ago

This is the best defense we can muster? That it’s a hit piece? You mean it’s all true?

If the shoe fits, wear it
If the shoe fits, wear it
1 year ago

Knowledgeable people know that some, if not most, of the allegations in the NYT report are true. Instead of sticking to the facts, and supporting cleaning things up, however, Agudah attacks the messenger, the NY Times.

It is sad. Agudah used to stand for something, what does it stand for now? Pandering to and defending Hasidim, whether they are right or wrong?

The bad apples that scam the system and endanger the community as a whole (which includes some great people), need to brought to justice, and purged, not defended by Agudah.

1 year ago

Nu?? So what’s this new “front page headline” you speak of. Anyone else not see it in this VIN story?

1 year ago

Why is the New York Times using its enormous megaphone to spread hate and misinformation?

Because they are virulently anti-Semitic. What is the question?

1 year ago

Aguda should sue the NYT for every part that’s false! Shick-Yingel will be laughed out of court.

1 year ago

We need to stop using billboards and having anyone with more than 15 Twitter followers post an OUTRAGE message. These are creating all the traffic and discussion about the article.

had they just written the article and had their 750k subscribers (who already despise our lifestyle) read it, the story would die in 12 hours like a regular news cycle. With all these well-meaning politicians and community activists making a whole situation about it, it gets the traction the NYT was looking for.

just shut up and dribble.

1 year ago

the aguda are nothing more than Democratic party apologists who support openly candidates who support toeiva, murdering children and anarchy but now when the shoe hits them with their progressive friends preferred paper the times attacking the frum, they are outraged just 2 weeks ago they attacked for no reason dear president Donald. J. Trump.

1 year ago

After we heard from the satmer rebbe what agudah’s avi Schick did to undermine what simcha eichensyien accomplished for the yeshivos curriculum, we need to shut them down.

hard at work yeshiva grad
hard at work yeshiva grad
1 year ago

NYt is systematically anti semitic.

1 year ago

For those asking why is this the response what about a defense? It would be counterproductive to respond and try to defend ourselves to those who aren’t looking for any other side of the story. In the end The New York Times will have the last word and it will be a hate filled screed anyway. Attempting to respond to them falls into the category of “Never wrestle with a pig. You just get dirty and the pig enjoys it.” When dealing with people like the NYT the only response you can give them is pointing out the hypocrisy in their being such one dimensional rabid haters and hate mongers.

1 year ago

Taste of your own medicine.
When the media, Jewish and non-Jewish, viciously attacked Lev Tahor, everyone was silent. While Lev Tahor were the victims of persecution and misinformation, the Jewish community refused to defend them, and to the contrary, promoted the persecution.

Now the Jewish community is suffering the wrath of the same media outlets.

Agudah could not stop Hitler, and neither can they stop the Anti-Semitism that is so prevalent and obvious. The Times is simply echoing the sentiments of the those who are to afraid to express their anti-semitism due to backlash.

Jews, wake up and smell the coffee. The trains are already rolling, and yes, in America no less.

I’m from Lev Tahor, and the opinions are my own.