(Yaakov M / VINnews) — Robert F Kennedy Jr tweeted his support for antisemite Roger Waters, the former Pink Floyd singer, whose recent performance in Berlin was viciously pro-Nazi and demeaning to Holocaust victims
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Kennedy, who is running for Democrat presidential nominee against Joe Biden, later deleted his shocking tweet.
Last week, police in Berlin said they had opened an investigation of Waters on suspicion of incitement over a costume he wore when he performed earlier this month.
Images on social media showed Waters, who is pro-Palestinian, firing an imitation machine gun while dressed in a long black coat with a red armband, which could constitute a glorification, justification or approval of Nazi rule. In addition, Waters tragically defamed Holocaust victim Anne Frank.
“Roger,” Mr Kennedy tweeted. “You are the global hero Orwell had in mind when he said ‘In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act” The high priests of the totalitarian orthodoxies are trying to silence you with censorship, gaslighting and defamation. Please keep speaking truth to power!”
The disgraceful tweet was subsequently removed, however not before Waters thanked him and said he was “blown away”.
Waters defended himself on social media, claiming that his performance was “in opposition to injustice and bigotry”.
Last year, Mr Kennedy apologized for remarks made at a rally organized by his anti-vaccine non-profit.
“Even in Hitler’s Germany, you could cross the Alps to Switzerland. You could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did,” he told the crowd at the DC rally in January 2022.
He sent a tweet days later backtracking, writing: “I apologize for my reference to Anne Frank, especially to families that suffered the Holocaust horrors. My intention was to use examples of past barbarism to show the perils from new technologies of control. To the extent my remarks caused hurt, I am truly and deeply sorry.”
An investigation by The Associated Press found that Mr Kennedy had “invoked the specter of Nazis and the Holocaust when talking about public health measures meant to save lives during the pandemic, such as requiring masks or vaccine mandates” – including “a video that showed Fauci in a Hitler mustache” and a speech that “obliquely compared public health measures put in place by governments around the world to Nazi propaganda meant to scare people into abandoning critical thinking.”
Vaccine opponent.
All in one easy-to-read package.
Thank Hashem for making it clear for us.
Waters, is nothing but a DRUNKEN BOOR, at best, but Kennedy, has definitely dug himself a grave for someone running for POTUS, he DEFINITELY WON’T get my vote !!!
Kennedys are notorious antisemites
Why is anyone surprised. The guy is a democrat and a Kennedy
When his late dad was AG he did not place Nazi party on subversive list replying that he didn’t put the Jewish Defense League on subversive list either.
I identify way more with RFK jr. than Biden over the mandates which by now are pretty clear they were more about financial gain and authoritarian control than medical science. Those who don’t, have their head still burried in the sand and learned nothing from Nuremberg.
That being said, there may be traces of Antisemitism running in the Kennedy bloodline. At the very least he showed poor judgment in this case.
Being pro Palestinian and anti genocide is considered supporting nazis? While the west sends arms and government money to literal Nazis in Ukraine. This is the the most idiotic piece or propaganda I’ve read in a very long time. Thanks for the awful opinion piece, littered with lies. I needed a good laugh today.
There is a zero percent chance of me supporting RFK for anything but this is one of the times that it’s enough of a gray area not to pick a fight with him over it.
His praise for Roger Waters was in the context of Roger Waters claiming to be a good guy who opposes wrong doing, whose family fought the Nazis and often spoke about Anna Frank etc. RFK’s tweet was a further continuation of that context of “you are the good guy fighting the bad guys”
We all agree with their definition of good guys and bad guys in this particular situation . As such this is not the time to make a ruckus over what he tweeted. Could be had antisemitic intent with his tweet . It also could be that he didn’t and out attacking him for doing so is going to be a self fulfilling prophesy
Well RFK is right this was taken out of context if nobody else is realizing what is going on with the world economic reform and the world health organization the one world order the clamping down on religious freedom the clamping down on individual rights, weaponizing the whole federal government against anyone with opposing views and silencing them, it does sound more and more like Nazi Germany, and if you say it doesn’t well not yet maybe, but if you know anything about history that’s how it all started.
He’s also a fanatical global warming nut.
Democ RAT
forgot about rav Ahron Kotler
was it really rfk? it might have been unemployed yaffed trolls stealing his identity to praise their hero. after all, they like doing that as we all witnessed yesterday when they stole mine.
Yaffad trolls probably.
Turns out that hard at work yeshiva grad is Naftali Moster. He’s been trolling himself this whole time. Mamash gevaldig
ADL honors this guy