A Letter to Hamas


    Dear Hamas,

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    I know you’re most likely not going to read this letter, a) because you don’t speak English, b) because you are most likely busy planning your next rocket attack on Israel, and c) because you have no ounce of interest in hearing the truth.

    I am writing to let you know that what you did recently to our people was utterly horrific and something that cannot be forgiven. You are a group of ruthless terrorists and you’ve proven to the world that you are the epitome of evil. Evil is not your first, middle, or last name; evil is your essence!

    You may have broken our hearts, but like the great Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk zt”l once said, “There is nothing so whole as a broken heart.” 

    Hamas, thanks to you and what you’ve done, not only have you not destroyed us; you’ve made us more whole.

    I know you’re not going to believe this, but I think it’s important to let you in on a secret – our secret. You see, the Jewish Nation is unlike any other. We grow stronger from adversity, not weaker. The more hatred we feel from the outside, the more love we find and create on the inside.

    Hamas, I don’t know what it is with you and rockets, but you sure love them. But don’t you realize that the rockets either keep getting intercepted by the Iron Dome, drop in open fields, or hit your own hospitals (and then you blame Israel!) and other PA civilian location? Aren’t you supposed to learn from your mistakes and not repeat them? You literally remind me of the Ancient Egyptians who perpetually hit that frog over and over again, only to cause the problem to continue rather than to stop. 

    Ironically, the greatest explosion that you have caused was actually the explosion of positive and holy Jewish initiatives that have been created since the start of the war. More Jews have kept Shabbos, learned Torah, put on Tzitzis, donned Tfillin, prayed Tehillim, and yearned for Moshiach, than perhaps ever before seen in our generation!

    Haven’t you learned a thing or two from history? Don’t you realize that nations have already tried wiping the Jewish people off the face of the Earth, without any success? Where are the Egyptians today? What about the Romans? Greeks, anyone? And how about the Nazis? 

    I want to share with you something interesting I read recently when I was reciting Tehilim this week. In Chapter 11, Verse 5, King David writes: ה צדיק יבחן ורשע ואהב חמס שנאה נפשו. Not sure if you ever heard of Artscroll, but it’s a great Jewish resource, and I’ll share with you the translation of this verse: “Hashem examines the righteous one, but the wicked and the lover of violence He despises.”

    The Hebrew words in this verse seem to have a spooky allusion to you, Hamas. Read the Hebrew words again: ואהב חמס – those who love HAMAS! You are wicked and evil, and Hashem despises you. 

    Since the start of the war, the IDF has been pounding you with targeted missiles and airstrikes, eliminating hundreds of terrorists and multiple leaders. The very next verse in that Chapter of Tehillim, seems to eerily allude to these fiery strikes on your people: In Chapter 11, Verse 6, King David writes: ימטר על רשעים פחים אש וגפרית ורוח זלעפות מנת כוסם, which means: “He will rain down upon the wicked coals; fire and brimstone and a burning blast is their allotted portion.”

    I’m just saying, it’s kind of interesting. Could it be that King David was alluding to your eventual demise? Perhaps. Only time will tell.

    It’s also interesting that this week, our Torah portion talks about the Flood of Noah, which destroyed the degenerative people of the world who were involved in חמס, which literally means robbery, but perhaps figuratively means you, Hamas! If you don’t believe me, check out Genesis Chapter 6, Verse 11 and 13. That’s right, חמס – or Hamas – was destroyed, and the righteous Noah and his family were saved. 

    Going back to that Chapter 11 in Tehillim, King David writes in the final verse (7): כי צדיק ה צדקות אהב ישר יחזו פנימו – “Because Hashem is righteous; HE LOVES RIGHTEOUS DEEDS; THE UPRIGHT SHALL BEHOLD HIS FACE.”

    Hamas, I’m just letting you know, this is the story of the Jewish people. We don’t just find a way to survive, but even more, we show each other and the world at large how to thrive. We continue to serve Hashem with joy, passion, and righteous deeds, knowing with confidence that Hashem loves us, and that in the long run, those connected to the truth will come out victorious.

    I am praying for the strength of our people and for your name to be blotted out from history. Amen!

    I wish you no Hatzlacha in all your endeavors.

    With absolutely no love and zero respect, 

    Ori Strum

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