WATCH: Candace Owens Shows ‘Profound Ignorance’ About Neturei Karta and Antisemitism


(VINnews) — Candace Owens, a black conservative with a history of sympathizing with antisemites, has done it again. Owens made multiple offensive comments and implied age-old antisemitic tropes.

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At best, she displayed her sheer ignorance about basic Judaism, and at worst, she expressed heavily anti-Jewish sentiments, falsely claiming that Neturei Karta represent mainstream Charedim, Israel forces Muslims to live in ghettos, and Jews themselves are responsible for antisemitism. (VIDEOS BELOW)

Owens, who works for Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire, interviewed Jewish comedian and musician Ami Kozak. The topic, according to Owens’ own podcast description, was ‘the Israel / Palestine conflict and whether or not antisemitism is being weaponized in order to silence critics and bully people into compliance’.

As one Twitter user, who posted the videos, described: ‘Owens shows profound ignorance when speaking on the Neturei Karta. Comparing Jews against Israel to herself as a black woman on the right. She then asks Kozak if Jewish people are to blame when it comes to the uptick in antisemitism.’

Owens invoked Neturei Karta as an example that ‘Charedim’ are opposed to Israel as a Jewish state, and that the right to Israel is political but not Biblical.

Kozak replied by comparing NK to token white leftists at a BLM rally, who are used as pawns to claim that BLM represents the belief of mainstream whites.

The reality is that the Neturei Karta movement is evil, as it supports and empowers the Ayatollah and other antisemite terrorists. They happen to dress and behave in a way that resembles Charedim, however they are not accepted by any mainstream group of religious Jews, and it is questionable whether they keep the Torah at all.

Owens also accused Israel of being racist and implied that Muslims are forced to live in the “Muslim Quarter.” Kozak corrected her egregious ‘mistake’, pointing out that Muslims are not stuck in any one area and are allowed to live throughout the country, and the Muslim quarter is a neighborhood which is predominantly Muslim, similar to black neighborhoods (and presumably Chinatown).

Owens then asked whether Jews ‘in their emotional state’ are perhaps responsible for bringing antisemitism upon themselves.

In the past Owens has defended Kanye West, after he made extremely vicious antisemitic comments.

See the shocking and disturbing videos below:

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Conservative Carl
Conservative Carl
1 year ago

At the end of the day, all she is is a black woman who makes money by performing right wing politics. Maybe she had a brain at one point, but if she does, she’s probably renting it out or something.

1 year ago

Candace Owens is the face of the proudly ignorant conservative. She’s stupid and apathetic, and flaunts those qualities with an angry tone so ThAt MaKeS hEr RiGhT.

The Neturei Karta are the malshinim of our generation, selling out their fellow Jews to the antisemites in the hope that they get thrown a bone.

About each of them I daven daily:
ולמלשינים אל תהי תקוה, וכל הרשעה כרגע תאבד

1 year ago

My problem with the Neturai karta isn’t their “sheeta” They can have an opinion just as much as the proud Zioni can say Hallel on Yom Hatzomat My problem is their marching with Hamas sympathizers gives legitimacy to the murder of Jews.

1 year ago

Every single one of her opinions is a Nazi opinion.
I can’t find one opinion that she has that a Nazi would disagree with her.
Stay away from this evil lady.

1 year ago

She’s an anomaly of the conservative movement. Her hatred of Jews overrides her brain.

1 year ago

She has zero knowledge of Jews or Judaism. While she has a business relationship with Ben Shapiro, Shapiro is probably the only Frum Jew she knows. Thus, in her mind anyone that isn’t modox is nk. That mean the entire yeshivish and chasidic community are all nk. Maybe instead of complaining about her lack of knowledge, reach out to Shapiro and see if he can introduce a knowledgeable non modox to discuss with candace the difference between the minority crazies and the rest of the non modox. Remember we make up a much larger portion of Jews than the Modox, so if she sees us as nk, she thinks majority are in sync with nk which supports iran and the terrorists.

1 year ago

Her questions aren’t antisemitic, her questions represent her constituency. Outsiders are not so knowledge or emotionally close to our intricacies or to our history. It’s our job to educate them, and Mr.Kozak does it expertly. If we’ll shut them up, the questions will stay and possibly result in real antisemitism. Imho.

1 year ago

If Ben Shapiro cant set her straight, I don’t know if anyone can

1 year ago

SHE WORKS FOR BEN SHAPIRO ?????????/ as what???????

1 year ago

ignorance masquerading as opinion. we need to explain ourselves better, especially in the face of the prevalent antisemitic narrative in the black community.

“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.”

1 year ago

She’s an anti-Semite and I believe Ben Shapiro’s company, the Daily Wire, would like to fire her but they are afraid to do so because of the backlash. She has tremendous power as an influencer. She’s pretty scary because on one hand she does say very rational things bug on the other hand she’s an anti-Semite and hypocrite.

1 year ago

What an empty shatel head. Shapiro should just dump her already

1 year ago

I think this article is misleading all she did was ask questions. I watched the whole interview and didn’t think she was the slightest bit anti semitic.

Needs to be said
Needs to be said
1 year ago

You have very misguided anger. You should not necessarily be upset at her, rather you should be upset at the people for whom she is bringing his proofs.

The NK are the people you should be upset at, if you’re going to be upset at anybody.

You should be upset at the people who don’t feel a connection at all with EY. Those are probably people who are Jew ish, and not really Jewish, probably reformed worse.

Harry Berkson
Harry Berkson
1 year ago

What is her boss, Ben Shapiro, doing to “school” this woman or else put her out?

a s
a s
1 year ago

What she quoted from neturei karta is actually the belief of mainstream chareidim as all of the gedolim of the previous dor clearly said.Where we argue with Nk is that we dont support the destruction of Israel (and meeting with people that want to kill us and even hugging them) beacuse at this point were that to happen it would result in many many yiddens deaths Unfortunately people dont undestand hashkafas hatorah on this

Liam K. Nuj
Liam K. Nuj
1 year ago

How sadly ironic.
Ms. Owens asked what seems to be a legitimate question: Is it possible that (some) Jews hurt their own cause by calling every person an antisemite for saying something (or twisting what they say) that differs ever so slightly from the Jews’ perspective?
So how does this article respond?
By jumping on Ms. Owens, basically calling her or what she said as antisemitic.
Basically confirmed her point.

1 year ago

“Owens invoked Neturei Karta as an example that ‘Charedim’ are opposed to Israel as a Jewish state, and that the right to Israel is political but not Biblical.” This happens to be true, of course. Jews are not allowed to have a State until Mashiach comes. The Zionist State is Zionist, not Jewish.

1 year ago

She’s right. Most chareidim either are NK sympathetic or just simply apathetic about the subject which effectively is a win for NK.

1 year ago

I’m very concerned about these racist anti black comments left here. I’m very concerned about backlash against the African American community.