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NEW YORK (Yaakov M) — Why do some people get caught up in silly things, while ignoring the issues that really matter?
Trump posted a picture of himself holding up a baseball bat over an image of DA Alvin Bragg. To some, this disqualifies Trump from running for president.
Meanwhile President Biden has tanked the economy, brought a surge in crime, opened our borders, and allowed Putin, China, and Iran to thrive.
But at least no mean tweets!
PLUS: According to a new poll, Trump is crushing his opponents. With that said, any GOP candidate would be way better than Joe Biden.
100 Babylon Bee headlines have come true! Iran murdered an American defense contractor in Syria, yet the media is ignoring it.
Yaakov M is the Charedi Sean Hannity.
He is a senior columnist for VIN and former Op-Ed columnist for Newsmax. He’s hosted a conservative podcast for 15 years, studied in Kollel 14 years, was a Bais Medrash Rebbi over a decade, and obtained smicha from a top Rosh Yeshiva. (Opinions are his own and do not necessarily reflect Daas Torah.)
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Typical childish behavior from Donald Trump.
I am tired of listening to this guy rant and rave to feed his ego. Maybe you can air a different point of view besides “Trump good, Biden bad”. Trump is off the wall meshuga, and Biden tries to be a Mentch.
They both have pluses and minuses.
Trump didn’t post the bat pic , someone on his staff did , but who cares ???????????? Bragg is using a Howitzer for crying out loud. Bragg is dropping murderers on our streets .. He’s a Soros thug.
You’re a total idiot. So obviously biased towards Trump that you articles has no worth. You are better off preaching to the mirror so at least you have one admirer in your audience.
I voted for Trump, but I wish he would stop acting like a little kid who needs to get even. His antics are growing old
People are willing to let this country, its values, sink as deep as it goes rather than having Trump be their president. It’s just hate.
Doesn’t VIN have better things to report on than being a shill for the crazed MAGA propaganda machine? There’s so much simcha in the heimishe world to report on, not just the Orange AmHaaretznik.
“Trump posted a picture of himself holding up a baseball bat over an
image of DA Alvin Bragg.”
Are you sure that he posted that picture? I thought he denied that he posted that joined image?
No one is threatened by Trump anymore. If Trump were smart he would have plead guilty to the minor misdemeanor, paid the thousand dollar fine and went on with his life. But, NY has SEVERE penalties for even implied threats against investigators. Automatic prison time. Trump could be stuck in prison just for his asinine rhetoric.
And, every bank goes through NY so they can seize prevent Trump from accessing, depositing or transferring money if he flouts New York State and he has no way around it.
I am willing to pay for the bat
Either you are just another one of those talk-radio, media types saying outrageous things just to get attention (even though you don’t really believe what you are saying; making you dishonest) OR you really feel this way; in which case you are mentally unstable and in need of mental health services. Either way; please leave the rest of us alone
There’s apparently an anti-Trump sick psychosis that doesn’t recognize the danger of a flimsy charge by a radical leftist pro criminal DA which if carried thru will portend great limits to citizens’ freedoms. I wouldn’t even support this against Obama whom I despise. The radical DevilRats are shutting you guys down and don’t care .. You are lemmings jumping over your own cliffs.