(VINnews) — In an interview with CNN, Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman, the leftist Democrat who has become one of Israel’s most staunch supporters in Congress, strongly defended Israel against absurd claims that it committed war crimes in its response to the Hamas terror attacks on October 7th.
Who would have ever thought that this guy would defend jews or Israel for that matter, but here we are once again Hashem shows us that he’s completely in charge of the world.
1 year ago
You should not criticize his medical condition or credit it with the good things that he has done, even as a joke. We need all the friends we can get right now and he has proven to be a friend.
Ephraim E
1 year ago
Let’s be open minded and consider more democrats instead of just hosting fake conservative.
1 year ago
Senator Fettrrman has never been a “leftist”. He was a very successful political leader in PA for a decade and was always a centrist Dem. Try using critical thinking and not just cliches and you’ll figure stuff out. He’s pro-Israel because he understands the threat to Israel and to Jews here.
1 year ago
everyone should call his office and thank him, i did. (202) 224-4254 (215) 241-1090
1 year ago
People were a bit disappointed when he was elected as it meant a Democrat victory. Hashem knew better.
He’s still quite meshuga. After he came out so vociferously pro-Israel, he voted against the bill giving Israel aid independent of Ukraine, in line with the rosha Schumer.
Yasher koach!
Good man.
Who would have ever thought that this guy would defend jews or Israel for that matter, but here we are once again Hashem shows us that he’s completely in charge of the world.
You should not criticize his medical condition or credit it with the good things that he has done, even as a joke. We need all the friends we can get right now and he has proven to be a friend.
Let’s be open minded and consider more democrats instead of just hosting fake conservative.
Senator Fettrrman has never been a “leftist”. He was a very successful political leader in PA for a decade and was always a centrist Dem. Try using critical thinking and not just cliches and you’ll figure stuff out. He’s pro-Israel because he understands the threat to Israel and to Jews here.
everyone should call his office and thank him, i did. (202) 224-4254 (215) 241-1090
People were a bit disappointed when he was elected as it meant a Democrat victory. Hashem knew better.
Antisemitism is once again being expressed publicly and violently
He’s still quite meshuga. After he came out so vociferously pro-Israel, he voted against the bill giving Israel aid independent of Ukraine, in line with the rosha Schumer.
Why is he so pro Israel?