NEW YORK (JNS) — Elliot Resnick received an e-mail on Monday from the Jewish dating site SawYouAtSinai stating, “Dear Elliot. We are unable to service you. We have refunded your membership in full. Our best wishes.”
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When Resnick, who is single, tried to log into his account on the site, he received a notification that it was disabled, the former top Jewish Press editor and current VINnews Podcaster said on his podcast this week.
He contacted SawYouAtSinai — a reference to the tradition that all Jews were present at the revelation at Mount Sinai — four times over the next few days and received no answer, Resnick claimed.
“I don’t usually discuss my private life, because I am not a modern person, and I don’t believe in living out my private life in the public eye,” Resnick said. “I am going to make an exception today.”
“Now why was I banned?” he said. “There really is only one possible explanation.”
Resnick had decided a few weeks ago to add to his profile that he was in the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 “and that I’m facing possible jail time as a result,” he said on the podcast.
“This way, that will greatly narrow the pool of girls that are suggested to me. Just like if you say you live in Chevron, there are many girls who wouldn’t want to go out with you,” he added. “Or if you say, ‘I want to learn for the rest of my life and never have a job,’ that will limit the number of girls who will go out with you.”
Resnick said he always lets potential dates know that he is facing jail time before they go out, and that he has been on the dating site for 15 years “on and off,” and hadn’t changed anything else about his profile.
“I refuse to let a frum organization join cancel culture,” he said. “Cancel culture is pernicious. It is disgusting. Everyone knows it. Especially people in the frum community.”
“Look. I was let go from The Jewish Press over January 6. I was disappointed, of course, but at least you could say for The Jewish Press they had certain business interests,” he added. “I was the face of the company. I was the editor-in-chief of The Jewish Press. They were worried about suffering financial loss if I’m the face of the company.”
“What’s SawYouAtSinai’s excuse?” he asked. He added that the site allows users from non-Orthodox Jewish denominations, groups that he said amount to “heresy.”
On March 16, the Justice Department announced Resnick’s arrest on charges that included interfering with law enforcement, assaulting or impeding officers and entering and remaining in a restricted site.
Maybe this will narrow the pool for him, and speed his way to the chupah.
He’s 40 and single therefore contributing to the shidduch crisis. They shouldn’t have thrown him out as he made his views and charges he faces for January 6th known to any woman who viewed his profile on the site. The information probably limits women who would date him, but there’s a lid for every pot.
I disagree with a lot of what he writes, but this is disgusting.
Cool dude, well spoken, has strong values, and he’s honest. He’s a Perfect Shidduch. Cancel culture really is a cancer.
Sometimes when things are publicized they become politicized. Our tradition stresses tznius to try to avoid that.
My best wishes to Mr. Resnick, who I think highly of. Even if he made some mistakes, an error due to great idealism should be looked at with more understanding than a misdeed based on genuine evil.
I would love to go out with you.How can I contact you?
Elliott is the nicest person out there one could meet, Davens at my Shul, and to boot someone who quite literally was עוסק במלחמת מצווה is nothing short of disgusting.
To compound the unspeakable עבירה both for Saw You at Sinai & for the Jewish Press, they are as guilty as hell for vexing a יתום for which it shall be almost quite impossible for them to repent.
Bernhard Rosenberg
so many wonderful singles are caught in the trap I wrote about. They are ones that should be insulted. AND DO NOT FORGET KEST GELT. Young men sit and learn all day while their wives work to support the family. If these were the brightest students that might be acceptable, but most of the time it is not. In my lifetime I have been responsible for the marriage of numerous individuals. I am not in the business of being a shadchan, I merely care. Love is precious and should be pursued. ONE should not judge based on yechis, or plastic covers on the table on Shabbos. So many outstanding young religious women are frustrated because they seek men who care, make a living, are intellectual bright, and treat women with respect. I agree there is also a middot crises, there are plenty of divorces in the frum community. wake up people and smell the roses. RABBI.
The fact that the libtards at the Jewish DePressed fired him isn’t news. As far as Saw You At Silence , BeH he’ll find someone DESPITE them.
Kings, queens, pawns and knights in Youtube
A victim of bidens kgb Nebach
Fascists who hate America deserve to be fired and should be jailed. 1000+ have been found guilty already. Trump and his clicque are next.